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Everything posted by Spiel

  1. I'll be soaking it over the next two to three days with filtered water changes every 24 hours as needed.
  2. Are you watching Misfish and Fish Farmer. You know what I'm doing.
  3. Cool find Dave. It got me to head scratching and looking about and then low and behold, I have the catalogue.
  4. I made a family sized Pot Roast and Gravy dinner on Monday for my daughter and her boyfriend. It was yummy!
  5. Two Mac and Cheese filled casserole dishes. The one on the right for my daughter (meatless) and the monster on the left for me. Mine has has a pound of Bacon and a pound of Shrimp and was topped with a layer of my buddy Bruce's (Bigugli) garden grown homemade salsa, a layer of crushed Nachos and a crap load of extra old Canadian Cheddar.
  6. Terrible. I can not even bring myself to watching the video, the story sickens me enough.
  7. You're welcome. I'm sure they're still available in Southampton and some of the other commercial ports around Lake Huron and Georgian Bay.
  8. The smoked chub from the Great Lakes Commercial Fishery are Bloater. I should have said Cisco rather than Herring. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/suresh-doss-hammerheads-1.4904861?fbclid=IwAR0pg3HWgb7T1fIKF1baosKDKSuBasGYeCaokaLAAkcgq0XaSXip_JMNYqw https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coregonus_hoyi
  9. I used to buy smoked chub in Southampton. I've no idea if it's still available there? FYI.....Chub is Herring. http://jsfresh.fish/
  10. Never the whole rod, only the area over the thread wraps that hold the guides on. If you were closer, I'd fix it for you at no cost.
  11. LOL Thanks Brian, nope still much the same blank.
  12. Thanks Tom The top one is for a friend who made the reel. He chose the wood based on the acrylic he had previously bought, Great match.
  13. Sharing a little of what I've been up to lately and daily. Lots of rod work when I'm not cooking. These two builds showing reel seat to grip designs created by me were recently featured on CTS' FB page.
  14. He's on his sail boat heading back south, currently in the Erie Canal. A quote from his FB page four hours ago. " We are stuck at a lock that has closed for the weekend. Oh well, the weather is supposed to be bad anyway. "
  15. It's sad. But closer to home (very close to home) I know of a chain of spring fed lakes that has had perch, smallmouth bass and pike intentionally introduced into a natural Brook Trout lake because the locals couldn't catch the Brook Trout. Suffice to say, the Brook Trout have suffered huge. Even more disturbing is these fools have now introduced the three species into an upper Saugeen watershed that was once home to natural self sustaining Brook Trout.
  16. LOL....When my neighbours crank up their outdoor speakers with country, I reciprocate with Tool. No mercy!
  17. https://globalnews.ca/video/4441755/body-found-on-pickering-shoreline-believed-to-be-missing-boater/
  18. As have I Brian, terribly sad. I've just heard that it's not Kevin. Who knows? But whether it's him or not I'm certain that any chance of finding him alive as long since past.
  19. https://globalnews.ca/news/4436014/man-drowns-balmy-beech-park/ I suspect that this sadly is Kevin. A tragically unfortunate loss.
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