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Everything posted by Live2fish85

  1. Thanks guys. Those are some very good points. I just started tying awhile back and I do enjoy it alot. Maybe my budget will raise and a white lie will be due. Just like when I spent the $200 on the rod I told the wife that the Curado 301e came with it lol.
  2. I see them in bayfront all the time. Mind you I never target them, they are neat to watch schools of them swimming around.
  3. That's awesome. I can't beleive that you still got ice, we didn't have that much on most of our lakes all winter lol. Nice fish as well. You live in a awesome place that's forsure.
  4. Thanks a ton guys. Bigcreekdad that vise looks awesome. Only thing is if I were to get that I would have find another place to live lol. I have a hard time explaining $200 on a rod lol.
  5. Thanks a ton guys. I will have to look at the ones both Chris and.Sawyet mentioned. Slowpoke I looked at the Davise and from what I see and what I read I like that one. Thanks Dave as well. Have you ordered from that site?
  6. Hey all. I am looking for a decent vise for trying flies and such. I had a cheap one. That came with a kit I got for a gift, well as I said cheap lol, it broke already. I am not sure what you need to spend to get a good one, I was thinking about spending around $100 dollars. Any help would be appreciated. Chris.
  7. Awesome report MB. As usual you always have amazing reports with awesome fish porn. Thanks for sharing.
  8. Until you fish them in a boat, an your comfortble with them.I would stick to bass and that. Not trying to be rude but they aren't like fishing for bass. You don't want them thrashing around in the canoe and leaning over to unhook them in the net isn't a smart idea. If they are laying the the canoe there is a good chance that you will get a hook or teeth in your legs or anywhere.
  9. If your fishing in a canoe a cradle would be the last thing you want.
  10. When it comes to musky, having a net and having the proper net are two different things.
  11. I have a friend that has the Bradley Smoker. I can say that they make some awesome smokers. I was suprised at how good it worked.
  12. Yep corn works. That being said there is corn that is made specifically for carp and is scented. You will also want to get some dough mixture to chum the water. Good luck.
  13. Nice walleye Paul. Sounds like you and Mike had a great trip.
  14. Good luck with that. A bass will rip that thing off let alone a musky.
  15. Nice one. Thanks for sharing.
  16. Other then the fact that the rivers will be blown out with all the rain.
  17. Signed as well. Thanks for the thread MB, even if it was posted before I wasn't aware. So it worked.
  18. Hey guys, great thread. I have only been Musky fishing once at the end of last year. I got all my fish on the same lure lol. So with that and one trip, I know nothing but what I have read lol. I have a question though. The lip on my grandma is loose and falls out at will, what should I do to fix it? Will super glue work or is there a trick to it. Thanks.
  19. Awesome shots Dave. You sure know how to take good photos.
  20. Awesome rides man Lol. That boat is truely a peice of art, can't wait to see some pics with some of those hogs you get.
  21. Just quit while your ahead.
  22. Theres an even better launch at the bridge in Dunnville. Fishmasters is good but can be hard if you got a small vehicle or low traction lol. Also they are getting lots of fish up at the dam.
  23. Mike that was a awesome video. The trip looks like it was a blast. After seeing that I realize how much I miss doing trips into the back lakes. We will have to do a trip sometime.
  24. I clean mine at the end of the year and always use a steel wool.
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