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Everything posted by dhickey

  1. Hope you have lots of gas money not to mention a winch front and back along with cash for tires broken tie rods dents and scratches. Good luck.
  2. I always regret not going even if there is a question about safety... If you dont go you wont know! That is what drives me crazy. Not knowing... GO
  3. Meeting up with Cristopher k tomoro at bps. Cant wait to see my new wooly buggers.... Leaving my wallet at home..

  4. They have things to put over that thing... I have pics of when I was 6 months old sleeping in a cooler(that was my crib no lid of course)
  5. Are bass open yet?? Oh ya end of June... Hmmmmmm Time to go to work... I might go crazy in the mean time... Bare with me.
  6. Mine to.. Sink to the table is a short trip.
  7. So it apperes that my little girl was chosen for testing in an advanced education program 1 of 2 in her grade. I know she is a smart girl and has always pulled in top marks rite from kindergarden but wow. She loves the outdoors and is almost allways out there with me whether its camping on long weekends or fishing simcoe on the ice. I think there is somthing to be said about letting kids learn about nature at a young age. My son is 19 now and going to ryerson and has a job as well as coaches football.. Proud Dad You BETT.
  8. Im one of the cazys. Welcome to the show.. Nice pictures and that bass SWEET.. Looks like you will fit in good here.
  9. ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? I think thats about enough.................................................
  10. Wow Now thats some good pics Would you mind sending me a couple?
  11. Why not showcase your tying skills rite here? Lets see some pics. Wooly buggers would be a good start.
  12. I need some help with cell phone pics. cant get them from photobucket to OFC??Check out computer help for details.Thanks.

  13. I work like crazy then shop(like I need more stuff) Play with the gear tuning it up. Then before I know it its over weather it be soft or hard water.. Keeps me out of troble.. I also never take off my camo hat.When Im working Im thinking about fishing Year round..But work does get in the way all to often. That my friend is obsesive compulsive but My kids love it too. And Im ok with it. When my hands smell like fresh fish and the smiles are huge then Im a happy man... Saltydawg.
  14. Nice catch Any chance I know where you were?
  15. Has any one seen evidence of VHS first hand? I have seen changes in the lake over the past 30yrs and that is just a part of nature that we all have to come to grips with. I hear stories of dead fish on bottom but thats not realy anything new? I thhink we have all pulled a fish out of 70-120 ft and lost it at the hole.(it will probably die) Having seen several lakers this year and lots of large perch they all look fine and heathy. Having said that the only thing that I have noticed is that some of the perch seem to be sterrile? No eggs no sperm? Big and small? So I brought this up with another friend and he said they were probably spawned out? Mid Feburary?I dont think so. Any thoughts? Don.
  16. Any one want to go pikin/perching on Sunday? Simcoe..

    1. davey buoy

      davey buoy

      Can't do it today,good luck out there Don!!!

  17. So this ice season has been devoteted to breakining my 4 year loosing streak for the whitey. Year 5 is going to be here soon . Ive gone deep/shallow hit drops stll cant find them?? roled a few over in the usual haunts... Don. ARRRRG.
  18. Winter is way to short........Pike time..

    1. mr blizzard

      mr blizzard

      come to yellowknife -43 windchill sunny, 4 feet of ice

  19. One last kick at the can tomoro...Then its 3-5 weeks of kaos at work Looking forward to river fishing and the May long weekend. PIKE......

    1. Joey


      Gonna be windy out there Dawg, play safe!

    2. Lunkerhunter


      i will be out there as well tomorrow! hopefully the big girls come out to play

    3. dhickey


      No problems out there. No whitey but some sweet perch... Supper is fit for kings...

  20. Tj you crack me up.. If your intrested in a real auger with a engine let ne know. I of corse would have to deliver it but shipping cost can be off set with FISHING...
  21. Sweet. And by hand. Good job
  22. Just got home from work 3am .picked up the maple finished crown royal yesterday..OMG....DANGER DANGER it is so good..

    1. Rod Caster

      Rod Caster

      don't put it in coffee, you'll turn into a full-time morning drunk haha

    2. Nipfisher


      We have been drinking Sortilege (from Quebec) for a couple years now. Maple rye is a great fireside drink.

  23. Bugs bugs bugs If I had them all in jugs I would dig dig dig Till a great big hole was dug dug dug Stompin Toms Bug song. As for his letter . It is us that should be humble. One of my father in laws fondest memmories was of meeting Stomping Tom at the legion and then playing guitatar with him in his home after the legion closed. Tottenham Ontario. Good old boys They dont makem like that anymore..... The spirit of a soul lives on through the living that it has touched..
  24. I would go with BELIEVE just under your logo but not to big as to take away from the logo. I would also like to know where I can find your stuff north of GTA? Don.
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