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Everything posted by Hookset

  1. Tiki Worms - used them - worked great - would I buy them again - yes - especially at 3 packs for 12 bucks. Infused with Molopo whatever that is. Smells like Anacet (sp). Came in the colors I like too. If you want them to sink faster buy some Sluggo weights. Got mine at BPS. Use the full weight or break them off where they are serated. Bury them in the tail of the bait behind the hook. Experiment and you'll find they can add some pretty neat action to the bait. Great when the wind is up a bit too. nice fish there fishboy. Hookset.
  2. Hookset


    I think the Ottawa Newspaper should be embarrassed for even printing the story. If they spent 2 minutes trying to verify, they'd come to the same conclusions as everyone on this board posted. That's something you would expect to read in the National Enquirer. Right next to the story about Paris Hilton giving birth to an Aliens Baby. If the dude who caught the fish has near to as much experience fishing as he claims he does, he would know it's no record. Or even close. 12 pounds my butt !!! Hookset.
  3. Just kinda curious what others may think about the "new trend" in some fishing shows. I realize you can't paint them all with the same paintbrush, but personally I've noticed a trend. I won't name specific shows. I'm looking at general trends. The things I'm noticing are : - Background or theme music, seems to be akin to death metal or some form of grating music. I don't get it...Some of my favorite shows always had great theme music. Hell, I actually know the words to a few and get a kick out of them. - I don't understand the "IN YOUR FACE"..."NO, IN YOUR FACE" crap either. It's a fishing show. If I want to see a fight I'll watch the U.F.C. or boxing. - Yelling, whats up ?? If I can't hear you, I'll turn up the volume. I don't need you to do it for me. - lastly the "I'm better at fishing than you are" themes. I don't care if you can "kick my ass". I want to be a better angler by learning from the Pro's. I suppose I was spoiled by the old shows like In Fisherman, Babe Winkleman, and old marble mouth Hank Parker to name a few. I know there's a lot that I've missed here. Just curious what others think....This kinda sounds like a rant though I suppose. Hookset.
  4. Nanook, You might not feel like it now, but you and your wife did the absolute best thing you could have ever done. You made the toughest choice, and you were there in Cocoa's last few moments. You have my utmost respect. I too said "I will never go through that again". That was 2 dogs ago lol and no doubt I will have to do it again cuz' my big guy is getting up there in years too. There are few things in life as tough to do as being there when you have to put an animal you love to sleep. I think it is a big part of the healing process. The memories of 12 1/2 years of "Life with Cocoa" will soon outweigh the saddest day. Hookset.
  5. I hear they do still hang out there Terry. Though I'm told..... HE says you need $200.00 now.
  6. Damn, that's tough. You're definitely right that it never gets easier. Cudo's to you and your wife for making sure he doesn't suffer. I may get jumped on for this but...when I put my last dog down the Vet gave me some pretty sound advice. It was tough advice but in the end I was glad I listened. If possible, be there beside him when he is put to sleep. He deserves to be surrounded by those he loves. It's hard to do but I think you will be glad you were there. I was. Hookset.
  7. I'll agree to that... Hope you are right Roy.
  8. Sheesh, I shoulda read this AFTER I had my first coffee.... That post made me woozy. Did someone forget to take their meds ?..... Hookset.
  9. Welcome Bill, Great site here, and some pretty cool people to boot. One good thing about fishing is that it can either be as complicated or as simple as YOU wish to make it. Some of my best days on the water were spent doing the simple things. My Dad always used to say "it's doesn't matter where you are going, it's what you see along the way". That dude always was a lot smarter than me . Hookset.
  10. Neil Young for me.....Geddy Lee's (sp) voice drives me nuts. Sounds to me like he got something stuck in his zipper. Corb Lund is my current favorite though. I know it don't count. Hookset.
  11. Welcome Pete, You're right...lotsa good info. and a fun bunch 'o people. Hookset.
  12. Yep, definitely a "go slow" lake until you figure where it is safe. The lake has a healthy population of Muskies. Though that was almost 10 yrs. ago when I was there. If I remember right we also caught a few Largemouth and Smallmouth as well. Never tried for Walleye. Just curious about your handle Bass Killer. Whats the scoop ??? Hope it's a good thing Hookset.
  13. If you get a chance check out the Okuma line up. Good value and quality. Used to be available at B.P.S. but I hear they no longer are. Probably cuz they outsold the B.P.S. branded product but who knows. Good luck. Hookset.
  14. My favorite by far is Crappies. Sweet meat, easy to clean, and for small fish you get a good slab of meat off 'em. Deep fried with Fish Crisp....drool. I can't eat a Bass because the Bass God would smite me down, dull all my hooks, and seize the motor on my boat. I think his name is "El Fat Boy the Piggy Fish God" or something like that. I saw him in a dream once the night before Bass Opener. I was drinking at the time. He said something about drinking too but I was too worried about the "eating bass" deal to worry about that. Gotta have your priorities straight. Hookset.
  15. Secluded Muskoka back lakes for Bassin' are my faves. - no Seadoo's - no people - no line ups / arguments at the boat launch. - no noise - no litter Pure Heaven........... Hookset.
  16. Nah, Wayne's boat is the next size up......
  17. Headed out this past Sunday kinda worried about how hot it was suposed to be. The past 5 times I've been out it's been darn hot (temp. wise). Always remember, when wearing sandals to put sunscreen on the tops of your feet. I forgot. I hurt . We got lucky with the weather though. The rain just missed us, and we had overcast skies the whole day. It made for beauty fishing weather. We caught a lot of fish, but our biggest was 19" which didn't beat the Team #4 current Largemouth. This lake has both Large and Smallmouth and both were turned on that day. We even got into some mid day topwater action thanks to the overcast skies. Here's some pics....nothing huge, and the camera flash didn't go off on the biggest fish so the picture is kinda dark. Had a blast though, and my buddy showed his rock bass prowess by catching 2 at once lol. Hookset.
  18. Nice pics Nauti. You have a good eye. The reflection on pic #4 is very nice. Hookset.
  19. Congrats Kemper, That's what fishin' is all about Hookset.
  20. I would think that as long as you didn't cross private property to get to the Lake, then you have the same right as anyone to fish it. Outfitters will probably have a land lease or outright ownership of the property their cabins and campsites are on, so I would stay away from them. Otherwise, if it's crown land, you have every right to be there. I've fought this battle several times and it's amazing what people will tell you about access to THEIR lake. Hookset.
  21. Good points 4X4Bassin. Had the same thing happen to me 2 yrs. ago. Found a smoldering fire while fishing. Had a friends two young boys with me aged 5 and 7. The fire was buring underground in tree roots. Was caused by a camp fire not being put out properly. I was a volunteer firefighter for several years so I knew these fires can be bad and can explode at any time. The kid's figured we could handle it LOL. I had to drive for an hour to get to a phone. The Rangers came by truck and I shuttled them and their gear to the fire. The kid's were real impressed and the Rangers took time out to talk to them and show them a bunch of their gear. Very cool. The next season the area was closed off to overnite camping. What a loss... caused by someone who should have known better. Once an area is lost to us we never get it back. Good Post and advice. Hookset.
  22. Kinda makes ya wonder what they used as references as to the top 50 don't it ? Sales maybe ??? Sounds like a good topic for a poll here. I'm kinda curious what a Phoebe is. The Phoebe I know wouldn't make the list. She broke my heart in grade 4, I even gave her my last Twinkie. Heartless.............. Hookset.
  23. 3 - 3.3 definitely LOL maybe high at that. nice fish though.
  24. Wow CONGRATS !!! What type of bait do you use to catch a Raptor anyway ??? That's a great bit of news. Hookset.
  25. Great Report DanC, That is Beautiful, Beautiful country. Nice G.P.S., and don't worry, your Sis' will get over it. Looked like a nice relaxing day. Happy Canada Day to you as well. Hookset.
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