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Everything posted by SirCranksalot

  1. I was that close to a kermode I think I'd need a commode! Nice pix, though(I guess if the bear knew you were there you'd be fairly safe. Sure wouldn't want to startle 1 at such close range though)
  2. Want to? For sure! Can---like the rest, afraid not. There lots of interest, Mike. Availability is what's missing. Have fun, be safe, catch lots! Sheesh, man, do you hafta rub it in!!
  3. But if you take 151 proof rum it's not very heavy.(Can use to sterilize any would as well)
  4. Eggs will keep for at least a week, probably 2. Don't worry about keeping them cool.
  5. Aha! Now it starts to come out. All that time in the bush you weren't just 'doin' the solo thing'! I guess you could have been hit in a more sensitive area than the face!
  6. No, do you have a link to it? I'd like to read it.
  7. I don't see folks lining up for Sherpa duties on this one!!. You could probably post exact details of where you caught the fish and nobody else would go there! Do you mean hiking 12 k or that the paddling plus hiking is 12k? I find it hard to imagine bushwhacking 12k. It's hard enough on a marked trail. How the heck do you get across creeks and rivers?(There must be some). If you make it back out we'd love to see pix!
  8. I've done a lot of canoe camping. I used to have bear spray but when it expired I bought a set of bear bangers instead. I think the bangers are more fool-proof. Spray can be a problem with blowback and accidental firing. If you Google it you can probably find some stories that are amusing if you weren't affected but painful if you were.(People tend to wear it on their belt, a bit too close for comfort to some areas you would not want sprayed! :eek An air horn sold in the marine section of CTC, for e.g., might be another option. If you keep a clean campsite and keep your food in a sealed container(dry bag or barrel) you are unlikely to have bears come around. Just make some noise(some people carry a bear bell, others find them annoying) when you're walking the ports.
  9. aaah, I tried that. For all the good it did I might as well have shoved up my...............
  10. (How the heck do you do that multi-quote thing anyhooo?)
  11. Brook trout fishing with worms. That's what I got used to growing up and it's probably the type I do best. Yummy, too!
  12. I'd leave the ax behind for weight and safety. I have fires all the time but can find dead wood that can be cut up with a small bow saw. If wood is scarce at the site you an usually find some along the shore. check your PM
  13. I could provide you with a complete list, no problem. Must have---tarp with plenty of rope.
  14. I wonder if it's just the male fish that chase the skirts.
  15. How could that be legal?(What are walters?)
  16. Miro, This club in Scarboro http://www.pathcom.com/~coachman/ used to teach casting and maybe still does. I don't know if Gord Deval is still active(Google him to see links to his books), but he was the instructor and a champion fly caster. They used a school gym in winter but had some activity in the summer. (I got to go to a couple of secret fishing spots with Gord & co. They used code names when referring to 2 of those lakes!)
  17. I'm no psychic, but I an see that, sooner or later, we're going to get a aging argument going here!!
  18. The biggest cause of stress is that the rest of the world doesn't live by our rules. Nevertheless, if it's illegal and endangering me as well as innocent bystanders, as driving with cellphone does, then I feel free to criticize.
  19. I must admit the phrase "get a life" did cross my mind!
  20. As I understand it, stocking lakes is a trial and error process. .i.e. the MNR, or counterpart in other jurisdictions, assess the lakes characteristics and decide if the lake is suitable for whatever fish they are considering stocking, but they do make mistakes and sometimes they don't 'take'. Why not call the MNR and find out what they know?
  21. Sheesh! Now you tell me. I just bought a Compre at LeBarons yesterday. Tell me it was car doors and trunk lids, Ok?
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