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Everything posted by Live2fish85

  1. Hi everyone. I was just wondering if anyone could give me some pointers in where the best and safest place to launch a boat in the lower Niagara is. I have never fished the Niagara which is sad seeing as I grew up 20 mins from it. But my friend and I just got a new boat and we want to get out and get some nice fish. But as we aren't to familiar with the Niagara and I know how dangerous it can be down there I would appreciate any advice. Thanks. Chris
  2. It depends on what you are going for really Stoney Lake is decent but if your thinking of doing some what of a Portage Trip there are many others that are alot better Stoney can be really busy in the summer but there are awesome lakes all around Bancroft and maple leaf which are on crown land or you can go a bit less north to like Rice Lake or Scugog but again they have more traffic but still great fishing.
  3. This is an awesome picture did you use a slow shutter speed for that as well.
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