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Everything posted by Live2fish85

  1. Awesome man. I can't wait for Part 2
  2. I do really want to get some carp on the fly Rick. The point out at there place has tons of them and some real monsters. I am going to do some research on how to target them and then go bring the kids to see grandma and grandpa lol.
  3. Thanks man. It is a blast catching them on the fly rod. I can't wait to get another on the fly. The scenery was nice. Nothing like going up north and being surrounded by nature and the smell of the north. Smells a hell of alot better then Hamilton.
  4. That is awesome Mike. I remember bringing my daughter out in the boat for the first time last summer. A great feeling thats forsure. This was my daughters first boat ride. She is already asking to go fishing so I can wait. I can't wait to see the reoprt of your little guys first fish.
  5. Thanks MB. It truely is a blast and I envy you for living nearby to something that is so nice lol. I need to find a job up north lol. Also thank you catch and release.
  6. That is a cute pup that's forsure. I love labs, wish I had one but the wife would kill me lol.
  7. Thank you Frank and Paul. Paul it truely is the best thing for you.
  8. Thanks guys. Was awesome to get out there and Mike I was extremly pumped lol. Pikeslayer I am good. The surgery was a bust and didn't work. Ended up back in the hospital for the heart but I am just taking it easy and taking the meds. The heart bugs me alot still but just have to keep going and try not to think about it lol. Thanks for asking as well.
  9. Well I just got back from my trip up north, the fishing wasn't the greatest but was still a great time. We got up there saturday night and it was to late to fish so we just talked and planned for the next morning. We weren't able to get the boat until a bit later that day so we went to a nice shore spot. Was so nice to be north in the with nothing but the sounds of nature and not the city. The spot we started at was awesome a nice bay with a little waterfall/rapids running into. I got a nice picture with the new combo that I was excited to use for pike to say the least. Well the first cast my friend takes with a spinnerbait he got a nice little pike after that he tried his look at some eyes with the float rod. At that time I tried the fly rod for some pike. After a few cast bam, see the flash and the line go tight, set the hook and I finally hooked into my first pike on the fly combo and first actual fish to put up a fight unlike the rockbass I caught while practicing with it days before lol. Heres me fighting the fish I didn't get a picture of the fish as I was to far from my friend and wasn't able to get a good one by myself. We kept fishing and my friend got a nice little eye on the pin. He was happy as it was a first for him.We kept fishing with only rock bass and some oos smallies to show. We went back to the cottage and ate breakfast then got the boat and took off. After trolling for a few minutes my friend landed a nice pike. Then that was it other then oos smallies and rock bass. Later that night my friend got one walleye which went nicely with his pike. The next morning we were back at it bright and early. We went to the spot which produced the most, took a bit of worked hoping out on the beaver dam and pulling the boat over but we got in and after a few rock bass and oos smallies my friend hooked into a walleye, then two seconds later I got one. Wasn't like the Lake Erie walleye but was going to taste better. We went on without much luck until we were trolling and my friend got a nice walleye to add to the fryer. We didn't end up with anymore walleye though. After fishing but nothing to show but rock bass and the oos smallies which the lake is full of, I convinced my friend or bugged him enough to try for pike again so I could use my fly rod again. Well we were working the shore line drop offs and he got snagged in a tree. Well as hes working on that I was busy casting away. I thought I seen something go for my fly so I casted back at the spot let the fly sink and bit and start to retrieve the line, I could barely see my fly and then I see a mouth open then a flash and then the line tightened and I set the hook. Finally got something a bit bigger and alot better fighter. It wasn't big but felt great on the fly rod, did I mention that I love fly fishing. There is nothing like it that I have experienced. Heres my mangled fly. and a pic with he scrappy little guy That was it for the fish. To me I couldn't have asked for a better trip. I got to catch a pike on the fly which I was really hoping to do, landing 2 was icing on the cake. Now time to get at tying some flies for Brian. An to prep for tomorrow as I may head down for some gar pike on the fly. Hope you enjoyed Chris
  10. I am not sure what the fly is but that is a great picture.
  11. Here are a few I tied for this weekend. I will be using them for pike as well. Hopefully they work. I was planning on using 25# flouro leader. Maybe I will have to change that.
  12. Far from being a expert lol. When I was first learning to cast I was going back to far and not waiting for the line to straighten out. An one time I hit.my ear then another off the back of my neck. After that I figured it out quickly what I was doing wrong lol.
  13. Theres lots of Pike in the hamilton area. Caught 6 in two days from shore.
  14. That is true. Who am I kidding to I will fish any way I can lol. I can't wait to get some pike this weekend on the fly rod up north.
  15. It is relaxing. I was out yesterday at 5 am and no one was around. As for fun thats forsure. I think I may have trouble wanting to fish with any other rod now lol.
  16. I am not sure about the GTA but I know I have seen the net you described at the local tackle shops here. I am sure that Bass Pro shop would have them.
  17. Thanks Djeep. It is a blast, I can't wait for this weekend. Hope to get some nice pike on it. Any advice on good flies for pike. I have tied a few but not sure what some good ones are.
  18. It truely is a wicked way to fish. I like tying the flies to lol. Landing them is even better on your own. Not that I have used another flies other then my own. I was at it again at 6 am today and went 2-2.
  19. Yea. I can say I will like this fly fishing for good. Something about it really got to me lol. I will be up north this weekend going for pike with it. I will also have the other gear just in case lol.
  20. Well I got my first fly setup today. I have been thinking alot about it lately and decided to get a setup. Bills bait set me up great as they always do. I have been tying flies lately which has made me want to fly fish. So I got home and watched some videos on youtube about casting and went at it. Took about an hour and I was casting pretty good I thought. Moved down to where some fish were. Tossed a few times and then a big largie hit. It was a shock as I couldnt even see it just felt it. Got it close to shore and he got off which was fine with me. moved away to another spot and got a rock bass. Nothing great catching a rock bass but was a good feeling for my first time fly fishing. Sorry as I didn't take a pic as it was a rock bass lol. Thanks for reading.
  21. That's a nice way to start the year. Nice walleye to on the top water. Can't wait to get out for musky this year. Thanks for the great report.
  22. Congrats Simon. That is awesome.
  23. Thats awesome. I have yet to see that but I am not down there that often either.
  24. Lol that may be true. I did get a deal though. Mind you the difference from a $100 to some of the mentioned vises would be the same difference.
  25. Lorne that is nuts seeing a school of 30. The most I have seen was about 10 or 15 in a school and that was right by the MBYC.
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