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Everything posted by jim

  1. Rib-eye, fish and freeze dried stuff.
  2. Bx*^&ds, M#@%&^*s!!!!!
  3. Lord tunderin', I had to send it on. Still laughin'!!
  4. Geez!! You guys haven't been cutting your grass?!
  5. Just a heads up! Be careful what buttons you push on this petition site, I've got P3TA e-mailing me now!!
  6. Whew!!!!!!!!!!
  7. I agree with Dr. Sal. My first move would be to have your Vet check him out. By 10 yrs. old, stuff starts going wrong[like turning 60 , for men!]. Dogs often act aggressively, when in pain. We had a yellow lab, when I was a kid on the farm. Hell , she used to bite me at least once a week! She never got put down. That being said , I have had to put one of my Labs down after 3 strikes. Great hunter, but couldn't trust him around the kids anymore. Good luck with your issue. I hope everything works out. Putting your buddy down is pretty upsetting.[i cried like a little girl]
  8. O.K, now you've got me started. Gas in Oshawa 1.30 litre. If I drive to Peterborough. it's 1.20 a litre. I'm sorry, but $.10 a litre difference , tells me there is price fixing everywhere. The big boys are going to milk us , like an old cow , as long as they want , because there is noone willing to take them on! That's my rant for now........and I didn't swear!!
  9. Yous' guys are all rong. Duck tape on the outside and tuck tape on the inside [for added strength].
  10. I'm sure your Dad would have wanted you to use it. Cast it, troll it, catch fish. Your Dad will be happy. I own several abu bait casters. I love them, they don't make them like that any more . Somehow, the Chinese haven't figured out, how to build quality into anything . IMHO
  11. Hey Cliff, why don't you tell us how you really feel?!
  12. There's nothing like the feel of cork in my hand. I think it's more sensitive and just feels right!
  13. I used to do the same thing. Do you remember the little pond to the west of Genadier, that had huge gold carp?
  14. Get an 18 yr. old to go with you!
  15. I know it seems overwhelming, but remember, that most of our manufacturing has been sent to China. There are 20,000,000,000 Chinese, who are more than happy , to take every manufacturing job in N.A. The next time you try to by a fishing rod or reel, check to see where it's made. O.K. now i'm started. Sorry. I feel for you Bud, but you have to be greatful for what you have. I don't think that this will ever be the good old days.
  16. Put it on vibrate, and put it in your pocket, where you can feel it.
  17. I own an Eskimo Base camp [3man] looks similar. Weighs 28 lbs. Not fire proof so be careful heating. I'm very happy with my tent. Not much info on the one in the ad, I'd want to know more.
  18. Is this what we call a"metro sexual"? Nae, too far north!!
  19. Is this what we call a"metro sexual"? Nae, too far north!!
  20. x2
  21. SHOOT , one more thing for the bucket list!!
  22. I'm still puckered!!!!
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