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Everything posted by SirCranksalot

  1. That sounds malicious and quite deliberate! I once traveled with my clothes in a canoe barrel and my rods in a pipe. The AC agent warned me that they were not responsible for damage in those 'non-standard' containers. I was tempted to say that I was using those containers so even AC couldn't damage them. I guess I was wrong. When I was working we had a big honkin chunk of metal(with some moving parts) shipped back to us from a test facility in the US. Some cowboy forklift driver in the Atlanta managed to drive into it---- presumably at a good speed as the quite sturdy wood crate was smashed to bits!
  2. Like I said, should have used ABS!
  3. Yup---ABS works too! I have used PVC for years when travelling---travelling up N with a bunch of everyone's gear piled in the vehicle or boat, even on planes(about the only thing an airline can't damage. (For getting run over by a forklift ABS is prob better! )p
  4. I bought a knockoff plano type there but the latches were sticky. The stock in the different stores seems to vary quite a bit. I have gone looking for items posted here but not much luck.
  5. Ok, rub it in, rub it in. Now that the Borgerman seems to have left the site you have taken over his role of making the rest of us look like green Martians!!!
  6. If we are going to bring that moron Trump into the discussion lock 'er up, boss!! goodnite!!
  7. I am not trying to defend the indefensible by trying to defend what they have done. I will not be voting for Wynne. But bear in mind that we the public have been shafted by all 3 parties---Peterson, Rae, Harris and now Wynne. Their mucking around with the elec system has always been motivated by politics, not economics and it us poor suckers who end up paying thru the nose!
  8. No doubt police did the right thing considering the situation. They did call MNR to try to save the bear. I'm sure most of you know that bears knocking over cans in suburbia or wandering around campgrounds behave much differently from those in the wild. A friend and I did a day paddle thru an area near Sparrow lake last week. We saw 5! A big massive bruin munching on some greenery bounded off once we mad a little bit of noise. OTOH, we were driven out of Killbear last Aug by bears that were breaking into cars for food!!
  9. Yup! Best movie in a long time!! 3 thumbs up!!
  10. I eat bass that I catch in small lakes in the G Bay area. Haven't seen a worm in one yet. Like everything else, the taste depends on what it's been eating.
  11. Nope--summer falls on July 22 this year!!
  12. Yeah, Ok, but how's your black fly count???
  13. I thin your biggest prob will be that roads are flooded or washed out.
  14. Welcome aboard. It sounds like you will be a real asset here.
  15. The upper Notty has risen about 1.4 m and quadrupled the flow since yesterday. The lower river reacts much more slowly.
  16. There are on-line gauges that you can use to check the daily variation of levels at a given location. I check the Collingwood buoy because the run of salmon and trout up the Notty is affected by the water level, which can vary by a couple of feet. A strong sustained N-W wind, which we often get in the fall, can produce these peak water levels. I'm not aware of any seiche effect here. If you check on-line you can also see that Lake Huron is at it's highest level in about 20 years. Lake O prob is too.
  17. Sounds like you have 'turned a corner' with your son, Brian. For several years my oldest son would not speak to me. But, with a push from his wife, we started some 'fence mending' about 10 years ago. I'm really glad we did. He went thru a rough spot about 5 years ago and I was glad to be there to help. There's a real heartache when your own son or daughter won't speak to you. I wish my son was a fisherman. It's a great way to spend some proverbial "quality time".
  18. Yeah, but a dog comes when you call it. A cat says "leave a message and I may get back to you"
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