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Everything posted by Spiel

  1. ....I've been in the market for some electric riggers for the new boat. I've been leaning towards the Big Jon Captains Pak (electric) and have been slow to purchase due to financial constraints. Well a long time friend of mine who happen to come across a pair of used ones (minimal use, one season) and has been sitting on them for some time finally relented and sold them to me. This gentleman has bought in the neighbourhood of some 50 custom rods off me over the last three decades, often at great bargain prices and agreed to let me have these riggers at cost to him. These two riggers are complete with dual rod holders, 4 foot booms, swivel bases, mounting plates and assorted stainless hardware. I think I got a deal at $600.00, what do you think?
  2. ....Nice, thanks Joey. To think I spent the weekend indoors staying warm, what a fool am I.
  3. ....The only dumb thing here is leaving a rod in the water unattended, you should of let the fish drag it in. You may also have been in trouble with the MNR if they'd been around for fishing with two lines. I know, I know you only tried to help your friend, MNR would have seen it differently.
  4. ....Ahhhhh, now the family is complete. Welcome to parenthood you two.
  5. .....Nice, very nice. But all these succesful steel reports are killing me guys. I'm definitely getting jealous.
  6. .....Gee thanks Brian, I think. This was the first year in many that I missed spending time in your neck of the woods and those pictures don't make it easier for me. None the less those are some beauts.
  7. ....Thanks for the report Sam. I'm certantly looking forward to the upcoming posts.
  8. ....Well now I don't feel bad about having to cancel for tomorrow. Thanks for the update.
  9. ....Seems the BOQ is the place to be. Well done.
  10. .....Congrats, very nice walleye.
  11. ....Kill Chain....lol. Gotta admit I love the taste of fresh fish. , mmmmm good.
  12. ....Moisture? They certantly don't need moisture and fly line is nothing like dacron backing. Robert I've used my fly line in some pretty harsh conditions (winter) and don't believe cold will bother the line what so ever. What you will find though is the line becomes quite coily after sitting on the reel over time. This is no biggy just un spool it in the new season and give it a gentle stretch. The rest of your gear should not be affected by the cold either (fishing isn't just a hot weather sport), but be sure to put it in a safe place where it won't get knocked around and do not to store in a manner that can warp the rod and never store it in the same room as your furnace.
  13. ....Yeah, I've always liked that first one too. But really, who is that skinny fella in the second picture.
  14. ....Welcome Kim. I was experiencing troubles earlier but have had no issues the last hour or so. Oh and nice skins, very nice.
  15. ...."Back Button" is not functioning properly or me either. Often requires several or more clicks? On the upside I was fianally able to "log in".
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