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Everything posted by SirCranksalot

  1. I made a camping cookstove out of a piece of stovepipe. If you pick the bigger sizes of hot air ducting, that might work(Burn off the zinc coating in a well ventilated area outdoors.
  2. that's exactly what I'd like to do with my neighbors leafblower that's been going all summer with clippings etc.. OCD can be such a terrible affliction---I should be a bit more understanding.
  3. Try myccr.com, the best canoeing website in the world!(Or PM me and I can give you some suggestions via phone---I'm a 2 finger typist)
  4. Threw out the neck!! Have some pity on her. She must have dementia! Could you savw some for me. I need some dessicant for my camera and electronics!
  5. Well, you could (a) direct her to this site and possibly risk being cut out of her will, or ( be a good boy and grin and bear it and tell your nan what a nice turkey.. If you choose (a) let us know how it works out for you, willya??
  6. I'd fight you for it!! I've tasted them done either way and, as long as someone else does it, it tastes great!!!
  7. You can buy waterproof versions of the small boat charts----just cost a bit more.
  8. Naah, Leaf fans have far more serious problems than that!
  9. Something fishy is going on here!!---------------oooops, couldn't resist!
  10. I do the same for medium size shots but I find that my big fingers won't let me do that to the smaller ones.
  11. At an outdoor store. I bought mine at Sojourn in Barrie.
  12. Hi TS, Are you the same troutslayer that is, or was, on the sportsfishing forum?
  13. take 2 aspirin tablets and all me in the morning!!
  14. I guess I never did introduce myself here. I'm retired and have been living in Wasaga for 4 years. I've been a sporadic fisherman over the years----grew up catching small specks on worms, did very little when the kids were still at home. I've gotten into bass/pike walleye fishing over the past 10-15 years. I'm trying to get used to river fishing for salmon and bows but haven't been too successful so far. I'm not sure I have the patience for it. I'm more used to trolling a lure behind a canoe or motorboat and catching at least a few small bass, but bigger ones and pike/walleye with some luck. The predominant float fishermen here in Wasaga (and on the Beaver and Bighead when I tried there) seem to stand for hours w/o a bite sometimes. (I realize that there are other times when their 'luck' is much better than that.)
  15. I use reading glasses already. It's not just a vision problem. I use pliers because, when I grip them between my big thumb and forefinger, the lead is in such an awkward position that I can't get the line in the tiny slot.
  16. I replaced the rotten ash gunwales on my Novacraft with new ones because I really like wood a lot better than metal. I had to drive to London to pick them up, though. Unless you are dead set on metal gunwales you could pick some up from Novacraft which, for you, is quite close by.
  17. Does anybody else have trouble putting those small shots on the line? I have trouble seeing the slit and I usually have to hold them with needle-nose pliers. It's bit bit awkward and I still spoil a lot. Anyone have a slick method of putting the shots on the line?
  18. I guess we can expect more of this!
  19. I'm not a hunter but this story caught my eye. Nothing like grit and determination! http://www.thestar.com/news/canada/article/1264614--feisty-95-year-old-woman-kills-moose-with-a-single-shot-while-hunting-in-newfoundland
  20. Wow! Fantastic pix. I bet they were worth the dunking!!
  21. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rPZNjtODzFI&feature=player_embedded
  22. Any different recommendations when fishing for rainbows on the rivers?
  23. Recent research has discovered that saliva is carcinogenic, but only if swallowed in small quantities over a long period! Whenever I order french fries and gravy I feel guilty, so I order a diet Coke with it! Cereal bad for us?? You gotta be kiddin'. Mankind has been eating it forever. Grains and cereals were some of our first foods.
  24. How often has a fisherman(person?) wanted to keep more than 2?
  25. Wasn't that about the same time as they grew balls. If guess if they got balls they don't need wings to escape danger!!
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