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Everything posted by huntervasili

  1. Nice man... havent heard of this new technology before the new section here... WTG at the utilization of it
  2. oncogene... I believe everyone on the board, in the country, and in the world has the right to voice their opinion. I was simply defending those who's opinions you neglected to respect as I said the pictures may or may not offend me, thats for me to decide, but I simply believe that its best to avoid an argument than to pursue it, and if it is begun accidentally for it to be stopped as soon as possible... nelly, again I have no problems with you and hopefully my opinion did not make it seem that way, just trying to save you some flak. This WILL be my last post in the thread, as I dont need to prove myself. oncogene, if you have any future comments to direct toward me please make it by PM, so we don't cause any more problems in this expired topic...
  3. Its not about the un revived muskie... I believe nelly did all he could and am glad he didn't let the meat spoil.... Its the continuous reviving of dead musky threads that seems to bother people... I myself will keep my opinion about that to myself but in my previous post was just giving a 3rd person perspective...and I feel that many of the Whiners you speak of are instead contributing members of the board who are voicing their opinion. whether it be right or wrong its their right... Definately no need for this thread anymore...
  4. Good luck up there... Hopefully you get your grandslam wish!
  5. hmmm... nelly I believe maybe it would be a good Idea to leave any subject with musky alone... lots of people are a little upset about things and your best bet to not get too many more angered at you is to leave touchy subjects alone IMHO... Just maybe use a little more sence when posting possibly offending pictures/links etc. ***Edited... Good job removing the link man... will save you future troubles
  6. Welcome to the board Evinrude dude... Great place to share info and meet fishin' buddies
  7. Borax can be had at your local grocery store... Cool methods you guys use... I have used borax and it seems to work alright but I prefer it airdryed.
  8. Uh oh... done all my homework, not that that would have any effect on me being there lol... See yas in there...
  9. There arent gonna be migratory fish up that far yet... we still need alot of rain. You may though encounter some Smallies, I have seen a couple in there...
  10. My thoughts, too , are with you and your friend and everyone who this is affecting.
  11. Very nice report.. thats a beauty of a Bass too... nice release shot
  12. Nice Job! WTG
  13. Nice man... THose greens really do turn out nice... you should take some pics of fish and "oversaturate" the colours in them... Bet the coulours would be amazing, Hint Hint...
  14. WTG Bly... Congrats on the accomplishment of yet another goal!
  15. WTG man... congrats on the win
  16. jeez... just say my name when ya get in there lol... I will year the beep and start talkin to yas!!!!
  17. Sorry Joe lol... I was making this thread...
  18. I really should be studying Economics and doing Adv. Functions work but what the heck... I will be there, come on in and join me...
  19. Very nice... looks like you had a great time on the water
  20. What weigt rod do you have? there are quite a few spots for trout or Salmon around you... If you have the time drive to the epper section of hte grand R. lots of trout there and cooler water temps... otherwise near the mouth of the rivers there should produce salmon...
  21. Nice man... wtg out there.
  22. WTG on the water... Nice to see you continually allow your children to be involved in the great sport... everyone knows a kid on the water is better than a kid on the street and its better for him to be addicted to something like that than anything else... thats the way I explain it anyway!!!
  23. Lots of pike in there... try tossing white spinnerbaits for em, you'll get both bass and pike that way too...
  24. Good luck on the water! dont forget to take pictures
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