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Everything posted by huntervasili

  1. They are pretty neat... never been to that one but have been to one in Quebec and saw a couple salmon and trout in it...
  2. Nice lookin net... but i dunno about the spooking fish deal... wading around will spook em looks like its of good quality though
  3. Thanks for the kind words all... and some of the ducks might find their way up to Quinte... just have to experiment with some recipies
  4. Well this weekend past we headed up to West Lake Willows, where we spent the duration of our trip... our arrival is approximately 2 Friday and an hour after our arrival we head out to the whats his name for some mallards... The first evening hunting wasn't too bad seeing lots of mallards and having enough come within range and get folded up, well every once in a while...we ended up with five the first evening... both mallard Drakes and Hens and a Green winged Teal... this was after the first little while... and the sun was damned bright, hard to keep my eyes open... here are a few more pics from the afternoon hunt... In the pictures are myself, my little brother and my grandfather, who introduced me to the beautiful world of hunting and fishing at age four... The next day we had a similar hunt and here is the outcome... And the neat shot... Unfortunately the fishing wasnt as good... we managed 4 sheepies, and one 'eye, maybe 5 lbs on the BOQ... which my grandfather got, and it was his PB as he didnt do too much big walleye fishing in the past, mainly pan friers.. Decided that the fishing on the BOQ just want enough so opted for some night fishing at around 10 or 11 for an hour or so... we managed a couple pike and I got a nice pan sized eye which we ate today, along with some other walleyes from a previous trip... unfortunately as I said the fishing could have been better but we lost too many... landing 5 of 9 or so having two snap off, and another 3 or four not connect... Great weather and a memorable time with my grandfather, which wont be forgotten... Hope you all enjoyed the report, Bill
  5. Yessir... Bring on the winter weather... that means Steel, Rabbits, Deer and Ducks... and sooner or later some HARDWATER
  6. VERY NICE... Thanks for sharing your incredible report with us
  7. One of my friends owns a decent amount of acreage near where I live... On each side east, and west there are two new developments only a few farms away... in his lifetime he will reap the benefits of the increase in value but... His neighbor, at the foot of his property, has approx a 3/4 acre lot and a nice house which he has put sweat and blood into building himself... The point is his neighbor ain't gonna make a cent... as soon as the land around his is developed he will be forced to sell because property taxes will go way up and wont be worth it to him... the developers want the land but a less than one acre lot isnt going to do that much for em and they sure as hell aint gonna keep his house there... the bottom line is he is SOL... his property may be bough a little abouve the value of the acreage but the house will be broken to the ground... Its an unfortunate situation which he is well aware of but is not looking forward to... In my opinion I wouldnt touch a parcel of land such as his now knowing what is going to happen.
  8. Nice pics.... and that x-rap is one of my go-to's...
  9. Nice congrats on the Purchase... Personally I think that at a somewhat discounted price... 70% or so of that of a cottage I would bite... I feel its enough of a discount to make it worth choosing the tent over the cottage... Fishing of course is the first consideration... but if thats alright I could see myself there in a heartbeat...
  10. Nice place there TJ... looks like ya must have had fun and some good eating too eh?
  11. Nice PB... and them sheepies wouldn't stay off the damned hook, when we were there... only managed one 'eye, of about 5 or 6 lbs... ohh well Congrats again on the PB
  12. I think the seasons last day is the 31st of Dec... you can fish year round south of hwy 2 though... Its in the regs
  13. Great to hear Shawn... Again I wish you a speedy recovery, and of course some fish too
  14. I will second that... neat read Cliff, gives some people a new perspective I would believe
  15. Recover quick and fully Shawn... you'll be ready to fish again in no time, I am sure
  16. Stocking foot and boot basically is you have to put on your waders first and then put on your boots... This is what I use and personally have had no problem except for the fact that they are kind of tough to get on or off... You also have the option of choosing whichever boot fits your feet and your needs. Boot foot boots are one piece you cannot remove the boots from the waders. these are much easier to get on and off but sometimes it can be tough to find the right fit boot and wader combination as well as boot style that fits your needs. As for breathables vs, Neoprene... as was said durablility and warmth is definately in hte neoprenes, but they are heavy and a little harder to move around in, although it hasnt really been too bad for me... the only real dislike i have with neoprenes is if you plan on using them in the summer you WILL be hot... I have worn mine in the summer and on occasion do but it can be uncomfortable on days... as for breathables, they are easier to manouver in but are much less durable and have no insulation value... a good comparison I think is a thin raincoat compared to a waterproof rain Jacket with a liner... they both keep you warm but the lined jacket doesnt require layers while the thin rainjacket does... Hopefully this helps you out some...
  17. Great report Solo... and send out my best wishes to your friend Kareem... Good luck on the water!
  18. WTG with the Garbage pickup... I went to a hole on the ck today and saw a good 15 or so salmon in there... Good luck to ya and thanks for helping out
  19. I have 5mm Bare's and love em... Never been cold in any creek yet...
  20. Thanks for sharing... looks like you had some fun out there and glad to see the eyes being pulled in more and more
  21. Looking good... dont even have to scroll now on the homepage...
  22. Unfortunately I wont be able to make it this weekend... Having some family come up from down south and we unfortunately got stuck fishing the BOQ... Maybe we can organize an OFC one as well in the spring or later on in the year, As i know for sure it needs the cleaning, and not just at PC park... Good luck to ya all
  23. I have read a bunch of articles and techniques suggesting 100+ft behind the board, so I think that yes, it is just a suggestion
  24. Nice fish! WTG and may you have many more with the new motor
  25. Yup... I have done both Vaccum and water... when the vaccum is unavailable I always add water in the bag to cover the fillets... Lasts as long as I need it to in the freezer
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