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Everything posted by SirCranksalot

  1. I just wonder what Rona's been smokin'! What's the point of being outraged(other than the obvious political game). The gov't appealed and lost---end of story---move on!! (But, yeah, nice hair---maybe a beauty parlour job after the next election!!)
  2. re GPS---That's easy to fix. I used the 'browse map' function to select the location for "Home". When I hit Home it provides directions to my street but not to my house.
  3. You can catch brook trout in shallow water in the summer but it must be at dusk or dawn Try to find a place where a brook runs into the lake.
  4. Not to go 1 up Lew, but here in Wasaga we saw 3 deer on my neighbors lawn last nite----but he scared them away, probably because of his newly planted tree. Goslings swimming on the river this AM. Miss the smell of fumes on the DVP though!!
  5. My question as to why seems to have been answered!! Sounds like you've reached the stage where 'getting lucky' is more related to having your rod in hand!!
  6. Going South thru New York state might be a bit faster than thru the GTA in "rush" hour!!
  7. why would you ever give your business to a place like that-----after they 'gave you the business"?
  8. It seems to me that the police didn't have much choice given that (1) they are not equipped with tranq guns and transport vehicles(nor would you want them to be because that's MNR's role) and (2) MNR took forever to get there(arrived just in time be too late). Thought I'd get my 2 cents in before the thread gets locked.
  9. No matter how much you disagree, personal insults like that are totally uncalled for!!
  10. That's based on first hand experience??
  11. Did you put that fella on the barbie??
  12. Should have had it mounted!!!
  13. Chris, I have a different view. While oak, maple, and other hardwoods are best for burning once you get a good fire going, quick burning woods such as pine and other softwoods are great for getting a good fire started and the chimney heated up quickly. That quick heating is desirable to prevent creosote buildup in the chimney. Willow should be good for that as well. I have burned some willow on occasion. These 'low heat' woods are great for the 'shoulder seasons' when you just want a little bit of heat. If you split it and let it sit uncovered the whole summer it will be dry enough to burn come fall. Re the water content---I helped a friend cut a birch down and it too was dripping water or sap.
  14. Ditto---but stay away from those float guys after bows: they can be a real bad influence!!
  15. a little 'topic drift' going on here, doncha think?
  16. Whether you're 'pro cop' or 'anti cop' that's gotta be funny!! Thx for the morning laugh!
  17. Holy smokes, Mike!!! What a dream trip---again!! You must have some pretty sweet dreams about some of those fishing trips! Your boy---being just a kid , after all---probably doesn't realize how lucky he is!!
  18. The Backroads book says troll big spoons around islands near dusk!!
  19. Wow! You're such a great guy I'm tempted to bust up my mower a bit and drive all the way to Lindsay!!
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