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Everything posted by Locnar

  1. Woah, cooool! The head shape even looks more like a bluegill's as well. Did ya eat it?
  2. I'm thinking it's a good ol' Manitoba Maple. Weed tree is what it is. I've seen them grow around/through a 10ft Chainlink fence. Useless trees.
  3. Right on, thanks for the tips Drifter! Lots of those fish you mentioned I would love to catch... unfortunately I'd have to go to Africa to catch a Nile Perch... Might be a little difficult. Now to try to find out which lakes may hold Bowfin.
  4. A little list of fish I have never caught and would definitely like to. Some I have no idea how to go about finding them... Burbot (No Idea) Bowfin (No Idea) Muskie Carp Freshwater Drum Lake Troot White Bass (No idea) I'd really like to find some Bowfin or Burbot... but I really have no clue where to start lookin' for em... Bowfin I presume is best during the summer? But what lakes hold em? What're your fish-to-find lists?
  5. Get a Norway Maple twig, which is what most maple trees in the big cities/suburbs are... They are prolific seeders and highly invasive.
  6. Lookin for a 6lb bass, 36"+ pike, any muskie, any carp. Maybe a 24"+ Walleye... but I don't seem to ever catch a walleye when I go looking for them... they just happen upon me whilst bassing. Any trouts......
  7. Thanks guys, next weekend it is... Stupid weather, don't you know it's supposed to winter right now?
  8. With this warm rainy weather... I think Cook's Bay is outta the question... I'm lookin' for some safe ice to try. Any suggestions? Anything around Kinmount nice and solid? Any help would be more than appreciated, I just wanna wet my line and maybe catch a fish or two.
  9. You guys think the ice will be solid enough to give'r a go for some Jumbos this weekend? Even with the brutally warm weather?
  10. You's makin me jealous! That's awesome man, nice fish.
  11. That's a nice day of fishing! Dems crappies are damn delicious too.
  12. Ya think out by Goreski's would be iced over nicely? I'm definitely itching to get out there
  13. Anyone have any news on the back lakes near Gooderham?
  14. Revive this?
  15. I'd like to try the deeps as well, never seen a whitie in my life... would like to change that.
  16. Do you guys think snakker lakes around Gooderham or Kinmount should be good soon?
  17. Just wondering if anybody is from either of those areas, and know if there is any ice on the small back lakes. Both areas are nearly 2 hours from my house, so I can't really just go and check... any information is quite appreciated. A buddy of mine was thinking of going somewhere this weekend... dunno about that...
  18. I'm just really hoping a few small lakes up by Gooderham will be good for New Years.
  19. That is badass!
  20. Reducing the Rainbow trout from 5 to 2 in Lake Ontario??? People actually keep and eat Lake Ontario fish???
  21. This! I want more of this! This is quite the good news.
  22. Now that... is friggin cool. No pun intended
  23. Right on man! Looks like a hell of a season. Is the second last picture a barracuda?
  24. Some seriously nice bass you got there! That's awesome that you just kept on fishing with the hook stuck in your thumb, that's determination. Congrats man
  25. Now that's a seriously huge perch! I thought my 1lber last year was a hefty bugger... but damn! That rivals the european perch. Congratulations!
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