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Everything posted by Hookset

  1. Great Report, I'm envious on the early season Bass. Those river Smallies do fight harder. Swimming in current since birth makes them pretty strong. I wonder if the shallow water in that river is the reason for so few Anglers. Looks like a sweet spot to me. Hookset.
  2. You are confusing Native bashing with Equal rights for all. But like I said. Any statements made are always turned back as "native bashing" or "racist". I shouldn't have been surprised. I won't fuel the fire by replying anymore. It's a "no winner", and will stay that way until all rights are equal. Hookset.
  3. One Land, One People, One Law. Unfortunately, most politicians are too cowardly to support the idea publically. I'll vote for any party brave enough to table the issue. Those citizens who voice the same statement or opinion are labelled as racist. 50 years from now we will still be arguing the same issue. There won't be any fish or wildlife left, but the argument will continue. Hookset.
  4. I don't know why this lake seems to be so different for Walleye. My good friend had a cottage on Stoney and everytime he put us onto Walleye they always came out of deeper water than I have ever fished for Eye's before. Never seemed to matter if it was early season or late. I'm talkin water depths over 70 feet. We'd vertical jig them and reel in REALLY slow to aid in releasing. I didn't like the technique because I don't like the survivability factor on releasing fish pulled from the depths, but we would usually catch what we wanted to eat then leave. Give it a shot if all else fails. Hookset.
  5. That sounds like a great idea. I suppose what I'm really interested in though is how the cheerleaders will be included in this. One per boat or a group of them at the weigh in ? Rah, Rah, Siss Boom Bah If the jig don't work Throw out a Craw. Hookset.
  6. Oh ya good point - I suppose my misguided info. would fall under "future reference". Sorry about that Bill. I got all excited. I didn't have much luck with the Walleye when I was there. Most people I saw were drifting thru the mid lake where the deeper water is. The lake doesn't have a lot of features and the Walleye that I did get were off the main point at the north east end. there's a trailer park / campsite there. File my bass info. for a few weeks. Hookset.
  7. Good Bass too Bill, (when season opens, as you pointed out For a hoot go over to the shoreline that runs along the sandbank separating West Lake from Lake Ontario. Wade the shoreline (all sandy) and cast to the isolated clumps of floating weeds. You can walk for almost a mile casting to these clumps and they hold lots of Largies. Kind of a nice break from boat fishing while the ladies sunbathe on the beach. Just don't get confused and cast to the ladies. They fight waaaaay too hard. But if you find a lure the ladies hit on, let me know. Hookset.
  8. I see it now misfish. I wonder how many fish I will miss this weekend trying to point that one out to the G/F. Terry.....that's how I found the face in the first place lol, now I have more to find. One of my fave pics was one posted by a member showing the "Sleeping Giant" on Superior. Was from a long time ago tho'. Hookset.
  9. ccmtcanada - I think there was a post going on about posting pictures the day I posted this, so it probably headed off the front page in a hurry lol. And yes, it's a great Walleye spot. misfish - I can't see Scooby, but my girlfriend says I resemble Shaggy, if Shaggy was overweight........ Roy / Terry - The power of nature is incredible, why nature would want to display the 3 stooges plus Schemp and a picture of Wayne, I'm not sure but hey, it's nature. Danubian - I'll keep lookin but I haven't seen it yet. Keram - The Lion is very cool but I'm still looking for the elephant. Thanks for the replies All. I like these kind of pics because I always wonder how many hundreds of years ago someone else looked at a rock and said "Hey that looks like Wayne" or whatever lol. Hookset.
  10. Way to go Jigatollah. That's awesome. I'm kinda miffed at some of the responses though. Sounds like some people would rather "stay on the couch" and complain that "nothing will ever happen" than to do something like you did. Doing something is always better than doing nothing. I'm gonna carry that pic with me for a while, especially when I'm on Simcoe. Well done Bud. Hookset.
  11. 5 guys fishing in a bath tub....complaining because a mess was made, and pictures were taken, from their side of the tub. That's how I see it, sorry if it offends, but are we really considering changes to the board based on this ? My "bath tub" statement refers to the general area causing the majority of the debate, when compared to the size of the rest of Ontario. Shore Angler's in southern Ontario are in a tough spot. My sympathies are with them. I do not see how changing something on this site will make a lick of difference. It's a respect thing. Most of us learn that by the time we are 5 yrs. old. Some will never learn. Please don't change the site. Hookset.
  12. A WEDDING !?!?!?!? That's just wrong. I skipped out early on my girlfriend's sister's wedding a few years ago because they got married on Opening Bass Weekend. Her family got over it. I still missed opening morning though. Everyone needs to get married in the winter. Oh ya, good luck on the Bog. Hookset.
  13. Congrats Maureen, She'll probably become more settled when she realizes she's "at home". She's a good looking, and lucky dog. Way to go. Hookset.
  14. Hi baitbutcher welcome to the board. I've read the posts several times over and can only say that you deserved a better welcome. Some have explained their reasons to you, so take it for what it's worth I suppose. There's been a lot of heated debate lately over the issue of posting information detailing specific fishing locations. Read up on a few posts and you will understand. It doesn't justify the welcome though. I found it embarrassing. Sorry I can't help you with Simcoe, I've only fished it for Perch and Bass. This is a great site, stick around and you will see the real side soon enough. Hookset.
  15. I voted No, I feel the site would suffer. I'm worried that the more restrictions placed on the site would turn new members away. There are a lot of people who used to be active on this site who are no longer posting. Luckily there is a huge amount of new members who have joined and added great content. I'd hate to see anything jeopardize that, and I feel restricting access would definitely deter new members. If I came across this site for the first time and found I couldn't access the pics it would probably be the last time I visited the site. Leave the site as is. 2 cents worth. Hookset.
  16. Go Buffalo !!! If any town needs a break it's that town. Good thing hockey doesn't need a place kicker or Buffalo would never win. Besides, you can cheer for the Canadian players on that team just as easy without having to admit you are a Sens fan.
  17. This pic is taken from one of my favorite Walleye spots. There's a face in the rock if you look close. To me it seems to be saying "You just missed another fish dummy" Wondering if anyone has a pic to share showing a face or something in a rock cliff or wall ? Thanks,
  18. I ordered and received mine within a week. Got some for my boat / Jeep. Good quality. Use the soapy water method to adhere them. It's all good. Oh ya. Got a hat too but it didn't make me any prettier. Hookset.
  19. Rick, Class act Bud. My grandmother had Alzheimer's bad up until the day she passed away. Sad to see the mind go away while the body is still healthy. You should feel pretty good about what you did. Kudo's to you. Hookset.
  20. Those hydrofoils are great. I had one on a 40 h.p. and although I didn't gain or lose speed it killed the porpoising problem that I was having a hard time with. Watch it on your first high speed turn though, the boat will not lean over into a turn like it did before due to the hydrofoil. It will make the turn in a much flatter attitude which makes it feel and handle a lot different. Just takes some getting used to. Only other issue I had was they tend to grab a lot of weeds when you are using your electric motor in the heavy stuff. Easy fix though just tilt 'er up a bit. Hookset
  21. Thanks Lew The trusty internet conversion site says that equals 264 feet. That's pretty wild.
  22. Wow ! thats a nice tool Lew. I've never used one that good before and I was wondering about the map zoom feature. How much closer can you zoom in on a location than it shows in your picture for example ? Just curious. Hookset.
  23. Just wanted to say..... great replies by everyone . 43 replies in total, all made good points and some went into extended replies that definitely made for interesting reading. Not one offensive post, some were for, and some were against, but none were flammatory. Great people on this board. I've learned a lot. Thank You. Hookset.
  24. Maybe some people need to actually read the posts that some have made and understand that their statements were based on the fact that this was a sad thing that happened and was not directed as an attack against hunters and hunting. As was clearly stated. Statements related to "holier than thou" couldn't be farther off the mark. Sounds like a few people are just a little too touchy about comments on their sport and are just a tad on the defensive side. It was tragic. Leave it at that. And read all the posts entirely. Hookset.
  25. Nobody pulls a trigger on a lightning bolt and my chances of being struck by lightning is as good in my back yard as it is in the woods, so I'm not sure of the relevance Car accidents ? I've been in one minor accident in 28 years and that fate was in my own hands, not someone else's. I have the utmost respect for most hunters. The dedication and adherence to safety that they have shown me is second to none. However, to say that hunting is one of the safest activities you can partake in is a HUGE stretch. Safest activity compared to what ? Soccer ? Photography ? Fishing ? Hookset.
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