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Everything posted by SirCranksalot

  1. We went a couple of years ago around the opener and the fishing was lousy!!!
  2. when we are trolling just the stern person is paddling unless there is a fairly strong headwind.
  3. Find a shop that's tucked away on a side street but is still busy. They get their customers by word of mouth and they will be good! I went to such a place in Pickering when I lived there.
  4. Yup---it would be unlikely to repeat Mike's success. As you said, skill, but I'm sure he would admit that they were lucky in their timing as well. He seems to be quite fit with lots of stamina as well---a prereq for tackling that type of trip. I totally agree that he should name the lake, but if it was revealed and it needs a bushwhack to get there as well as many ports not many would try it.
  5. The question is not how big it was then but how much it has grown over the years thru re-telling of the story!!
  6. Just got these. Made in China but using a Japanese sounding brand!! Given the historical animosity between those 2 peoples, that must have req'd them to swallow a bit of pride!(Now----puleeze don't take that as a racist comment. It's nothing of the sort)
  7. I'm surprised at how many of you know the taste of mud!! Usually fry it up?? The taste of fish , like animals, depends on their food and their environment. I once caught a pike at the base of a big rapid. It leapt in the air when I hooked it. It was quite muscular with firm flesh, quite unlike those couch potatoes that hang around weed beds waiting for the next easy meal. I grew up catching small brook trout. You could pretty well tell where they came from by their taste.
  8. I think MNR is prob obliged to go thru the motions---to follow the process---but I doubt that the request will be granted. It's a bit like a frivolous lawsuit----not much hope of success but a real PITA to defend against. Like this, sometimes dome maliciously to tangle the defendant up in knots and stress them out. Personally, I'd like to see the requester get a good swift kick in the gonads for his effort, but that's no going to happen!
  9. D01---thx for pointing that out before this thread get's locked. You'll be accused of confusing people with the facts.
  10. That's the ironic part. Very few people reading Mike's post would go through all the effort to get to those lakes. I am quite an avid canoeist and have, in my younger days, done some rough portages---not as tough as they did,though. That would be well beyond my capabilities right now.
  11. and the long range outlook for the w/e; "Sat and Sun"!! If it wasn't for Wiarton Willie and Farmer's Almanac I'd have no idea of hat to expect. But, then again, the Weather Networks doesn't seem to either!!
  12. That beer is OK for cooking but you'll need something better to drink!!
  13. You got flies up there too?? Hudathunkit??!!
  14. And hen you do, just post the GPS co-ords on here. I can use all the help I can get!! Welcome aboard the good ship OFC!!
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