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Everything posted by dhickey

  1. Radiant is a good option in new homes. But it should be inbeded in concreet throughout the main floor of the house along with a central air system that is able to recover the heat and circulate it thoughtout the the house this warms up the entire structure not just the floor or living space. IMO. Don.
  2. Sounds like a wooly bugger? Incredible cought every kind of fish on that...
  3. I would go with oil. I had an old farmhouse a few years ago with an older rebuilt oil funace it cost me 1800-2200 per year. Then we were red tegged becuase of new rules and regs. so be it. I work in new home construction so I went and talked to the guys I delt with on a regular basis they came to my house took a look and decided that I should stick with oil but the problem was in venting the furnace....bla bla bla. long and short of it I ended up buying a new high efficancey propane furnace. My heating bil jumped to 1600 for 4 months??? It just so happens that the propane provider that insist on hooking up my tank didnt do it properly and when I insisted that I could smell propane outsidie near the tank I was told it was "in my head" bla bla regardless they settled for the cost of heating with oil on the same 4 months of the year before. Bla bla bla. I found a new popane provider thanks to my hvac guys and the cost of heating was never even close to my oil bill for nevermind inflation 2900 But the furnace cycled far more often about once evey 15 mins when it was cold and windy The old oil cycled about evey 20-25 mins. My piont is go with oil if you can get a new furnace vented properly. I would rather burn ellefant dung than propane... Don.
  4. Who eats who here?
  5. I know this going to make me look stupid. What does LUP mean? If I was able to purchase a parcel of land for fishing and hunting I would do the ground resurch first. Having said that I know of people that have bought into a property and either sold or abandoned it simpley because they did not realise the effort it takes. What Im saying is that you shoud look at access/ location/ what is it you want to accomplish? If it isnt in the middle of but ____ nowhere you probably wont make $$$ If its just for you and the boys to go out and play then it will eventualy end up in one persons hand or sold and a couple lost friendships? Reality realy does have a way of ruining the best intentions. Good luck. By the way where is it?
  6. Tiered sore and frustrated. But I did come home with some killer pertch.every where I go theres those pesky pertch? 10ft or 90ft?I was whitfish Don now Im the pertch king?Screw the pertch!!! ARRRRGG...

    1. asdve23rveavwa


      Any pics for the team? Great meal, anyways!

    2. dhickey


      no pics yet.. friday cant come soon enough. Daughter wants to go this wknd so hopefuly she brings the luck. missed a laker and whitey on sat .


  7. Back to my favorate hole tomoroo....Im feeling LUCKY!!

  8. Verry nice Well done.
  9. Got 7 pertch today 12-14 inch range.

  10. What time and where?
  11. Hope you left a couple for me? Going out Sat am.
  12. Keep your head up. I got wet for the first time in 36 yrs today... Keep the kids off the mian lake! pls

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Freshtrax


      At a crack? Or just walking? Scary stuff.

    3. Rod Caster

      Rod Caster

      I had two tires get wet yesterday too. 20" of ice, mid lake, random crack gapped 12". I can jump pretty quick out of a truck. Thanking my knobby tires!


    4. asdve23rveavwa
  13. Carefull guys. I got wet today. And skunked. Oro.
  14. Ahhhh. finaly 3 days no work and all fishing. All Simcoe all weekend....

  15. If you can get this than Im shure yiu can wrap your head around the concept of common scence
  16. Law is based on common sence. Is there laws for fishing YES Are there laws for hunting.Yes Are there laws for Ice fishing.yes. Should theese laws be transferable to include all other sports or activities that include a resonable onus on the participant to exercice resonable judgment. ABSOLUTELY.
  17. Doesnt matter the plain fact is there is no excuse for STUPIDITY!
  18. If you intentionaly put yourself or others then yes it is negligence coupled with a gross lack of common scence. Accidents do happen. But entering into the rhelm of extreem sports you take the responsibilty upon yuorself to use propper judgment therfore accept resonsabilty for you own errors.
  19. Terry its about gross neglegence caused by lack of common sence. That is why laws are put in place.
  20. Lets try it thiis way. If you make a judgment call that puts not only you but ohters at risk is that not neglagence? And worthy of a pennalty? Eg. Impaired driving.? Or what about the kid that killed 2 people on HWY 50 last year .(stunt driving)?Charged with manslaughter. These are extreem examples but still show pour judgment worthy of pennalties. Now extreem sports. A skier decides to go into an avalanch zone dispite all warnings. should that person be charged with excersizing pour judgement if that person need to be rescude? YES. Gilford a couple weeks ago. 3 air boats and it looked like about 30 cival servants responded to some people out on the ice. The ice had just formed and only 3-4 inches before the warm spell started. On the second day of the warm spell they went down. Not only that they had a child with them. Now do theese 2 examples help put in perspective the importance of common sence? Chief of police for OPP said that there is nothing they can be charged with except not using common sence(dont quoat me on that) and there is no charge for that. What??? So if the townships want to make bye-laws in order to recoupe some of the cost then that is a start. Ive said it before and I will say it again. You should have a seperate licience for ice fishing! Don.
  21. Goin Down down down into the abyss. Common sence on the ice is a must. Saltydawg.
  22. Between work/wheather and kids how am I gona get out fishing? If I dont make it out this weekend I will loose my FREAKEN MIND!!!!! i CANT AFFORD THAT!

  23. A cannon would take care of that.
  24. 5 to many beers.???
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