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Everything posted by ehg

  1. Thanks for report, looks like some good dinner after all that weirdness.
  2. Wow! That looks to be an amazing day of musky catching there. Nice photos, videos and commentary. Great chronicle of such an excellent fishing day. Thanks for posting, ehg
  3. Thanks for the words of wisdom and decent pix. Personally i stopped musky fishing alone. Its easier to catch, land and take picture of musky with a little help. Congrats on the fish, ehg
  4. Great pictures! The tornadoish one and Bald Eagle one are rare sights, cool that you got photos. Thanks for posting, ehg
  5. Great report and pictures of the fabled bass of Limerick Lake Your daughter caught some good ones fer sure! Thanks for posting, ehg
  6. Hey Sinker, i find a i get alot more fish with stingers and alot more nipped off tails without them. I tie my own stingers on with a heavy braid ( about an inch long) and really tighten the knot and push the knot w/ stinger up near the jig barb, so it doesn't interfere with tail of grub or whatever plastic.I always put half- worm between jig hook and stinger as well. It helps with the catching. ehg
  7. Thanks for report, don't worry about keeping the salmon, most people keep them. I think they are 'put and take' anyways. ehg
  8. Thanks for replies, wasn't really the best fishing that day. No musky or BIG bass despite anticipation. Had good weather and caught a good meal anyways. Usually i use 1/4 or 3/8 ounce jigs but was to lazy to tie on a stinger hook. That 5/8 ounce jig was already tied. With that size at least i always contacted bottom of lake and still caught fish. I'll have to pre- tie some stinger hooks, on smaller jigs next time.
  9. Hi folks, Went with Mikeh from this board to try a bit of fishing on Saturday at Pigeon Lake. The morning started off early with rain and thunder forcing us to wait a bit till it settled down, once it calmed we ended up rain free the rest of day. Mike ended up with his first bass of the season even though it was puny. Caught some more largemouth and smallmouth on topwaters but nothing substantial, so didn't take many photos. They were about this size. I did hook into a larger fish but it wrapped around weeds and lilypads and came off. Tried musky casting and trolling but nada. Finally took the easy route of jigging for walleyes. Ended up getting some little ones and one larger one i kept for dinner. This one turned out to be good eating. Bluegills and rock bass were hitting the walleye jigs as well. It was supposed to rain but we caught a good break and got to enjoy a relatively quiet day on the water. cheers, ehg
  10. Great write up and excellent pictures! Looks like Mike had the right bait in the right spots when the fish were on. Once i kept a largie from there and was surprised at how good it tasted. Nice report, ehg
  11. That's the largest crappie i've seen so far in a report over last 5 yrs. or so...congrats! Scugog apparently has some close to that size. Thanks for sharing and WTG. ehg
  12. Thanks for your report on Lakair looks like a good time and good fishing for all. BTW, that's a real nice musky! You even take a modest approach to that... Great fish again, ehg
  13. Looks like you had a good time and caught some decent fish! The picture of you coming into camp, on your boat, as the sunset (in Kickingfrog's thread) captures a great moment up there. Cheers, ehg
  14. I think that 'green worm' in the picture you posted would be considered a caterpillar. After its metamorphsis it turns into a moth. Here is a picture of green dyed nightcrawlers that are actually used for fishing. cheers, ehg
  15. Great report, writing and pictures as usual. Thanks for the descriptions and details, makes for an enjoyable read. BTW, Mike always gets a musky the few times i've been out with him, i think he is trying to make you feel good.(hehehe) cheers, ehg
  16. Your child already seems fascinated by the fish. You're a lucky man! cheers,ehg
  17. Sounds like the one lure to have if trapped on a northern deserted island with fishing rod. This white grub thing works pretty good, but i did put a stinger hook and half worm on to help things along. You could see on depthfinder as depth rose and weeds became more dense we got more bites. The musky and bass bit it as well. Thanks for replies, ehg
  18. Great pictures! From the squeaky clean car and canoe to the awesome sunset, real nice stuff. Looks like a good time was had by all in a brilliant setting. Thanks for posting, ehg
  19. Sinker the one i found was in brook trout from a L. Ontario eastern trib headwater. The most colourful little things i've seen. Hope you catch one. ehg
  20. Caught a 12 inch brookie that spat a Rainbow Darter up a couple years ago. Apparently an indication of good water quality. Good news, as this fish was caught very close to Toronto.
  21. Bassfighter, as i stated initially we did hit some big musky and big OOS bass but didn't land them. It was quite windy so we worked a series of humps by positioning the boat so we drifted by the humps at the productive depths. Those white grubs caught a bunch of different species and different sizes yesterday. Find that the minnow imitating Fin-S fish or Sassy shad work better in fall. Thanks for replies, ehg
  22. Yes the thread was pulled and the musky was caught out of season in the LOWER niagara, so the guide replied a little later.
  23. Thanks for your summary of the U.S. health care system DonC. Your post was a quick education from a health professional in the U.S which answered a lot of questions i had. Thanks for post doesn't sound so bad down there. ehg
  24. Hi folks, Inspired by a post last week i'd thought i would try white grub jigging for walleye at Pigeon this weekend. My buddy Dave swears by these things and they do work. We found a nice pile of weed covered humps and jigged around them in 10 - 20 ft. of water. I hooked a huge musky that eventually snapped my 6lb mono, and Dave caught a huge OOS bass that jumped and shook the hook. Had pretty consistent action in the area for little walleyes, nothing big. All these litle dudes were released. Looks good for future judging by small size and good numbers. The Worlds Greatest Sportfish Some rockbass and bluegills loooked anemic like this. At least this pumpkinseed still looked colourful. It was nice to be out fishing despite the lack of spectacular fish. Cheers, ehg
  25. Thanks for the report, always wondered what was there in that area in the summer. The odd time i'd catch a 15-20 lb chinook in mid-winter there and get the best fight of my life, luckily i'd be in a boat and be able to chase it down otherwise it would spool the reel. Would be cool to see the lil' chinny pic eventually. ehg
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