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Everything posted by SirCranksalot

  1. With so many bad stories out there of regular hard-working people getting screwed around and shafted by their employer, it's great to hear a positive one for a change!! All the best to you!
  2. http://www.algonquinpark.on.ca/news/ice-out.php "Some beaver ponds and the shallowest lakes at lower elevations in Algonquin Park have developed some open water. However, nearly all lakes in Algonquin Park will remain ice covered for the opening of trout fishing season on April 23, 2016. Bare ground is widespread in deciduous forests and on south-facing slopes, but knee-deep snow persists in many shaded areas. Many facilities in Algonquin Park will remain closed for this weekend including some campgrounds, backcountry access points, snow covered and/or muddy roads, plus several inaccessible trails. Secondary gravel roads providing access to the Park's backcountry are currently closed to public travel with many gated or barricaded to prevent infrastructure damage"
  3. I'm a baby boomer and I think the boomers were and are a self-absorbed generation. I hate to see boomers criticize the younger generations. Some of us had it tough, but not as many as today. Look at all the fairly high paying jobs in the auto,steel, and manuf. industries in Ont that boomers worked in. Where are they now? Largely replaced by McJobs, contract, part time etc..
  4. A few years back I hired a couple of guys to help me split a whole pile of wood. There weren't really young kids---maybe around 30. Paid $15 an hr. One had a job, his bro didn't. Man oh man, they attacked that wood with a vengeance. Can't paint them all with the same brush.
  5. That's the secret for longevity---choose your ancestors well!!
  6. And yet the police insist that 'carding' helps fight crime. Seems to be an effective way to discourage people from coming forward with info.
  7. That's why I always carried a $3 bill back then !!
  8. The Algon decision has nothing to do with that. 2 reasons: (1) access rds are snow covered and (2) lakes are ice covered. Hard to get to the lakes and, if you did, kinda hard on the paddles.
  9. Great news indeed, Brian. I'm sure you'll be able to 'see your way clear' to go fishing lots in the next few months.
  10. Sheesh guys! One main reason for the closure was made clear in the OP's post. "inaccessible snow covered roads ." Many of the access points for canoeing are a considerable dist down dirt rds that get no winter maint. Nothing to do with babysitting, proximity to the GTA or other imaginary reasons! Look on Google maps and the sat pix and you will understand the situation a bit better.
  11. She was outside pulling weeds on a hot summer day when her husband walked up and asked her, what are we having for dinner. Irritated by the thought of him sitting in the air conditioned house while she labored away on the weeds, she snapped, "I can't believe you're asking me about supper right now! pretend I'm out of town, go inside and make dinner yourself!" So he went back in the house and fixed himself a big steak, potatoes, garlic bread, and a tall beer. His wife walked in just about the time he was finishing up and asked, "Where's my dinner?" "Huh? I thought you were out of town."
  12. Thx for that. I'll have to phone my Help desk (aka my youngest son) and find out how to do that.
  13. I caught 10 being installed on mine in time to pull the plug. I got really suspicious when they were giving me the hard sell to install.My suspicion is that once they have enough of us trapped inside 10 they'll start charging! Just because you're not paranoid doesn'y mean they are not out to getya!!
  14. I'm trying to reconcile what is being said here with my experience when we ran it in a canoe a few years back. I'm not saying the race is a good idea but here was our experience: We scraped the bottom a few times with the hull and dinged it a few times with our paddles but, like most canoeists, we try to avoid doing either as it (a) damages our eqpt and ( slows us down. We didn't see any canoes or kayaks overturned except below the dam. We portaged around the dam as did everyone else that we saw. The was the expected mayhem with the 'crazy craft' below the dam, but on the upstream section it seemed like quite an orderly canoe and kayak race. Maybe the water was particularly high that year. I simply don't know.
  15. I have never fished the Ganny so pls excuce my ignorance. Are there any spawning area downstream from Sylvan Glen?
  16. It's supposed to be 17 on the real one by Mon!
  17. When I see the inside of that hut "ambience" is not the first word that springs to mind, somehow!!
  18. I bet he could roast his nuts in that hut (Chestnuts, y'know, like roasting on an open fire)
  19. If the water gets any higher all the fish are gonna drown!!
  20. An ideal get rich quick scheme for you!! http://www.kijiji.ca/v-fishing-camping-outdoor/barrie/ice-fishing-hut-wall-tent-sauna-workshed-portable-wood-stove/1149505828?enableSearchNavigationFlag=true
  21. When the water is high you can go into all sorts inlets and coves that you can't in high water, into more sheltered areas, and stay out of the motorboat areas.
  22. I have a canoe trip on G Bay planned for July so this is great news for me. http://www.goderichsignalstar.com/2016/04/06/hurongeorgian-bay-at-1998-levels-and-rising
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