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Everything posted by skeeter99

  1. they are actually pretty deadly I out fished my partner 16 to 7 with the bluegill pattern he was throwing a spro frog that day but hey in previous posts they said a hot dog with hooks will work so why are the muskie guys not throwing a schnieders juicy jumbos !! LOL !!
  2. Jedi your speed seems low with a 115 on the skeeter I have the 16.6 skeeter ss90 with a 90 hp merc 2 stroke and it gets 49.5 mph on the gps (79 ish kmh)
  3. 16 foot sylvan aluminum with trailer has a livewell 20 hp evenrude will let it go for $1500
  4. it is in all the standard player contracts, they know what the consequences are my friends who played in the nhl hoped they never made the all star game so they could go to mexico with their wives
  5. you just learn that when the wind is in your face when you put it down the boat will swing to the downwind side, i.e the talon will point in the wind direction, the most you will pivot is 180 degrees if the wind is right in your face
  6. the boat is 14ft
  7. looking for a aluminum boat with trailer and motor this will be used for duck hunting only as I have a bass boat already question what is a 14 foot sylvan boat with trailer and 20 hp worth, it is my friends boat and he has used it for years with no issues the boat is 20 years old (don't leak) 14 ft motor is mid 80's (runs great) trailer is good
  8. I have the 8 foot and love it , no issues like mattaw, wish I had the 12 foot model but IMO they are ugly with the motor 1/3 the way down as compared to the 8 I bought mine at tremblays spring sale , best price at the time by $100 plus the $100 mail in rebate like mattaw said also 2 of them is much better but with one you get to learn how your boat pivots in the wind and you adjust really a non-issue unless you want it on a dime
  9. It was actually posted November 27th they MNR is going to have a field day with tickets, if you aint fishing with crappie gear they will probably fine you my friend is on the advisory council FMZ 17 and they actually wanted to just close the ice fishing season (because the MNR has a track record of when they close a fishery it is a minimum 10 to 15 years before it re-opens) but its a full closure now here is a link to the decision http://www.ebr.gov.on.ca/ERS-WEB-External/displaynoticecontent.do?noticeId=MTI0Nzk1&statusId=MTg3OTI4&language=en
  10. I would not worry about the price increase it is 3 coffees what you should worry about if you did not hear is that the Ontario government is dropping the clean benefit from our bills in my case it ranges from $12 to $18 per month depending on the time of year
  11. 2300 sq foot house my family (4) and my parents in the basement apartment gas $89 a month (total incl taxes) (I own my water heater) hydro $130 to $140 average highest was july bill $201 with AC set at 67
  12. Remember this you don't have to shoot to kill, no 4 steel to the legs will whack down a 200 pounder let alone a mallard
  13. 1999 Skeeter SS 90 90 hp merc (two stroke) 20 pitch lazer stainless prop pro comp 6 inch jack plate (set back is 6 inches) 1 inch above pad................. 49 mph (78 kph) loaded for tournament and 53 mph (85 kph) just me and some gear full tank of gas and 3 batteries (my buddies call it the purple rocket)
  14. yes I have and I assume you are talking about splash guards installed on the transom to stop waves from coming in when backtrolling?
  15. never heard of semi-synthetic really?? probably 40% of the oil on ctc shelves is semi-synthetic due to cost p.s semi-synthetic oil is just natural oil with up to 30% synthetic added to it so to say your engine will blow up is a bit of a crock, I have mixed them all at times depending on what I can get my hands on
  16. honestly , you should have just left it alone
  17. so what you are saying is I cant drop in at round lake and catch muskie all day???
  18. lol why would it make a difference they are electronic ignition so no hot water when power is out, or at least till you run out
  19. you can always get a replacement and if you still have the old paper one call up who did your test and get a new one because they are credit card type now
  20. they are putting in their training time up and down all day long every 45 to 1 hr 10 mins an electra circles just over Oshawa and back to Trenton then touch the runway and back up for the loop
  21. when I used to detail boats/sleds and cars the only thing we used was simple green takes out everything
  22. Beretta A400 in camo or optifade get it with the kick off unit , the Beretta a300 outlander is nice also on the range you will be a celebrity all the guys with the Beretta AL391 (predecessor) will be drooling and asking to shoot your gun trust me LOL
  23. What is a Pleasure Craft Licence? A pleasure craft licence is a document with a unique licence number for a pleasure craft. The number allows Search and Rescue personnel to access important information in an emergency. The law requires all pleasure craft powered by 10 horsepower (7.5 kW) or more engine, to have a pleasure craft licence, unless they have a vessel registration. There is a $250 fine if you are found operating a vessel without a licence. You must carry a copy of your Pleasure Craft Licence on board at all times and display the pleasure craft licence number on the bow of your boat above the waterline on both sides in block characters that: are at least 7.5 centimetres (3 inches) high; and in a colour that contrasts with the colour of the bow. Cost: Pleasure craft licences are free and are valid for 10 years. I have a vessel registration from the canadian coast guard, hence i dont need a license, as stated above The law requires all pleasure craft powered by 10 horsepower (7.5 kW) or more engine, to have a pleasure craft licence, unless they have a vessel registration
  24. you must be guaranteed a doe tag for the special price of $52.50 my tag only costed me $50.69 $48.43 plus $2.26 fee
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