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Everything posted by jim

  1. Well done boys! I'm jealous . The Laker gods were certainly with you. Thanks for the read. Gheers
  2. Great movie. It gives you pause when you feel life is unfair. These guys are tough! and better woodsmen that most of us could even dream of being.
  3. Works great if there is no wind. Bug jacket is a good idea for backup.
  4. I have a Clam Base camp. 3 man, 6'-6" tall. Good quality, roomy, easy set up. Fits in small Otter sled, along with power auger and other gear. I think I paid under $200. At Sail. Its A hub style tent, so it pops up , and down, easily.
  5. Hope this isn't a repeat. Sail in Oshawa has 7amp chargers for 14.95.
  6. Good lookin' fish. Even though for years, I had a hut off Washburn, I'm know old enough to be hesitant to get on the ice. Please P.M me if you have any advice of safe ice.
  7. ROTFLMAO!!!
  8. The Great State of Texas started their Concealed Handgun Licenses (CHL) back in the mid to late 1990's. While being in one of the first classes we learned the Texas State Laws governerning the use of deadly force and illegal weapons. Some of the funny ones are listed below; These are some funny haha, funny strange State Laws on the books in Texas concerning the use of deadly force and illegal weapons…. 1. You can use deadly force for malicious mischief at time of night - but not during the day. A Ft. Worth Police Office and his son ambushed a group of teens in their front yard that were vandalizing their home over the past couple of days. The ambush was staged from the roof of their home shooting the teens while they were in their front yard after they had damaged the garage door. No changes were filed by the Ft. Worth Police Dept or the D.A…. Civil case pending, I bet…. 2. You can shoot through your home door and kill someone for banging on it and threating you at time of night, but not during the day…. Darn, this would certainly keep them thar sales people away, now wouldn't it…. 3. You can not use deadly for to prevent someone from committing suicide. Well Dah, that's what he/she would be shooting for isn't it? Can't even wound him/her just a little bit, go figure…. 4. If someone comes up to you and says "give me your money" you can use deadly force. But if he says he's going to kill you - you can't until he tries to. When a person says "give me your money" he is in the commission of a crime…. Hells Bells - If someone threatens to kill me I guess I will just toss him my wallet and then shoot him…. Solves that problem…. 5. When is a stick a stick and not an illegal club? Easy, a stick is a stick as long as you don't fashiona handle with tape or attach a landyard to it. Unless of course you just happen to have an axe handle in your truck or a baseball bat designed for a specific use…. Well, that clears that up now doesn't it? I'll be carrying a baseball bat in my truck and my PPK - da hell with that stick….
  9. asses ARE CANADA'S MOST RENEWABLE RESOURCE!! For every one you kill,..... three more come to replace them. Like black flies, mosquitoes, and dandelions.
  10. Nice ride!!
  11. Hey Skipper, I'm in, when you decide when. I like your place. I can stay in Anten Mills. PM me with details , when it's settled. Jim
  12. The forest fire in Minnisota, was burning all the garbage that people throw out, thats why it smells like burning plastic , instead of spruce!!
  13. I bow to you Craig; You da man!!
  14. I think , maybe , you should stop calling her the old lady; She's way too young and good lookin'!
  15. call your dog 'Askher". When people ask what your dogs name is: You can tell them!!
  16. Nipper, you sound like the kind of Grandson, that all us old farts are looking for. Your Grandpa is a lucky man. He will live with you, always.!
  17. Another,"best Dad"!
  18. damn!! I guess we'll all have to start buying St. Croix's!! Did you hear that Shimano?!
  19. Ditto brother!!!
  20. I can't believe the little girls getting squeemish over a few tape worms--harmless. Like picking mushrooms, if you check them too closely, you won't have any for dinner!!
  21. This ain't no sissy-boy casting reel! I own 4 Abu Reels, they don't need to be polished after every use. It will handle whatever you throw at it- and love it! I don't even know why they make any other bait casters. You're going to love that reel. Trust me!
  22. I feel your pain bro. They make you feel like you have t.n.t. strapped to you, as you cross the border.
  23. If you break it, walk it into the back door of Shimano , in Perterborough, and walk out with a new rod. You can't beat that for warranty service,
  24. Ditto!! I grew up not far from Melfort. Every puddle has pike and 'pickerel'. You're in for a real treat.
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