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Everything posted by Live2fish85

  1. Lol you are probably right. I know my parents were there this past weekend and the bugs weren't bad but probably going to be shortly.
  2. Remember you want to pack as light as possible to. After paddling a couple lakes and portages things really start to get ya. Bear Spray isn't a bad thing either. An whitsles for on the trail to make sure you don't sneak up on a bear.
  3. Awesome report. Nice pike you guys got.
  4. I did rust proofing for a few years up in Peterborough. I would say if you don't have access to a hoist don't try it yourself. I am not sure but I think krown does it as well, we drilled very small holes in the door by the latches and spray in side there to as it is usually the first spot.
  5. Thats Awesome Rick. G-mans smile is awesome. Doesn't get any better then that. Great lakers.
  6. Awesome picture Dave. I unfortunately didn't see it like that, wish I had of.
  7. I have it on my phone and its awesome. I use it all the time.
  8. Awesome report Mike. Looks like ypu guys had a blast.
  9. Well I was lucky enough to troll Lake Ontario all weekend but through the week I ended up in the hospital getting cardio-verted and spent a month in the hospital in December/ January from complications of a surgery to fix my heart problem lol. Wasn't the best week with all that but ended great.
  10. Nice going Art. Those are some nice bass, you just like rubbing in that you can fish bass don't you lol. Thanks for sharing.
  11. The bass have done very well with the season being open all year in the states. I think they would do just fine here with the same laws as the states. Some studies show that bass have no trouble finding there bed from a km away.
  12. I have worked in the carpet business and what ever they say don't get anything but nylon hardtwist of some sort. Nothing will last as long or clean as well. Alot of the new stuff is made with differt plastics that are oil based and just pick up dirt or anything and don't let go.
  13. Josh that was awesome being there to help with that. The pictures don't do justice.
  14. Awesome Report Chad. Looks like you guys had an awesome trip. Thanks for sharing.
  15. Don't worry about spoons so much right now. Flat line body baits with planner boards and you are set. Don't even need the riggers. PM me and I will give you more info.
  16. Thanks Guys.
  17. Well with the weather being so nice today my friend and I had planned to take his boat for some browns and hopefully some salmon. We planned on being out earlier but had some set backs and were out on the water by 10:45am. As soon as we were out of the marina we had the lines in the water. We had been out maybe 5-10 mins and my rod gets hammered after an awesome fight I got it in and weighted, measured, quick pics and back it went to swim another day, that brown was my new personal best at 10.2 lbs. Not a tank but a decent brown. Well after that the lines went back out and with in 5 minutes again we had another one on. This was my friends first time trolling Lake Ontario and his first trout. It wasn't a big one but still a nice fish and a trout. Well lines in again and with in a half hour my friend got another one on. A nice 7.2 lbs brown and making his personal best. Stayed out for another hour and got nothing all in all was a great day out and can't wait until next week. Thanks.
  18. Awesome man. Those are some nice fish. Can't complain fishing and spending the time with the daughter.
  19. Nice Walleye man, keep up the good work so we can seem some more fish.
  20. Friend of mine has one and they are awesome.
  21. That thing is a beauty. Looks like a great day.
  22. Congrats Mike. Have a good day, your little guy is getting big.
  23. Awesome report Simon. Love seeing Jack out there fishing and pulling in nice ones at that.
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