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Everything posted by Spiel

  1. Tough to beat the drag on a Japanese model Stella.
  2. I used to do well for walleye and bass there back in the day, never an issue with boat traffic. However I've not been there in at least a decade, I do keep thinking about all the big bass I used to catch.
  3. So this is why you're not answering your phone.....
  4. Oh and I nominate with full honours Headhunter for starting and wearing and of course still winning the ugliest fishing shirt ever!
  5. Hahaha, too funny.
  6. Yes, my guess was it was done accidentally.
  7. What I meant by "weird" was that it was pinned, I unpinned it. It is also now gone. It had more than lapsed the 60 day window for ads.
  8. A shame we don't have a fleet of the Martin Mars' in the air.
  9. Living the the good life bud.
  10. I have had the pleasure of Joe making this for me, bloody awesome! It was also my first time eating asparagus, I now love it.
  11. LOL.....I'm not surprised to see Jim Greenaway's name atop that article. Good friend of mine and an all things fishing local history buff.
  12. I took my daughters and three buddies to see the Red Hot Chili Peppers last week, amazing show!
  13. I didn't see anyone sitting. And neither you, me or the band is still the same age as in the 90's.
  14. I had the pleasure of seeing this very show in Hamilton a week ago today from front row center seats in the lower bowl. Amazing! Had a few OFC'ers with me as well. And this as seen 3 days earlier in Boston (not me personally).....
  15. But it was shipped to me, not from me. $55.00 to ship a 58" tube this past Monday from Hamilton To Brooklyn, NY.
  16. Yes, PVC and bubble wrap around the rods at either end (taped in place) to keep it centered in the tube. Funny enough I did get a shipment of blanks once (PVC) with forklift tire marks across it, every blank inside destroyed including an irreplaceable blank from Batson as it was the last one they had of an older model. Ya, I was pissed.
  17. LOL.....It's not an easy task Joe, but you're obviously doing well. Never give up my friend.
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