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Toad Hunter

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Everything posted by Toad Hunter

  1. People were shocked that the crowd booed him ? well honestly, I'd like to know who the hell thought the lil turd from Stratford was in the same demographic as the CFL audience ? Just another example of how the CFL is a joke to -most- football fans I've talked to. Then again the Super Bowl half time shows as of late have been a touch off too IMO. GO FINS !
  2. You know where I stand on the bacon food group. - Everything else is a side dish
  3. damn that thing looks good, but I see room for more bacon... perhaps in the stuffing... ?
  4. Welcome ! Glad to see another local here... adventurous wife eh ? seems to be more and more of them popping up since they released 50 shades .
  5. Let just set the record straight, I wasn't looking into stealing anyone's honey hole.. I've just seen people holdin rods and thought "my gawd what the hell could they possibly be fishing for in such filth" and when I said a few stops, I only meant just that- a few stops, couple casts- during diaper change stops etc. and truth be told, it likely won't even happen as someone else pointed out.. I'm heading to paradise.
  6. I drive past the canal every wkend on my way to Haliburton - didn't know there were pike (or even bass for that matter) in there.. might have to make a few stops next year
  7. I know a certain football team In the south Florida area that cold have used her on the D line today:whistling:
  8. MMM Mmmmm the Mrs makes jerky all the time, so much better being able to flavor it to our own desires. But not good when you have a deep freezer crap out while your away on 2 wk trip with over $500.oo in meat inside . I now know how Dahmer's basement smelt:o. We've done pork, beef, moose and deer... all gooooood stuff. I do miss that freezer full of greatness though had loads of Moose brought from NFLD, a few full stuffed chickens, about 50 lbs of wings, a turkey, a few pork shoulders (Tash used to work with a major poultry supplier so it was real cheap but still sucks to lose so much tastiness)
  9. Karma is meant to be a balance of energies, Maybe slow poke was having too much positive and needed to be brought down a peg ? - but it sucks some people are just scum bags.
  10. up here around Kitchener/cambridge way I know the bass go nuts over black chatter baits. oops I've said too much
  11. always look forward to knew fishing shows, but if its anything like that Gotye video I hope he either starts to wear sun screen or spray on tan .. watched a few of the other videos... looks good
  12. those look amazing !! lets see em lit eup ?
  13. some real nice fish here, and glad to see I'm not the only Rangers fan around (got the same shirt even lol)
  14. maybe it's just me, but it's that first "small one" a tiger as well ? (so maybe 2nd one you've seen up close ? ) - beautiful fish for sure
  15. if you tell me whats in it, I'll tell u if it's mine - jokes- but good to hear there are lots of good people out there still.
  16. has anyone driven past Guelph Lake this past summer ?? It looked almost ready for development
  17. I'm not much taller myself, I just mean he's no 6'er
  18. I would say he's around 5'8 or so (almost a hobit) I appreciate all the feed back, I only ask because I have always doubted and questioned his "58" myself too. (we have debated it for nearly 3 years). But if he thinks that's what 58"s looks like, this now explains why he's always bragging about a "10 inch" "botttom feeder" (whatever that means )
  19. I should also add it went back in the drink
  20. With the recent posts about the Michigan monster caught, I got a little curious... a buddy of mine caught this a few years back on the upper french right off his dock (near the old Keystone lodge area) and he told me it was 58" and cant remember if he ever told me a girth (but his measuring device is questionable) - anyways curious what all the expert skiers on here, might think it could have weighed. (roughly obviously)
  21. if you don't-- I know some one who does lots of roast and jerky would be made out of that haul if I could ever get myself to kill one of those beasts.
  22. they all appear to be on bath salts, or maybe done by someone on bath salts
  23. and walleye/pickeral debate
  24. thanks for asking, I didn't wanna be the one to do it welcome aboard. Hope this place helps you find answers to most if not all your questions. both fishing and beyond. lots of wise men (and women here for sure )
  25. these pics really excite me, perhaps more than a lot of others great reports. My wing man is still only 2 mths away from seeing the "out doors" (ie leaving the womb) and already I can't wait to hear "daddy I think I got one" (even if its a snag)
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