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Everything posted by dhickey
Thanks Jerrit I made it home with my new/used 2 man portable ice hut just in time to watch everything turn to slushy ice that was about 3hours ago. Now its all just ice and my hut is set up in my livingroom.. Fishing is a little slow but it will get better Don.
ok who left thier pet monkey behind at a Toronto Ikea??
dhickey replied to tb4me's topic in General Discussion
:rofl2: Impulsive shoppers -
Sweet... You are my new overlord Saltydawg.
A few small pike...but good to get on the ice.
dhickey replied to limeyangler's topic in General Discussion
Limey.... You making me CRAZY. Nice start. Hopefuly we will see some -10 weather soon. -
Its one of the hadrdest things to do. Years ago I quit using a method desinged to break habbits along with ruducing nicotine intacke over the course of a couple monthes. It involves counting how many you have each day now devide that buy 17(hours of the day most people are awake) This gives you an average time(ex 17 smokes per day = 1 per hour) Now only have 1 smoke evey 1.5 hours over a 17 hour day. for week one. Week 2 go 2 hours between smokes. Continue this untill your down to 3 or 4 per day. By that time the taste of a smoke will probably be undesirable. quit all together. ps. dont smoke first thing in the morning you have to wiat whether its 1 hour or 5 hours for the first smoke. Thats the key to breaking the habbits of smoking and reducing cravings. Good luck Saltydawg.
I think certian parts of the world should be protected regardles of economic gain. Central Afica/parts of South America/Northern Europe/North and South poles/ the list is virtualy endless. I guess I am a Redneck tree hugger afterall???
I concider myself to be a long time ice fisherman that has never felt the need to rely on electronics to catch fish. Shure they will let you know whats going on under yor icehole at that particular momment but for me to trust a cold wet piece of electronics over the expieance of not only myself but the people Im fishing with is abolutely obsurde to say the least.. I can honestly say that the fish I remember had nothing to do with electronics. It was gut feeling(expierance) Unfortunately I have watched to many people relying on their electronics catching nothing worth talking about. Long and short is that you have to target and put in the time to figure out what is going on in relation to all conditions/ice/weather patterns but most of all taking the time to fish a body of water 2-3 times a week... That will put you on to fish. Hard or soft water!!! Saltydawg. Good luck.
Now thats a MUSKIE
That will be a memory that will stay with your son for ever Well done.
Hey Bud you might have to suck it up on this one. I tryed last year around the same time. Stick with Ma Bell she has the monopoly on the market.. Consistant reliable service at a fair price..? Other providers have to many conditions and openly addmit that service will be interupted at times(regularly) At the time I was not in the position to put out 500$ for set up. with providers that use Bells network system. Just to have sub par service... So I opted to decline. Dont foget that where your living now internet is not a right but a luxury... Your not in the horeshoe anymore.... If you can get bell . Take it. Don. call you tomoro. sit tight bud
Just wanted to here about all of the OFC members most memmorable expierances? No pictures please unless its worth bragging about. Ill start. I moved out to Calgary when I was 20yrs old and met up with a guy that showed me evrything I needed to now about the Red Deer river as well as everything I would need to know about running mountain rivers. Had the chance to see and expierance things that are truly once in a life time. Cought pike that most of us dream of /stalked by a rutting moose and watched bears eating discarded pike. (they are regarded as garbage fish out there?/saw huge pike on the ice as well) I coulndt wrap my head around that......? Share your expierace??
So I picked up a 12'6 rod because I would like to try my hand at river fishing again. I did have a fly rod about 25 yrs ago but gave it up because all my friends were more intrested in bass /pike and wallyes. Reading all the threads on steelheads and pin reels has got me itching to get back to the rivers. Long and short is that I dont know anything about fishing rivers or chromeys other than I need roe/flies/streamers but preasentation is a mystry to me? And what do I put on a shimano convergance? Reel/line/leeds? Any help or advice would be very welcome.. Don.
I heard somwhere that the world is round now not flat? I heard that the universe was started by some big bang? I also heard that great civilisations were based on progresive science and a basic acceptance of a God or Gods? I also heard somwhere that Canada is based on the basic princaple of free beliefs and the acceptance of all races regardless of religion? I also heard somwhere that OFC is a fourm devoted to outdoor activities? I also managed to pick up a 12'6" shimano convergence because Im intrested in trying my hand at steelheads not becuase a scientist or God told me to .... Any sudjestions on a decent reel? Or should I consult a scientist or a God.? Honestly I think this is by far the most rediculous thread (topic) I have seen on OFC! I hope it gets locked soon.
6 pages??? Realy? Hey dont forget the Lockness monster or that fuzy white thing up north. Or hey what about those warewolves like on the twilite series.. Realy?
Got my new sled! OMG....a beast of a machine!
dhickey replied to limeyangler's topic in General Discussion
Nice sled Do those come with free CAA and get out of stuck free service? Do those come with an optional regulator? Or an off season gym membership? Just kidding. Nice ride Im extreemly jelous. :clapping: -
If I may I would like to put my 2 cents into this? I would be more than willing to help organise an event such as this. Allthough we can't predict ice conditions I think it fairly safe to say that Cooks BAY WILL BE SAFE. I fish out of Lefroy and never had any problems with safety .Its a good starting point for those with sleds or ATV'S. I will have a hut out there and from what I gather through past post so do others(call out). It would be a great time .. Bring out the portable BBQ'S cut some holes and everyone comes and goes as they please.. Like a block party? Hey maby the admin would concent to giving us OFC stickers to put on our huts? At least then you would allways know a friend. That would set OFC above the norm...
Now thats hard core
Thoughts on a Skidoo Renegade 600, 2007
dhickey replied to mr blizzard's topic in General Discussion
The renegade 600 is a good sled no question. But not for a novice rider they are fast and can get a little trickey at times. As far as the engine goes they are almost bullet proof... gota watch oil and gas ratio keep the fuel clean and Do Not TRICK IT OUT.. And regular maitenance is easy.. I also agree with getting it checked out first simply because if you arn't familier with these sleds you will end up in the same boat as the tripple. I say that because alot of people had accidents and rebuilt them to sell simply because they are trickey to handle.Others tricked out the engine because its relitivly cheap to do.=blow up. If the engine is still stock and compression is good with no chimes or ratles when you goose it after a good warm up then I would say buy it. So long as your son is strong enough to muscle it out of a tight spot. 4700 is nothing on a well kept 600 engine. Good luck I hope it all pans out well for you and your son Saltydawg -
Hear hear I loved driving home at 8.30 -9 listning to the leafs loose I kind of miss it sometimes? Go Boston Go OOPS gota get rid of Betman first...
Its a whole different game down here -15-20 with some wind is about as bad as it gets on simcoe (with the odd exception) 5 feet might as well take the winnibego for a drive
A good pair of boots with thick ruber soles and 2 pair of good mits as well as kleets Not shure what you have but personal comfort would be a good starting point. what do you plan on fishing for and where? If your walking the key thing is to travel as lite as posible. Backpack bucket and a hand auger.
Nice show
Like i said most of us southern Ontario boys have been ready to go since last March... That ice flow rescue thing last year was a good one :rofl2:dunno:
i would realy be intrested in learning how that technique works? Crowding isnt a problem for me..