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Everything posted by Locnar

  1. My buddy and I are plannin' on hitting up either Canal or Mitchell lake for some invasive pikes. I've heard they're pike factories, is this true? Any tips for lures or certain kinds of structure to look for? Is one lake better than the other? I'll be sure to write up a report on how it went, being that we hook into some of those toothy my mom hates me. Anyhow, any kind of advice is much appreciated.
  2. Right on, always good to hear people landing decent jobs. Nothing is worse than an unemployed leach.
  3. If you travel to bobcaygeon, there's a few around there. Little bob channel isn't bad, lots of panfish... even saw a muskie pulled out from there.
  4. Thanks guys, I had a feeling it would be limited. I'll probably stay away from the white bucket brigade... Not much a fan of watching them keep any and everything. Depending on how well the fishing goes, will check out as many spots as possible. Cheers, Mike
  5. My buddy just got his fishing license, and I'm gonna take him out on Thursday for a fish. Anyone know of any decent spots to shore fish from? I'd like to see him hook something. I've only ever fished from boat in the Scug, but never from shore. Any advice? Thanks.
  6. Yea, big ones can go for more that $150 at my work.
  7. Looks like a Koi. I see em every day at work. And as far as I am concerned, they are just a colourful carp.
  8. A little store in Pickering called "Tightlines" carries Sucker Minnows.
  9. I've been fishing Suckers in the creek behind my house now for a couple weeks, and the other day... some ass-clown called the MNR thinking we were fishing OOS trout. The MNR guy was plain clothes with binoculars, at first I thought he was a bird watcher... then he started asking us questions about trout. I said "I've seen like 2 swim by in the last couple weeks, but we're fishing suckers" and that's when he stated he was with the MNR. Nothing bad happened, since we weren't fishing trout and knew the rules and where we are actually allowed to fish trout. But really, if you've been watching us through your window and saw us catching fish, you should at least be able to identify to VERY OBVIOUS differences between a trout and a sucker before you call the MNR. I really hope that ass was watching through his window as the MNR guy walked away and we remained there fishing.
  10. I haven't heard of these guys until now... Where does one find these invasives?
  11. I have never fished for carp either, however I've had lots of luck with Suckers... I was thinking of trying a slip weight, swivel, dough bait on a small tri-hook and lots of patience for some Carp this year. May I ask when a good time to start trying for carp is? I hear they may be spawning right now...
  12. Suckers have definitely started stacking up in my area. Landed numerous all around 20 inches. Good luck Richmond.
  13. Quick question... I know this creek near my house holds alot of suckers during spawning time. Are white suckers open all year??
  14. This thread has caught my interest... as I have been trying for some brown bullheads in a local bay... with no luck however. Is there a certain time of year that's best to fish for catfish?
  15. Great scott! Those are huge catfish! I've been fishing this bay for brown bullheads... with no luck... I know they're in there, I saw one that was bit in half... which was still alive when I found it. Any simple tips for catching some cats?
  16. Holy hell mate! That's an impressive haul, good job
  17. P3TA... arrrggghhh... I can see them now... "But they're living creatures on this planet like you and me. We don't have the right to take their lives, even if they are invasive and destroying the waterways in which they are now residing. They must live, killing them would be a sin" ... They'd have sex with every animal if they could do so without being killed. Along with the Asian Carps, P3TA should be electro shocked and removed from our cities.
  18. So, I know Cook's Bay's Ice is still solid, how is Virginia Beach? I want to go there on Sunday with my brother in hopes of Jumbos, maybe a pike if we're lucky. I have been lucky on Cook's Bay, but every time I go with my bro we only get dinky perch and maybe 1 jumbo. Any tips? I would really like to see him pull out some nice perch, by mid day of all dinks he gets mopey. I am not looking for your special spots if that is what you are thinking. I have never been to Virginia beach and any info is much appreciated. Thanks.
  19. On a side note, does anyone know if you're allowed to have native fish in an aquarium? I've seen some videos of people having Bass and Pike in aquariums. I was thinking of setting up an aquarium, and was thinking a blue gill and/or perch would be nice. I don't want to do it if it's illegal, however what's the difference if I kept a fish to eat or to have in an aquarium? I'd probably just take a dinky fish or two.
  20. Isn't the silver carp totally invasive? Aren't they already having problems with those? ... why in the hell would they stock them?
  21. Right on, thanks for input. And Greenfshrmn I have decided to put the ol' dinosaur to rest. Her body is rotted out and the car is only worth like $300 if it still ran. I was thinking of duffin's creek, would you think they'd be at the mouth of the river? or a little further upstream? I have never really gone fishing for trout before, and it's a whole new game to me. I hope to catch my first trout this winter, and if it happens I will be sure to post a report.
  22. Hmm, I know this may sound like a silly question... But why is it that you clip the fins? Is it for when you catch one you know it's a stocked trout, not a natural?
  23. I know this will sound horrible. But I wonder if all still-born babies and aborted fetuses are harvested for stem cells? I mean, with abortions becoming more popular, I don't see why it has to go to waste. As for myself, now knowing that stem cells can be extracted from fatty tissues... I wonder how much fat it requires, I mean... every lipo suction can provide lots of stem cells.
  24. Today, I had the misfortune of my transmission blowing... at least I think that is the problem. It only drives in 1st gear, even though I may select 3rd (it is automatic) it still drives in first. It's an old 95 Chrysler Cirrus... not worth a new transmission. So, that means I am sort of stuck and won't be able to get out often for ice fishing... I was wondering if any of the rivers/river mouths in the Whitby/Ajax area would contain fish at this time, so I can at least have a chance at catching something. Not asking for hot spots, just wondering if it's worth the effort.
  25. Ai Crikey! That's a goliath.
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