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Everything posted by Hookset

  1. Not sure I'd want to try eating a Great Lakes Ling Cod, but any I've eaten from Lake Simcoe and North have been great. Cleaning them is just like cleaning catfish. Nail the head to something belly down, cut all the way around the head, and peel the skin off with a set of pliers. Nice fillets from either side of the back bone. Best bait I've found for them is salted minnows, on a 3 way spreader, right on bottom. Chum with more Salties and you'll be busy all night long. They are REALLY slimy though. The floor of my ice hut was pretty gross by morning, not to mention my clothes. Not something you want to do with someone who is grossed out by slime. If you drink enough, by morning they almost look pretty. Almost. Hookset.
  2. Pretty sure they'd be in violation of fish possession regulations if they were as far away from their still live fish as 007 stated. Correct me if I'm wrong please members. I think you did right 007. Hookset.
  3. Sure does show why each day is as important as it is... Fish your butts off while you can, and spend all the time you can with friends and family. No telling whats gonna happen tomorrow. Sorry for the loss Wayne. Hookset.
  4. Good Joke, For every person who posts about a personal problem / issue there are definitely ten who do not. It is what it is. And that was a funny joke. This is a fishing website where we discuss tons of issues other than fishing. Terry said it best. No worries from my viewpoint Randy. Hookset
  5. Hey cool, I have one just like that. Do you have it in a matching spinning reel like I do ? Never again. The Curado is a sweet reel but I gotta admit I have more BPS reels now than anything, and I haven't killed one yet. Hookset.
  6. Thanks Dude.....scored me big points with all the girls in the office Hookset.
  7. Buy it, if you don't like it, sell it in the spring for 3 grand. I sold my brothers boat for him, same model but older with a 2 stroke Johnson 15 h.p. (old) for 2500 bucks. She would plane out with us 2 fatties in it. But you won't be using it as a ski boat. His was a tiller tho'. For that price, don't sweat the small stuff. As long as the hull is solid and she doesn't leak you can't lose. Yer' talking 2 grand here. You don't get diddly squat for that price so worrying about ride quality is kinda moot. Hookset.
  8. Had this email sent to me. As with most email, I have questions about authenticity. Wondering if any members have heard or can validate this, and what your thoughts might be. If it's true methinks we are being railroaded. Though if true I would have expected to have heard more about it. Here's the scoop, On October 10, 2007, as part of the next Provincial election, the people of Ontario will be asked if they want to replace the current electoral system. In essence, they will be asked if they want to shift the power from the people of Ontario (local voters and ridings) to the politicians at Queens Park. There has been no education on this referendum and its timing, coinciding with the October 10 Ontario election, may allow for an easy pass by sheer overshadowing. What is being proposed and how does it impact all of us? 1. Decrease the current number of ELECTED MPPs from 103 to 90. 2. Incorporate a new NON-ELECTED number of MPPS 3. Enlarge the number of MPPS to 129. 4. 90 MPPs will be Elected by us the people 5. 39 MPPs to be Selected or Appointed by the politicians. 6 Not democratically elected and Party elites 7. Decreased accessibility to government 8. 17 fewer local ridings and decreased accessibility 9. Elected members will have local riding issues to manage 10. Directly accountable to constituents 11. Appointed MPPs have no such responsibilities 12. Brokerage Politics may make positive change more difficult Did you ask for this referendum and the associated costs? This proposed two-tier government system called 'M ixed M ember P roportional' (MMP) is the government's solution to reduced voter turnout in the current electoral system. There is a risk that this referendum question will be overshadowed by the debate of who will form the next provincial government and could result in the people giving up their historic power in the way we govern ourselves. The government spent millions of our dollars on a Citizens Assembly on Electoral Reform. Purportedly, the members of the Citizens Assembly were chosen randomly but no one can establish which database or what information was used to determine such random participation, or history making participants. Has anyone actually seen a report directly authored by these people? The people of Ontario did not ask for this referendum. The people of Ontario want more accountability. They do not want paid MPPs that have no accountability: not to ridings or constituents or any other defined entity or channel. The people of Ontario want more transparency of their various tax dollars, at all levels of government. They want to eliminate misuse, abuse and squandering of their money and will not tolerate monies provided for apparent immoral means. Shifting the people's power will not help suppress scandals such as the most recent Cricket club affair. ($100,000 requested and $1,000,000 one million paid for no apparent benefit to the people of Ontario). 1. A more elite legislature 2. Reward for faithful service 3. Delivery of votes 4. Financial help 5. Decreased accessibility to politicians 6. Less Democracy If people of Ontario are to make an informed decision, they must have the opportunity to hear more than one side of the debate on electoral change. Using our tax dollars to pay for 22 more politicians and their staff at Queens Park, and without any sense of what the additional 22 will be doing or to whom they will be accountable, suggests that the people of Ontario are weak, indecisive and need decisions made for them or are basically ignorant and will give up their power .
  9. Wow great fish. That Smallie in the last picture - left hand - has some beautiful markings. Gotta love it when they get dark markings like that. Hookset.
  10. I'll second the tip for nail polish. I found some that is clear with silver flakes in it. Even has teflon in it if I remember right. Stuff dries hard and fast, and gives a cool shiny transparent finish. So I stole a few other colors as well. Now as long as the girlfriend doesn't know I'm raiding her stuff...all is good. Hookset.
  11. Soft Plastic Jerkbait for me. Probably 'cuz you can fish it fast or dead slow depending on the mood. Hookset
  12. What's really funny is that you had to go to 7 weddings this year. There should be a law against that. For wedding presents did you just go out and buy 7 toasters ??? Funny stuff Silverado.... Hookset.
  13. If the best that we as Canadians can offer to attract business is a "low dollar" then we are no better than Mexico or China. To rely on a low dollar to attract business is a recipe for disaster. We continually advertise ourselves worldwide as having a better educated workforce which offers high quality products and cutting edge technology. Then the dollar soars, and the crying starts about lost business due to the high dollar. Short term pain for a long term gain I say. A large part of the business we are losing will not be returning to the USA but will be headed for the next country which can offer production at a reduced dollar (see Mexico, China etc.) I've been in the Automotive business my whole life (until lately thank god) and I've seen the quality and technology of product this country can produce. It is second to none. Suck it up Canada, the business we lose to our high dollar was business that we would eventually lose regardless for corporations that care little about quality and only about production costs. We are better than that. My opinion, Hookset.
  14. Welcome to the neighbourhood Floater, and hey Gerritt, when you stop getting old....yer dead. Getting old is a good thing lol. Hookset
  15. P.M. sent - we got ya covered lol.
  16. Only have a quick second here for a reply so...... I have a Minn Kota 55 lb. 54 inch power drive. I'll never buy another one. 4 friends - same motor (different size shafts) - 4 blown foot controls, and one blown computer card. Cable and Motorguide all the way for me next. (and my friends too) Hookset.
  17. Had the same problem with mine. Also blew up the foot control. Just pull the lever and give her a boot. Works for me. Plus never buy another Minn Kota product. I sure won't be. And I'm not basing that statement on just my own issues. Several good friends / fishermen have had the same issues and had worse luck than me. They need to improve their testing and insure reliability before the "new" products are released. Sorry about jumping this thread with my own "rant". Hookset.
  18. This article doesn't really answer the question but it's a cool read none the less. While "googling" I noticed that the record seems to be just under 117 m.p.h., but like you said, that's for a "stripped down" boat with what looked like a mod engine. Anyhow try this - fastest bass boat Hookset.
  19. I agree Lew. Never underestimate the stupidity of humans. I don't think boater licensing will, or has, made one lick of difference though. The exam doesn't test for ignorance. I still can't comprehend why the licensing started as it did with operators of smaller boats needing their licenses first before people with large boats. I'm not worried about the dude in the 12 foot tin tippy, it's the jackass in the 35 footer motoring straight at me that I worry about. People may say that more people die in smaller boats so that's the reason, but I feel that's just natures way of culling. Licensing won't save them anyway. I guess it's good that the SeaDoo's now need a licensed operator but I don't see much improvement there either. Sorry for jumping on your thread and ranting about licensing. Hookset.
  20. My condolances John, This really hits home. I lost my Dad this January to Lung Cancer. Few words can be said, and none will make it o.k. Cancer is the battle that should be forefront in our lives, before all else. Mark.
  21. I've fished that Lake several times. There is some good Bass fishing to be had, but the Walleye fishing hasn't been too good (for me anyway) lately. There was a huge Algae type infestation in the lake last year (or the year before, my memory fails) caused by pollution from run-off. I think the source of the pollution is still being determined and someone else may have more info. about the problem than I have. I just know I showed up for a nice evening Walleye fish, only to find the entire Lake had turned the colour of Pea Soup. And I mean real Pea Soup, you couldn't see your bait 2 inches underwater. It was gross. Was definitely caused by pollution as was stated by the M.O.E. and was not a natural occurence. Not sure how it effects the fish but I doubt if it helped at all. I always used to catch some huge Bluegills in that lake while Bass fishing as well. There are some nice weedlines on the Lake and some good rock strewn deeper sections as well. Hope I don't depress you with the "pollution" report but if I wanted to go swimming in the lake, I'd sure want to know. Let us know how your Pal makes out. I'm real curious if everything is o.k. or not since I haven't been back since. Hookset.
  22. Well done Brian, I live and work on that Lake and it is definitely a tough one. Every spot looks good but only a few hold fish consistently. Sounds like you found the spots though. Keep pounding it. You'll be in the top 5 no problem. Congrats on the finish, and great report. Hookset.
  23. I recently purchased a new Satellite system. Gotta say the World Fishing Network is amazing. It seems like there are hundreds of stations, and so far I have watched one lol. Anyway, my question is, During the last 3 thunderstorms I've lost my signal for about an hour each time. The technician, when he installed it said I have a strong signal and should hardly ever lose a signal except in a heavy snowstorm maybe. The dish has a clear path so it must be something else. Rain accumulation or maybe the signal gets blocked due to the rain ???? I dunno. Anybody else have this problem ? I'm missing fishing shows here and I'll have to start doing work around the house, or having a real life conversation, if I don't get this figured out. Thanks, Hookset.
  24. Why did I click on that ? Why... Why... Why... I knew it wouldn't be good. You can see that it's gonna be bad even before you zoom in. But I did it anyway. So much for dinner lol. Hookset.
  25. Hookset


    Jeez guys, give him a break. You all know that Batman cannot reveal his true identity. or was that Superman ? Spiderwire Girl maybe ? damn, now I'm all confused. Hookset.
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