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Everything posted by Hookset

  1. Done deal Rickster, fingers crossed and positive thoughts all day. I take it your Bro' isn't very old ? That's a tough deal. Keep your chin up, Hookset.
  2. Hi michaelw, I now live just West of a town called Utterson. I moved from Baysville about 6 years ago. Lived there for about 5 years. We still have some family there and they have Sympatico Lite. I'm think they could have gotten high speed but not positive. They live just outside of town, East of the river. I will try to find out for sure as to what's available. Just don't take Sympatico's word as to types of available service, they don't have a clue about the services that they provide. Go figure... Nice to see another OFC'er moving to the area soon. If you like Bass fishing (trout too I should say) you're moving to the right area... we can talk Hookset. and Thanks as well grt1 - I'll have to check out that option.
  3. Thanks for all the info. guys. We tried each and every provider up here and the only one that can supply us is Satellite Internet by Hughes Net. We moved between Huntsville and Bracebridge and after looking and dealing with providers we soon found out that we are basically in a dead zone. Of course when we bought the house Sympatico said "sure you can get high speed in your new home !!!" Liars... We tried point to point, wireless, cell tower, everything. Satellite or nothin apparently (dial up would kill me). Had it hooked up last Tuesday and it's still not working right. The crosbol is screwed up and needs adjusting. Why it wasn't checked at time of install who knows. Anyway thanks again for all the info, and some day soon I'll be online from home. 10 years ago if you told me I would do this just for high speed internet access I'd have called you crazy. Hookset
  4. Great report and very nice pics. Looked like a great day. I always wondered about snowmobiles and such moving the fish around too. I think there is something to that... Hookset.
  5. Drift sock (small one) - I use one on my back lakes "tupperwear boat". Stops you from spinning down the shoreline like a fart in the wind. And controls your drift nicely too. Hookset.
  6. Well not the Banjo but I just started learning the Mandolin about 3 months ago. It's the first musical instrument I've tried. Some things that help me are : 1 - Check out Youtube . There are entire lessons on line for most instruments. Cool thing is you can play portions of the lesson over and over until you get it right. And you don't have to pay an instructor. 2 - Get a knowledgeable person who knows what to look for in buying a banjo. When I bought my mandolin I bought a cheap one. A month later I was back buying a better one and the difference is unreal. No more bleeding fingers 3 - Play it every day. Even if it's only for a few minutes. It's a good habit to get into. 4 - Less is more... you'll figure that one out lol. Hookset.
  7. The Flying Lure... Looked great but what a disappointment. Sure didn't work worth a damn for me... Hookset.
  8. Not sure how it would work around the islands but my all time fave Pike lure = Len Thompson 5 of Diamonds. I replace the treble hook with a better quality one tho'. It's a must have in my Pike box. Hookset.
  9. Honest to God... Dudes name on a Fly Fishing show that I see on WFN. Can't remember the name of the show, but it's hosted or produced (can't remember) by...get ready... Jack Imhoff. Parents can be cruel. Hookset. Oh Ya...my Bass Tourney partner...Perry Mason (how can we lose ?)
  10. ATV.....no contest
  11. If this is the Leonard Lake off Hwy 118 then ya I've fished it a couple years ago. Good Smallmouth, didn't catch any Largies. Supposed to have Walleye too but wasn't targeting them. I'll ask around work here today and see if I can add any more info. For a Lake in the Muskoka's I don't remember it being overly busy. Which is usually the norm as long as you stay off of Lake Muskoka, Lake Joe, Rosseau etc. I'll let you know what I find out and shoot you a PM. Hookset.
  12. Ahem... pretty sure that there is what you call a "Freudian Slip" Let's just leave it at that Hookset.
  13. Great point Joey. Glad it all worked out OK for you Cityfisher. Some days...Poo happens. Hookset.
  14. Glad to hear that you are OK Cliff. That's an awful lot to go through just for a back rub. Take it easy for a day or two. Hookset.
  15. Nope ...sorry...not impressed with those replies at all. If you want to learn, grow, and improve, patting yourself on the back, or getting patted will do you absolutely no good. I've been in the customer service field in one way or the other for over 20 years. Ok you asked for it now you're gonna get it ? Give me a break. The absolute BEST tool for insuring your show can stay on top and improve is to "man up" and listen very closely to criticism. You should almost be begging for this type of response. You have no information to improve upon when people are blowing sunshine up your butt. The best reply you guys could have made would have been a mature response to thank all those who posted both positively and negatively and in some form or other attempt to address the negative issues that you are so very lucky to have read and hopefully understood. You've got a great opportunity to improve, and if you decide not to, then you at least cannot say that you do not know the reason for which you failed. Personally i love both shows, except the music on one, but that's why I have a volume control on the remote. Good Luck, Hookset.
  16. Chuck is a Woosie. Big Joe Mufferaw...now there's a Canadian Man's Man. Paddlin the Mattawa...all the way to Ottawa...in just one day, hey hey. (Hoping that someone knows who I'm talking about) Chuck Norris...pfft. Hookset.
  17. I've owned a '99 Cherokee for about 3 years now. It's got the 4.0 litre though. I love the thing. There are definitely some electrical gremlins with some of them tho'. Mine blew an ignition sensor and a fuel sensor but I haven't had a problem with it after replacing those 2 units. The thing has lots of torque which makes it great for towing. As far as off road goes, mine thinks it's part mountain goat and part fish. I take it places that would make a lot of people chicken out and I've had the water up high enough that I flooded out the interior (hey I was trying to launch the boat to go fishing). My last vehicle was a full size GMC 4X4 and the Jeep goes places that the GMC wouldn't make it. On a different note, Jeep changed the body style on the Cherokee after 2000 and I don't think they've ever been the same when it comes to off road ability. I really don't like the new styles and I'm always on the look out for a good deal on another pre 2001 Cherokee. As far as the new crap they are making and calling "Jeeps" I just don't get it. The "Compass" is the worst looking piece of crap I've seen and I cringe every time I see one. It looks like it would get stuck on a dry highway (real) Jeeps rock, you'll love yours. Hookset.
  18. Well, it looks like it's time to pack up the computer for the move to our new home. Bad news though is that we were told we could have high speed internet at the new place, but now we find out that isn't true. We are checking out the Satellite internet from Hughes and hope to be up and running by next week. Expensive and not all that reliable I'm told. If anyone has info on Satellite internet I'd appreciate the help. The "Fishing for Tyler" event looked awesome, and the Girlfriend said I could go if...I wanted to live on the ice for the rest of my life. After thinking about it for a couple hours I decided against it . Damn it I hate moving. See Ya's all soon I hope. Hookset.
  19. Hey, great looking Pup there Rich. She is not a replacement for your last friend. She is simply your next best friend and your Co-Angler of the future... Congrats, Hookset.
  20. My 1972 Snow Cruiser starts on the 6th 0r 7th pull...shoulda bought a Snow Cruiser... kidding. Definitely sounds like a fuel flow issue to me. Hookset.
  21. I really like the Poem too Rich. The Author - Beth Norman Harris (1968) - sure knew what she was saying. Her Poem is a good read from day #1 with a new Pup until the final day when we have to say "So Long". Your Fishing Pal was indeed a Lucky Pup. Hookset.
  22. Cool story, Woulda been better if he had rescued the old guy on a skateboard tho'. Hookset.
  23. TREAT ME KINDLY Treat me kindly, my beloved friend, For no heart in all the world is more rateful for kindness than the loving heart of me. Do not break my spirit with a stick, For though I should lick your hand between blows, your patience and understanding will more quickly teach me the things you would have me learn. Speak to me often, For your voice is the world's sweetest music, as you must know by the fierce wagging of my tail when your footsteps fall upon my ears. Please take me inside when it is cold and wet, For I am a domesticated animal, no longer accustomed to the bitter elements. I ask no greater glory than the privilege of sitting at your feet beside the hearth. Keep my pan filled with water, for I cannot tell you when I suffer thirst. Feed me clean food that I may stay well, to romp and play and do your bidding, to walk by your side, and stand ready, willing and able to protect you with my life, should your life be in danger. And, my friend, when I am very old, and I no longer enjoy good health, hearing and good sight, do not make heroic efforts to keep me going. I am not having fun. Please see that my trusting life is taken gently. I shall leave this earth knowing with the last breath I drew, that my fate was always safest in your hand. --- By Beth Norman Harris 1968 ---
  24. Children starving World Wide...A cure for Cancer still to be found...Pollution...Crime... And the best this moron has to offer society is a name change ? Get a Life. (and damnit Mr. Kulik ya beat me to it) Hookset.
  25. oh ya and I'm not in an Onion either, so I guess I'm not a swine...sheesh someone needs to take a nap. Hookset.
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