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Everything posted by huntervasili

  1. ... That talk is only found in the chat ... ohh and thanks Glen... not a busy night in there tonight... I will probably hang out for another 15 mins or so in there... ya wanna fight Glen?
  2. Great report Mike... Looks like ya had a good birthday eh... Thanks for sharing, but too bad you didn't get the biggest fish of the trip
  3. Have a good one Old man back from quinte yet? your bones are aching I guess
  4. Cmon y'all! I will be there for a little so come share some words
  5. What else could you possibly want to do on a friday night?
  6. Wow... what a great report... looks like ya had fun and hooked some fish too... WTG
  7. Glad to see more and more of these reports starting to emerge... way to go on the water and thanks for the report!
  8. Way to go guys... some awesome fish ya got and some really neat pics
  9. Damn thing timed out.. I am back in...I was wondering where the action went
  10. Who's gonna come and join me... BOQ G2G is coming
  11. Looks like ya enjoyed yourself TJ... Nothing better than a good time with friends and some meat in the freezer
  12. That we sure do... as for the riggers... I will talk to Corey and find out. For flares... does it matter what kind you get? ( pen flares, flare gun...etc) Thanks again
  13. Great pics and report glad to hear the bite is picking up!
  14. A few things... First off although younger livestock may not always be particularily expensive to buy, Prized animals are worth much more than many may believe. A bull although only worth very little when slaughtered is invaluable to a farmer as he can breed his cows and keep the bull which has a strong line of genes, for those of you who know lots about dogs how much do you think it would cost just to have a prized stud attempt to impregnate your dog. It is the same idea. As well horses can be worht more than most people will ever have in savings depending on its use. Lastly though the way I interpreted the story, the point of killing the dogs was to protect the farmer and his property, not to prove he's a man.
  15. I myself am very fond of dogs, have one and probably lways will, but I know that they can infact damage property and livestock and for those of us who hunt can ruin the properties ability to contain game... Although I am not sure of the particular circumstances, Shooting Rabid dogs is not uncommon and there is nothing wrong with it. They can pose safety risks to some, liability risks, risk of property damage... The Farmer not being the owner of the dog could not have possibly been able to tell its reactions to situations and whether or not it would damage his property, or pose a risk to himself. I have been in a similar situation several times before and if I see a dog harassing livestock/Game on my property without visible ID (Tags) I believe there is nothing in anyway wrong with shooting it. If within his rights which by the sounds of it it seems to be great, if on the other hand it wasn't he should be punished by law... That though is my opinion
  16. Well its a little on the skinny side but was well over 36" (that was the size of the ruler attached to the side of hte boat... I was thinking maybe 40" and no idea the weight any other Ideas?
  17. Well today again I ventured to pond "X" unfortunately not too much in the way of bass, just a couple little guys i didn't bother photographing. But, I did manage to hook an awesome surprise. My new PB pike!, not too sure how many " or lbs but it was a nice one none the less... pic cuts it off a little but you can see where I am coming from... Well thats the story... Bill
  18. Ok Ok I wa fishign today and working yesterday... as promised a couple of the many fish we got... a few hammerhandles we didn't wanna bother with either... first we started the day with a couple smaller ones...which were not photographed. but here is the day in summary Unfortunately nothing too huge today but a fun day on the water none the less...
  19. sure thing Corey... Anytime... Pics will be coming soon. Just gotta hook up the camera and figure out the software... Glad you enjoyed it, thanks for the company!
  20. Just over a month to the G2G at quinte the anticipation is getting to me good now... who's up for some fishing or non-fishing Chat?
  21. Gerritt having heard of your son and what you and your family have been through definately teaches us all to treasure those we have with us today as they may be taken from us tomorrow. My thoughts are with you man.
  22. Good luck out there TJ... I know I'd shoot what I am most comfortable shooting and what the guns sighted in for... The placement is of course what counts the most and 150 grains is enough for the moose, Good luck with killing the trophy and I'll be waiting on a report
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