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Everything posted by huntervasili

  1. Doesn't matter where you live... Crime rate where I am isn't particularly high... its just the punks who think stealing is cool... And what you did say is that the blame lies on us as much as the criminal, that is untrue... And as stated purse was not in plain view and the crime occured at night on a private residence driveway.
  2. Ohh and the purse was in the Dashboard
  3. Nater that is an ignorant thing to say and I believe it would have been better to keep it to your self... If you leave your house unlocked is it okay for me to come in and is that your fault...? How about an unlocked window? Is it your fault some one came in because you or your child or wife left it unlocked? If you believe that someone who is robbed is at fault you need to have a reality check of your own... dont forget to lock the zippers on your back pocket too... Whether or not a vehicle or car is locked is unimportant as NO ONE has the right to invade anothers private property
  4. Yessir Glen... they'd make good target practice... Where can you get rubber pellets for the 12g?
  5. No idea why the purse was in the car, probably out of convenience... I keep my stuff locked up and out of sight and dont leave much money in the car for reasons such as this... It seems to act as an unfortunate sort of Reality check...
  6. Well I have a little rant to make today as I am very annoyed at many in society who understand stealing is wrong yet do so anyway. This morning I awoke and did my usual routine got in the car and off I went on my day... When I returned home I was informed that my mothers car had in fact broken into and ransacked... when I looked in the car all the contents were on the floor and seat and we found that her purse had been rummaged through and all the cash taken. they attempted to also steal the bluetooth Mic that was in there but were unable to do so. I am just dumbfounded that people continue to do such acts. When we informed the police they told us our neighborhood recently has had several problems with thievery. It is downright dirty that someone can have a ruthless disregard for law. however minor this may be it can easily escalate into B/E a house at gunpoint and stealing the contents and livelihood of its occupants. It is very frustrating that things like this happen and will continue to occur because penalties aren't harsh enough for many lawbreakers and law abiding citizens are hurt. Scum of this nature has no place on my property or any others but their own. I will be spending a little more time at night peeking out the window, as the idiots are may just return as they have lately. I apologize for letting this out but figured maybe everyone could keep a better watch for thieves in your neighborhood, and ensure your car doors are locked when you decide to call it a night.
  7. My thoughts are with you and your son as well as the others involved, Chuck and Shelley... Glad to hear their conditions are stable and are on the road to a hopefully speedy and uninterrupted recovery Bill
  8. Sorry for your loss Solo... My thoughts are with you and Kareems friends and family. I am glad though that you were able to have the many great memories and the one last trip with him.
  9. Yup... remember that song from last year Roy... Definitely a great song for any fisherman to hear around this time
  10. Well early tomorrow morning we are planning on heading down south for the holidays to visit family, like each year. So before I went I wanted to ensure to wish all OFNCers a great holiday. May just have a chance to fish and will surely try and tag a deer, so might have to post some pics when I return... Have a good one, stay safe and enjoy the season Regards, Bill
  11. Congrats to ya... Might just have a new fishin' buddy in a few years
  12. I will second that Danimal... The smaller Williams spoons are good for trout through the ice, the heavier ones would be good for eyes and the smaller jigs for perch and crappie
  13. Lorissa... make sure to look at the dates, It says up to 14" of ice in now open water, it is from last winter, or spring... may soon be updated but its outdated
  14. Well I stumbled across this and figured someone may be able to benefit from it... Its a good general guideline for those starting out. Hope you can read it... Feel free to add what you have used and like or dislike...
  15. apparently it works okay, I have heard one going with just an inline fuse and the cord cut... cant complain with that
  16. yup... Was told to get a fuse, which should do the trick to make sure it doesnt explode or the like lol
  17. i have some smaller 12V batteries I am going to hook it up to, so its portable
  18. Cooks is frozen over, and Virginia Beach is frozen as well. although some people have been out the warm temps are melting snow on top and thinning the ice. Good or bad the Ice is pretty unsafe
  19. I will check that out... They must have something Thanks
  20. Happy Birthday to you, May you have many more years, and catch fish in every one of em
  21. Thanks for the help...I have the instructions I need to hopefully successfully accomplish my task Thanks!
  22. Yup... Should be fine as long as it is infact 7" of ice rather than 3 or 4 black ice and the rest slushy or airy ice Be safe and have fun
  23. Hmmm or a fishing related one http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sv7ro2pZxOU&NR=1
  24. Okay so I have an XM Satellite radio and was wondering if anyone had any tips as to how to hook it up to a battery... Just want to be able to bring it on the water and in the ice hut with me sometimes. So if anyone has any idea how to do it fire away in here as I will be trying to do it sometime, hopefully soon. Thanks in advance for any help Bill
  25. Looks like ya had a fun time on the water there... thanks for sharing the report, Just a matter of time till I can make it up to the Minden area myself
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