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Everything posted by jim

  1. I like to bonk my leeches and minnows, as well, before impaling them on my hook.
  2. They continue to crawl out of the shallow end, of the gene pool!!
  3. Qubec regs. are only available on line. A real suprise for any one coming to Quebec from other Prov' s or U.S.
  5. While it's true that Eagles,[like wolves and bears] will scavange gut piles etc. , they do hunt their own prey. I've watched them take ducks, loons and fish, at my camp in Quebec. They will also hit our fish gut pile that we maintain on an island nearby. Anyone who hunts moose in noprthern Ontario, can attest to the fact, that there must be many more than 57 nests in Ontario. They are very prevelent.
  6. tHIS YOU MAN WAS THE SON OF A FRIEND OF MINE. HE GREW UP IN OSHAWA, AND WAS WORKING FOR THE SUMMER IN NORTHERN SASK.Kenton Joel Carnegie, 22, maleNovember 8, 2005Prince Albert, Saskatchewan. Carnegie had gone for a walk and didn't return to the surveyors' camp where he was working. His body was found partially consumed in an area known to be frequented by four wolves which regularly fed on human refuse. The pathologist who performed the autopsy, testified Carnegie had lost about 25% to 30% of his body mass in the attack, with the top midsection to the thigh having been partially consumed.[38] Although originally the possibility that the culprit was an American Black Bear was not ruled out, a coroners' jury concluded after a two year inquiry that the attackers had indeed been wolves.[39][40]
  7. We can't get free shipping from Cabelas. Evidently , they have to swim the stuff accross the lake, and that 's really expensive!
  8. My condolences to your family . Your daughter sounds like a very grounded young lady.
  9. Does anyone know where to buy the tool that attaches to a cordless drill, that drives ice anchors in? I believe it's made by Clam, but they won't return my E-mail.
  10. Oh great!! What the hell am I going to do with my VISA bill!!!
  11. Looks Like you're diss'ing Howdy Doody!!! Is that right?
  12. How much did the netters quota change?!
  13. It's PRIVATE PROPERTY Randy.
  14. Hey Fang, learn to tie a nail knot, I have a "tie-fast" knot tyer that I bought on-line. Being able to tie the nail knot directly to your line , makes life very easy!!
  15. try 'Canadiangunnutz' sight.
  16. O.K, I'll come and pick her up!!
  17. A Patterson Iron Remover did it for me. No chemicals or salt. If I remember correctly, they are in Peterborough.
  18. I used to have a Sportspal with 2 chevy astro van seats. I caught bass out of this setup for over 8 yrs. Looked like hell, but comfy as hell!!!!
  19. Good luck Jedi. My nephew is running as well. Sorry I'm not young enough to be that nuts!! All for a good cause. Stay healthy. Oh, the fridge works awsome, thanks!! Jim
  20. Kinda sick !!
  21. It's a fallfish, all over the Kipawa area. They are great pike bait and I've caught them up to 4lbs.!
  22. Some times, ...we need to get a grip!
  23. Forty dollars a pound most places.
  24. The animal was de-clawed, therefore, an escaped pet.
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