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Everything posted by Locnar

  1. I work at Vandermeer's.... They have halloween set up already, and are pricing and getting ready for christmas too.
  2. No problem man, that's a sweet fish though. What'd you catch it on?
  3. Also, it may be small... but it still looks badass
  4. http://s1164.photobucket.com/albums/q568/johnl1871/?action=view&current=e1b5d65b.jpg
  5. Interesting to hear. Maybe given enough time the bass will grow to a decent size. But having the entire shoreline be private property is still lame. Seems like it would be a nice lake even for a day trip and to canoe around on. Seeing as it's a natural lake and not man-made, I don't know why they wouldn't put a little public access point. But hey, what can I do about it.
  6. I just checked out the lure thread, there is quite a variety eh. I guess as everyone was saying, Salmon aren't picky. At this time of year, would they be nearer the mouths of rivers and creeks or would they have moved up already?
  7. I'm sorry, I can't answer those question as I have only fished for salmon once in my life, and that was downrigging with my grandpa back when I was 13. I am interested as to what might come about on this thread. Are they moving into the rivers and creeks already? What kind of lures?
  8. A few years ago while I was tree planting up around the Hearst region... There was four of us, walking an old bush road to get to our pieces (land that needs planting). Initially, we were supposed to have a drive to this washout that was far too deep for the truck to pass... but we had walked past the washout before any sign of any truck. Just about 5 minutes walk from the washout, we spotted a moose... about 10 yards away. At first we thought "darn' cool man!", then it started grunting and splashing, since both sides of the road was standing, stagnant water. As she was splashing and grunting, a little calf splashed out from the bullrushes and stood beside its mother. At this point, I looked over at my buddies and said "Let's get back to the washout...". As were walking away, I kept peering back over my shoulder at the moose and it continued to stand there staring at us. Just as we got to the washout, the truck shows up... What a lazy bugger that guy was. The guy was the camp boss, and decided to get a picture of us and moose... which worked out great because the moose started to run across the road and was captured in between us (in the distance of course). Sadly, the bastardly camp boss never gave us a copy of that picture...
  9. Hmmm, right on. I suppose I shall try my luck at carping again. I've tried so many times, with nothing to show for it. I've seen like 15 of them swimming around my bait, but no takes. I've tried corn, worms, hair rigs and boilies, prebaiting with method... I just don't get it. Those picky my mom hates me.
  10. I'll be moving out to Courtice either at the end of this year or early next year. I see there's McLaughlin Bay, anyone ever fish that and was there any luck? From google maps it looks pretty murky. Looks possibly like a catfish/carp pool, but I could be wrong. Any info would be much appreciated. Thanks
  11. Tightlines in Pickering sells em
  12. I wish I could join you for an evening of Salmon hunting, since I've only gone once when I was like 13... and only caught a 7 or 8 lber. But I gots a family dinner to attend. If you ever need a seat filler and have the necessary tackle, I would totally be down.
  13. That is a possibility. It's a shame, such a beauty of a lake... I want to fish it so bad...
  14. I have a very similar question, except about Chalk Lake. It is stocked with Rainbows by the MNR, but it seems the entire shoreline is privately owned. How come the taxpayers money go to this lake, yet we aren't allowed to go fish it? I don't know of any ponds or about that lake you posted about, sorry.
  15. The big one that got away.
  16. I'd simply like to catch a musky.
  17. I'll see if I can make it, but I don't think I have any carping gear. Northerns would be wonderful though Quick question, is this invitation to fish the cobourg harbour a way of shoving it in the bylaw officers' faces? If so, power to ya!
  18. You made a punny! hah haaaa
  19. Really cool colourations on those bass. Looks like a solid day on the water!
  20. Excellent video, it is quite relevant to my interests.
  21. Nice fish dude, i also like your style. Holding it nice and close to your body to show the true size of the fish.
  22. Oh no, I'm not launching from balsam... probably take us all day to get to Mitchell haha.
  23. We have a small flat bottom boat propelled by a trolling motor. About the speed of paddling a canoe.
  24. AHAHAHAHAH, I didn't notice until now... I wrote toothy Bas tards , but it replaced it with "my mom hates me" That is awesome.
  25. Right on, Mitchell it is then. Yeah, all we have is a small flatbottom boat with trolling motor. When you say east of the bridge, do you mean the southern section of the lake?
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