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Everything posted by Spiel

  1. Sorry JD, I misunderstood you're original question. Most notably the stripes or lack of as Woodsman noted above.
  2. To note JD, White Perch and Silver Bass are not the same fish. Can I tell the difference, well I have eaten both but not to the extent I have of Yellow Perch, which I've cleaned and eaten countless meals of over the last four decades, which is to say I know when I have a plate of fish that isn't Yellow Perch.
  3. They weren't passing off anything Bud, they said fresh Lake Erie Perch and I've no doubt they were, but not Yellow Perch which of course is what everyone would believe they are getting. Hence not a lie, but not honest either.
  4. I can only comment on Callaghan's JD. The view, awesome, the beer was cold and the plate of over priced perch.....lousy, I sent it back. It was greasy, mushy and most importantly it was not Yellow Perch it was White Perch. Mind you the menu only listed it as fresh Lake Erie Perch. The waitress couldn't or wouldn't confirm that is was white or yellow perch but I knew it was. Not that is was completely unpalatable, but $16.99 for a greasy plate of White Perch, no thanks.
  5. This ^ As I mentioned on CP Talk, lose the Recoils, you won't regret it.
  6. That's super cool Bernie. Love the twins, must scoot pretty good.
  7. Never been a truck guy, never quite understood it. My rides over the last 35 years have allowed me to tow and live in them too.
  8. Nope, my daughter had a chip on her plate. .... Yep, peas and carrots, love 'em.
  9. Warning, do not try this alone, seek adult supervision! Excess consumption due to it's awesomeness may lead to severe health issues. *burp* FYI....extreme melt in your mouth tenderness.
  10. I have no idea Brian. Mine is from the 80's. And yes the candy is delish.
  11. Sounds terrific. Try a sneak a picture or two.
  12. Yes Sir. Not a drop of moisture released while prepping.
  13. It's what's for dinner time..... 5 lbs of beef short ribs are in Mesquite smoke now. Will finish on low in my slow cooker drowned in my yummy homemade sweet and sour sauce.
  14. Well I spent last week in the north fishing. Fishing was good and me and my friends enjoyed a few meals of beer battered Walleye. We also enjoyed a couple of meals of cedar planked fish, a first for me. The fish being fresh Lake Trout and they were awesome. I did it again my first day home for my daughters who also loved it. The rest of the fresh trout I brought home were brined, then brushed with Maple Syrup before a nice smoky bath in maple and hickory smoke....yum!
  15. Sadly that's not my pig JD, it was me quoting Freshtrax's post.
  16. Mmmmm, love a good hot dog every once in a while.
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