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Everything posted by Hookset

  1. I subscribe to In-Fisherman magazine. I know it's American based but the fish don't know if they're American or Canadian. I think they represent the cutting edge. I've gotta get my act together though and subscribe to the OFAH and get Ontario Out of Doors. The work that the OFAH does in representing Fisherman and Hunters politically is worth supporting them alone. Hookset.
  2. When not keeping fish of any species. OOS or not, it is more important how the fish is handled than anything else. If the fish is handled with care, you have your camera ready, it can take as less than 5 seconds to take a picture. It appears that most negativity about this topic has come from a "holier than thou" type of crowd. Catch the fish, handle it carefully, take a QUICK pic if you like, then revive and release. Don't post the pic on the board because obviously people who you would never see post otherwise are suddenly preaching to the choir. As far as too many Bass goes. There will only be too many Bass when they start getting ahead of me in line at Tim Horton's. Hookset.
  3. Just wondering. Do you use a different knot on the terminal end when fishing fluoro over say 50 lbs than you would tie for mono or fluoro under 50 ? I'm wondering if the added thickness of a high pound line requires a specific knot than say a palomar or clinch knot like I would use bass fishing. I don't mean a knot to tie 2 different lines together but specifically a terminal end knot. I'm gonna make switch to fluoro leaders from steel leaders because of the reduced visibility but I like to have confidence in my knots. Imagine that lol. Thanks for any help.
  4. Darn straight. Well done Master. I'll share my boat with someone like that anyday
  5. Been there... done that. German Shepherd puppy. No worries right. He's just small. Plus this is a stable canoe. I tend to set the hook kinda hard I've been told when bass fishing. When setting the hook your weight is pretty much shifted to one side. Puppies think this is funny. They think you are purposely trying to tip the canoe, so they join in. Puppy paws up on gunnel, my fat butt shifted to the same side, tackle boxes sliding to the side. Cooler added to the mix. End result = free swimming lessons. Puppies will then get panicky and decide the safest place to be is on top of your head while you try to salvage all your gear. Girlfriend laughing at you safely from shoreline does not help. I wish you luck and suggest experimenting in warm water first. Hookset.
  6. I think secretly T.J. and the moderators put in an "Instigator Penalty" rule just like the N.H.L. We are all now a "kinder and gentler" crowd highlighting our speed and skills. I draw the line at group hugs tho.... Hookset.
  7. Welcome Ken, Man am I envious, all summer spent living on Nip. Bout the only way to make this fair to the rest of us, is if you have to spend the rest of the year living in Hamilton. Hookset.
  8. I swear I have heard this somewhere before . You can't really make a bad choice. I would lean to the 4 stroke but if the Mercury "power-up savings" offer is still on you can save close to 3 grand with the Opti over the 4 stroke. Either motor will be sweet on that boat. Nice pick on the Triton BTW. Well made boat. Now if you are looking to buy a house in which to park your new boat gimme a call.... do I have a deal for you... Hookset.
  9. Well, we just got back from the meeting. We were one of two families presenting "against" the change to the zoning bylaw. Regardless of what we presented, argued or defined as issues, we were basically told that all of those arguments could be presented in the "appeals" process and that a vote by council would be made tonight. Vote the council did. 100 % of the council, mayor included, voted in favor of changing the zoning. You would almost think the decision was made beforehand . We now have 20 days within which to make an appeal, so we see our choices limited to this : (1) We either fight to the end, and appeal our butts off. (2) We start the process of preparing to sell. Either way is pretty difficult. To afford a lawyer is one issue, but to be only one of two families opposed against a corporation with total town council support is another thing. Looks like the little guys took a kick to the teeth in the first round. Right now we feel like we will fight using the appeals process best we can on our own, and while doing so, try and sell (privately or to the developer). In the end, if the Condo's are going to be built (40 units, 4 stories high) there is no way we could stay. Right now our property faces out onto a busy street. We knew that when we moved in. We have a road going to the current Condo's on our south border. With the development we would have another road abutting our north side and a parking lot abutting to our east side. Surrounded by pavement in what used to be a very park like setting. Hell, we even had deer in our backyard several times this past year. Doubt we'll see them again. Anyway, we know what has been dealt us, we appreciate all the support and replies we have received from OFC'ers but right now it looks like one of those crappy deals you get dealt when dealing with town councils, tax dollars, and corporations. I need a beer and a good fishing story. Hookset.
  10. Hi All, Just wanted to send a BIG THANKYOU to all who replied. When I showed my girlfriend all of the educated and informative replies that I printed off, I could tell what she was thinking.... "You got all this from an Ontario fishing website ????!!!!" I have taken points from Rick, Lookin for Walleye, mdej, Cast-Away, Aplumma, OhioFisherman, Pikehunter, John, Garyv, and jeffya2, and have used them to arm myself for tonight's meeting. Lenray, if I had enough money to buy all that property I'd be living somewhere else, namely waterfront property. Terry and jjcanoe, I will use your composting / abbotoir ideas when all else fails, thanks for the laugh though, we needed it. If I have missed anyone, my apologies. All the info. I gathered from other sources doesn't measure to a hill of beans compared to what I got from the OFC members. Win or lose I'm better armed now than I could have expected. I am one who believes that unless you fight for what you think is right, you have no reason to complain. Thanks again everyone. Hookset.
  11. So far as size of fish goes probably depends on whether or not the females are in shallow and ready to spawn. Normally the dinks are all males (go figure). This will all be based on water temperature. When I find that the narrows are full of dinks I head out to deeper water to try and find some staging schools of female perch. It's still a crap shoot though but don't forget, in the derby they tag little males as well as bigger fish so an 8 inch perch could win you a new boat Hookset.
  12. Hi All, My girlfriend and I have lived / owned our current home for about 4 years now in Bracebridge. My favourite feature about it is that although we reside on the edge of town we only have direct neighbours on one side, lets say the north side. The property the neighbour owns is extensive and includes a large parcel of land directly behind our home to the east. We love it because we can sit out at night, have a fire, and feel like we are nowhere near town. Our little piece of heaven you might say (we are easily pleased). The south side of our property is bordered by a private road which runs east to a large condominium complex which is far enough down the road that it can't be seen. HOWEVER. This a.m. we received a letter stating that the parcel of land behind us is up for a zoning change to allow the building of condominiums. The implications to us are huge. Property value, noise, privacy, traffic, water drainage, just to name a few. There is a meeting tomorrow night where residents can express their objections and we are trying to gather more neighbours to show a unified opposition. My questions are, has anyone ever had to deal with the same situation ? Is there a process which can be tabled other than a basic objection ? Should I immediately get a survey done or wait for the builders / owners to do so ? Do I tie myself to a tree in the yard (kidding). I thank anyone who can shed some light on this, and I know I have probably missed several points but we are kinda freaked at the moment. Thanks in advance, Hookset.
  13. Just head out from the narrows in Orillia, into Simcoe and look for the swarms of boats. Most people fish the Simcoe side within sight of the narrows. Personally, I try to get a bit away from the crowds so I head out more into Simcoe near the first drop off which is adjascent to the first set of islands to the west. There will be boats there too just not as many. Lots of people anchor when they "get into them". Good thing this isn't a post about Trout in a Lake Ontario tributary or all I would be able to say is "Simcoe" You can also fish the Couchiching side sometimes too which is waaaay less crowded. One tip to remember is that these schools of Perch do roam about and can be sight fished easily. Good Luck. Hookset.
  14. Well, so much for that, didn't win so much as a free ticket on the 6/49 so it looks like the "trip of a lifetime" is on the back burner once again. I'm thinking about opening a convenience store that sells lotto tickets. Then I may have a chance to win . I see that nobody won the jackpot though so maybe we all still have a chance. They should sell lottery tickets at bait shops. back to dreaming............... Hookset.
  15. I've had this discussion a lot lately with friends while daydreaming over afew brewskies. Must be due to spring finally arriving. I'm sure it's been covered before but my boss is away for 2 weeks and I'm bored. If you had to pick a location and therefore a species for your ultimate trip(s) what would it be ? Fishing vacations only please. (as if there are others ) Here's mine.... 1 - Venezuela for Peacock Bass 2 - Mexico (El Salto) for Largemouth Bass 3 - Great Bear or Great Slave Lake (N.W.T.) for Lake Trout 4 - Knee Lake (Manitoba) for early season Pike 5 - Quetico Prov. Park (Ontario) for big smallies (scenery looks kinda nice there too) Just in case I win the 22 million on 6/49 this Saturday I want to know which way to point the private airplane and I don't want to miss any spots. Thanks, Hookset.
  16. I'll throw this into the mix..... With the proliferation of the Black Crappie and the fact that they feed heavy all year round I will pick them as the next possible record. Simcoe is said to hold some huge schools of them, though only afew anglers seem to be able to connect with them. I know of several lakes near where I live that 10 - 15 years ago didn't hold a Crappie but now produce the odd fish over 3 pounds (yes 3 pounds). They are eating machines. The two that I know of were 3.1 and 3.2 lbs. respectively. What a cool mount that would make... Hookset.
  17. I use watermelon from time to time but when I need a confidence color it's black all the way. both Largies and smallies seem to love 'em in clear or stained water. Good Luck,
  18. I know there are good bass in there, both largies and smallies. Never caught any pike but am told they are there too. Also some of the biggest crappies I have ever seen, but got them in the winter. Great, now i'm hungry.
  19. Thanks Misfish......sure would like to see a picture of one though. They must be waiting to make a BIG release promo.
  20. Hi All, I've been seeing some info. posted on the net about the introduction of a Fiberglass series from Lund. Nothing that I have seen has come from an official site though, just word of mouth stuff. Supposedly the introduction is to happen early in 2007 which would be....well....now. Lund makes a great product so I'm pretty interested in what they can do with glass. Just curious what you all have heard if anything. Hookset.
  21. c - r - a - n - k - b - a - i - t ........... just kidding, I say it like Ra - pal - a. But then I had to go to summer school for english way back when.
  22. No worries on the Motorguides. Have owned 2 Motorguides (tiller and bowmount) and this last year ran a Minn Kota bow mount. Motorguides = flawless. The Minn Kota Power Drive though blew both the control board then 2 weeks after that the foot pedal blew in a tourney (would only turn left). My fishing partner had the "autopilot" Minn Kota and it needed repairs twice too. Motorguide from now on for me. Oh ya, never bent a shaft on one either.
  23. First off I would never buy a Dodge, they are to trucks what Legend is to boats. ( CHEAP ) Sheesh, Go ahead and bad mouth my truck all you want, I couldn't care less. But when you comment on my boat, being a Legend and calling it cheap, you've gone too far. I know there are better, I'm sure everyone has an opinion on it, but to a fisherman that's a low blow. If this was a truck message board I would understand, but it's not. I'm gonna go outside, push the snow off it, and give her a hug. Hookset. Sorry I don't know how to do the "quote" thing properly. My girlfriend is amazed I can even turn the computer on, find the OFC Community, and type. But I see now that it is the button right near the "edit" button. Gonna go push snow around now.
  24. Hey Welcome Aboard, Been fishing the same BM100 series for the past 2 years myself. Doing it again this summer so see ya there. Wishing you luck.......just not as much luck as me and my partner lol Hookset.
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