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Everything posted by huntervasili

  1. WTG man... may they be the first of many more for ya
  2. Wow... thats kinda cool... thanks for sharing
  3. Hot damn... I am on my way...
  4. Waters low here, Saw a couple dead salmon who couldn't wait lol and a couple flashers in a pool... a few week and I will be out...
  5. Glad there is some justice, and hopefully it will teach some a lesson but poachers will always be out there as long as there is game... I have seen everything from over limit to No-Kill rivers where fish are caught and even ducks that have been snagged with trebels and killed to bring home... its sickening
  6. When I was there a couple weeks ago we got on a few schools of em with fish reaching about 12" and 1Lb... does that count for picking up? (we were fishing 14-16 FOW)
  7. Alright there I PMed you with as much info as I think you need (directions, techniques bait) pm me if ya have any other questions. I will check out my schedule and we can hook-up one day...
  8. Nice Cliff... Good luck out there toinight, are you gonna be sticking that trolling motor on the piers and moving around the lake lol ? We'll be waiting for the report
  9. I will go for that too... I would rather if something was going to die it die for a reason... anything I edible that I kill I sure as hell am gonna eat it, its ethical and the right thing to do
  10. Well you can try all the creeks:Bronte, 16 mile (oakville) Grindstone, for all sorts of stuff from bass to migratory fish ( salmon, steelies) and carp or suckers too... also I think you can fish in the RBG in burlington bay. You can also cast spoons off the piers now for salmon, which I am leaving for in all of 10 minutes Good luck!
  11. Some species of fish though are much more intolerant of light/heat and dont feed as much usually the "prime" times to fish are at first and last light for a huge variety of fish... But i have caught all sorts of fish mid day and early afternoon... good luck and dont hesitate to ask questions on here as there is a wealth of knowledge...
  12. lol... Hes the one in five I guess who wants to educate south africa
  13. Hello All... I'll be in the room if anyone wants to join me...
  14. Looks like a day well spent on the water... Aaron your a class act... you put some smiles on peoples faces that day and memories that will clearly last a lifetime... WTG!
  15. LOL that is really something else... read that on an anniversary or a wedding or something... I am still laughing, Thanks for sharing that with us Sam...
  16. Nice WTG... Along with those cards comes some nice eating
  17. Carp-Starter I think you got it right down to the button...I as well would enjoy a year round C&R season and am hoping that whatever changes need to be made are... Sometimes the MNR just has to get the balls to close the season especially during critical times...as ethical fishermen most of us believe this should be done and so we dont fish the rivers but its the undereducated and the ignorant who need that reminder or push to get off the little delicate creeks we enjoy fishing so much... I will still be hoping for higher water levels and cooler temps. Bill
  18. WTG Gerritt Coming along great it looks like...
  19. That is pretty neat to be one of only a few people to see one of those guys eh
  20. Awesome report man, and WTG on that muskie... Looks like ya had a great time and thanks for sharing your trip with us
  21. hope I can get out for the trout before the season closes... Get up there rivers and Cool down
  22. COngrats on the beaty PB bass and good luck for the other species!
  23. Thats something else... just proves there are stupider things than the mud in lake O Glad to see people are looking out for oneanotehr though...
  24. Yup... thats the thing... what I posted was just an example of what is happening everywhere... bring on the fall and some rain....
  25. WTG on the report... looks like a fun time on the water...
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