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Everything posted by skeeter99

  1. and i was the one who backed you up with the blow ups remember?
  2. In late August 2004 they sold the industrial vehicles division to the Camoplast company of Sherbrooke, Quebec. The industrial vehicles division made tracked utility vehicles such as snow grooming snowcats for skiing, sidewalk snow removal tractors and heavy duty tracked transporters, including the descendant of their original Muskeg tractor.
  3. are you sure about that http://corp.brp.com/en-ca/homepage seems to be brp sells engines/ski doos/bikes BRP is a joint venture with 3 holders bain captial the bombardier family and the quebec pension fund managers bain capatial 50% bomabrdier 35% QPP managers 15%
  4. It is a oiling issue been going on for a while now I know of about 10 or 11 blow ups of the e-tecs nice motor just dont run at 70 mph for more than 5 mins LOL no different then my buddies ski doo's 600 efi 345 miles and kaboom, then his dads 403 miles and kaboom he trded in his wifes before the kaboom
  5. what nobody using the JUMLA'S anymore?
  6. they are 99% of the time brass and put some dope tape on and you are good to go
  7. that is why you scalp the parts needed from your old dishwasher (the hookups are 99% the same on all makes models) sell your old dishwasher on kijiji for $75 and dont worry about it
  8. seems like alto of effort when every tackle shop at the spring fishing show had them for $6 to $9 and my local shops have them for $10 the wire abd stuff will cost close to that plus your time and I am expensive right now at $41 an hour so it is a no go
  9. LOL that is great you will get 15% off and item that is 20% to 25% overpriced compared to any local shop sounds like a great deal
  10. well my family made a couple million dollars selling those silly bottles of water and now live half the year in the carribean on a private property and own several downtown toronto reatail sites that make you sick the amount the monthly lease is but hey who would pay for sillu bottles of water
  11. kijijid that is nothing ever been OFC'ed
  12. this is a bay on lake muskoka? looks like the one i fish if it is I know exactly where the fish are lol!!
  13. I usually hit the lakes in zone 8 after ice out a couple of weeks, so last year it was the april 30th weekend I got my fist smallmouth on
  14. princess auto in whitby is were I got mine $18.99
  15. mine is 236.73 or $19.72 a month 2 mill liability including collision cadillac policy, the cheap one offered was only $18 difference it is through primum insurance which in itself is TD this is on a 2010 yamaha kodiak 400 4X4
  16. naiscoot river would be mine north of parry sound launch boat at marina at highway, head east my friend all sorts of camping spots on islands, sand washes etc..
  17. here is a link to coupons for the spring fishing show for $2 off admission http://springfishingandboatshow.com/visitor-info/downloadable-coupons
  18. there are several sites that you can be added to the email list when there block of tickets are available gotickets selectaticket stubhub tickifieds and a couple of my childhood hockey buddies (retired nhler's) can maybe get me a inside shot at some
  19. 60419
  20. everytime
  21. last year spring fishing show was the best it has been in years, I personally did not go last year but my friend (shimano pro staffer) said he had not seen one that good in about tens years hope this years will beat it or at least match it, I am attending my wife wants to go there in lieu of valentines dinner
  22. keeps marriages together no doubt and great for the soldiers overseas etc to see newborn child
  23. home hardware http://www.homehardware.ca/en/rec/index.htm/Heating-Ventilation-Cooling-Home-Comfort/Heating/Stove-Fireplace-Supp/Blowers-Fans/FAN-WD-STOVE-ECOFAN-GOLD/_/N-ntima/R-I5530044 home depot http://www.homedepot.ca/product/ecofan-airmax-heat-powered-stove-fan-nickel/966322
  24. great outcome
  25. parking brake is seized on typical with gm the 90's gm's easy fix or they overadjusted the rears and are constantly rubbing the drums which kinda sounds like what you are experiencling since it breaks free then comes back
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