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Everything posted by Hookset

  1. Well since I'm reading this at work...I must not have it off Maybe I can get out early. Happy family Day to those who get it. Lucky Sods lol. Hookset.
  2. Definitely the Old Man. It went beyond fishing. We were lucky enough to grow up in the sticks. 18 acres with a trout stream running through it. Pure heaven for 2 lucky boys to grow up in. He gave my brother and I all the "tools" we ever needed. Great post and some great old pictures. Here's one of my favorites from a while ago. Hookset.
  3. This is extremely devastating for this community. Baysville only has about 300 full time residents in the winter and it's a community of families. I just moved from there about 5 years ago. A sad day to say the least. Just found out the names: Leslie Newman, 24, his longtime friend Derek Genereux, 28, and Derek's stepfather Norman MacDonald, 38 Hookset.
  4. Moving in 3 weeks...packing...wanna go fishing...packing...checking out OFC...packing...getting yelled at 'cuz I ain't doing enough...packing. God someone please save me. I have too much crap...packing...packing. I think I just packed my beer Hookset.
  5. Then we can do a poll on how many of us are on a daily medication. Court ordered....check here Condition of parole...check here Did you forget your meds today...check here
  6. Hookset

    Rant NF

    See,... whether we all agree or not, each person has something worthwhile to add. I loved the above quote and I plan on stopping at McD's on the way home. Even though I've never seen a Squeegie Kid up here I wanna be ready. Now if we can all just add our opinions, while keeping things civil, all should be well in our wee fishing world. By the way...have you ever heard the one about the Midget with a hair lip that goes to buy a horse ? Hookset.
  7. You're not alone on this one Lew. Problem is you have some fishermen who can produce some great shows until a whiney network executive or producer gets his hands on things and decides that a show is not worth watching unless it's catering to a "newer" audience, so they throw in a bunch of crap music and flashy graphics. Someone needs to take them out to the wood shed for a little explaining about fishing. Hookset.
  8. Hi All, This past weekend we had a bungalow rented on Nippissing for the weekend. No report 'cuz the fishing sucked, so we drank too much, and I forgot all about the camera. That's my story and I'm stickin' to it. Anyway, there were full size vehicles running all over Callander Bay. Some would cruise along at about 30 k.m. per hour but then in the middle of the night a full size S.U.V. went smoking past our hut, maybe 30 feet away, and he must have been doing over 100 k.m. / hour. Way over. It rocked our 6 man bungalow pretty good. What I was wondering was, I was told that the faster you go, the larger of a wave is pushed along ahead of you under the ice. This increases the possibility that you would actually catch up to the wave and break through or force the wave to break the ice ahead of you. I've heard this from a lot of people but have never seen proof of it, and I've never seen anyone report that as the cause of going through the ice. Just wondering if it's true or just a pile of bunk. Thanks, Hookset.
  9. That's some pretty tough stuff to go through MrEh. My hope and best wishes go out to you and yours as well as tonyb and his family. Keep yer chins up. Hookset.
  10. Was my favorite half time show yet. Music that you could actually enjoy. Who cares what the hell he looks like? He's a GUY !!! You want the Spice girls or Janet Jackson ??? Good music is just that, good music. No matter how old. You wanna see boobies? You got the internet. Tom Petty Rocks. Hookset.
  11. I like the post... The truth hurts don't it ? It's ok though cuz' in a hundred years or so, Canadians and Americans will be so broke, we'll be the ones working for pennies and all the lost business will come running back Just wonder which countries will step up and try keeping the Lid on this Planet (i.e. Terrorism, Disease, Foreign Aid, Hunger etc.) when North Americans (and some E.U. Countries too) are too broke to do so ? But to listen to some Human Beans, we're the cause of everything bad anyway right ? Damned if you do... Thank God we have an on-ice bungalow booked for this weekend, no one can hear you rant from there lol. I just noticed...3 of my ice rods are made in China...guilty . Hookset.
  12. Ditto, From what I've heard + read + watched on T.V. it's got all I'd ever need. As was said previous, it's big enough that you can fish it for a life time and never hit it all. Creeping farther North to live, farther away from "civilization" would be cool too. Hookset.
  13. like a lot of vices in life, you actually have to WANT to change. Welcome aboard. Hookset.
  14. or they could make the question....whats 1 + 1. even I could answer that. thereby fullfilling another dumbass government requirement. Hookset.
  15. Even though I'm a Leafs fan... Pick any team other than the Leafs, The poor kid would be shell shocked 2 minutes into his first start. Such a fine young man deserves better than the Leafs. I'd say they'd be better by the time he's old enough but I've been saying the same darn thing since '67. Nice Picture BTW Hookset.
  16. Man I've always wanted to try that. My guess is that it's legal. As long as the little dude in the boat has a license . ...and doesn't have an open beer. But, in todays world, if it's a lotta fun, it's probably illegal. Hookset.
  17. Handle ? You guys making fun of me cuz' my Momma named me Hookset ? Better stop it or I'm sending over "Toxic Bunk Muffin" That'll fix yer little patooty. My sister always was a little over protective. Hookset.
  18. Hey mufasa001, I'll be only about a 1/2 mile away from you. Due west. Feb. 1 if that's the same weekend. We've rented our hut from Rob Hyatt, it's our 3rd year there. Don't overlook the great Whitefish opportunities. We caught several last year as well as some great Walleyes and a few Pike. Just another idea but if you rig an ultralight set up of say 4 lb line or less with a real tiny jig head and just use the head of a minnow, fishing for Herring can add excitement to the slow times. You will mark them on your fishfinder usually suspended way off bottom. If you get the jig to them quick enough they'll hit. Great little scrappers on light line. And damn tasty when smoked. If you wanna take a walk stop on over. Ours will be the hut you can hear the music from a mile away. The count so far is 2 guitars, 1 set of bongo's, a harmonica, a mandolin and various other implements. Surprisingly it didn't bother the fish but for some reason we didn't get a lot of human visitors. Go figure See ya there, Hookset
  19. And if that doesn't work, use those same skills to practice with a Flipping Jig. You'll be hitting the docks for 3 pointers in no time Congrats on the 3 point competition. Hookset.
  20. What kinda info you need MuddyWater ? If you are wondering about ice there were still large sections of open water on the main or larger sections of the Lake as of a couple days ago. As far as the smaller bays go, I'm not sure. Personally I'm not hitting any of the big lakes up here for a while yet. Might be OK after next weeks freeze. Hookset.
  21. A STUMP FIELD IN 3 - 9 FEET OF WATER !!! Oh my god man, I'm drooling. Nice fish by the way. O.K., I need a towel. Hookset
  22. Congrats, definitely a keeper. And a Bass man to boot, what could be better ? Hope you have a handle on his education expenses cuz' all his dough will be blown on tackle. But at least then he can take the old man out fishing Hookset.
  23. Ya !!! what do you think this is ? a message board ???? How dare someone write an opinion. Ummm...wait.....nevermind Hookset.
  24. The print showing "funds in U.S. dollars" could be in bold print 25" high... and it would still be wrong !!!! We are getting hosed by B.P.S. plain and simple. We will continue to get hosed until pricing is at par. Stock bought at times when the dollar was lower have long gone. Stop buying there and watch how quickly things change. Hookset.
  25. Happy Cliff Day Hookset.
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