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Everything posted by moxie

  1. These fools are like big game farm hunters. Always after easy targets. Wanna see real Zombies? Turn the power off and with it the access to information and selfie opportunities and they'd be reduced to a pee soaked, moaning, whimpering mess.
  2. Bag offers great versatility and flexibility. Also have 2 Special Mate boxes for the hard bodied baits.
  3. Prefer not to elaborate on specifics due to potentially incriminating factors but taxes on hulls and outboards on a private sale? BUHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!
  4. Laughable but thats the world we now live in. The herds of lawyers, like politicians must be thinned out .
  5. Our only hope is that all the huggers have a conference up north somewhere and are eaten by bears while they sleep. They are omnivores after all and munching on meat wads with a vegetative core would suit them fine.
  6. Thinking of those lost keeps their memory alive. As for those that will be left behind, no matter the mood the opportunity to let them know how I feel about them is rarely missed. They'll live theirs knowing I wish them the best and gave what I could. Thinking about it just eats up valuable time. This fire was lit 47 years ago and when its' time it'll burn out whether I like it or not. Bring on the soft water indeed.
  7. I will always try to support the smaller shops but it also has to make sense. I'm not going to spend more in fuel than I'm going to save in merchandise. I also have a bottom line to adhere to.
  8. I love it! Hard work and hard knocks definately paid off. Thanks for sharing.
  9. If every four words I've ever submitted were equal to one post I'd have been there a while ago but thats too easy. Rather substance than substance abuse.
  10. Not all of us are blessed with the same capacity to retain information as you are Bill. Just sayin.
  11. Always breathing man and living fine so far. Lots of hot air here and it has to go somewhere. Too old so little patience or time for small talk unlike yourself it seems. Also too bad your focus is on me instead of the real issues. Have a good one.
  12. Went trolling for Bows and had a great day spent with friends and a few fish. A happy day in fact but just had to respond to this trash. Green? Makes me chuckle when I hear that word. Just another way to fuel guilt for living in the western world. U think countries like China, India and Pakistan give a rats A$$ about being green? We are paying them to manufacture what was once produced here(Which is mostly junk in quality) and dump tonnes of waste into the atmosphere doing it and we're the ones shamed into feeling guilty? Why should we in the western world feel guilty for what we have built and attained? Why should we be penalized for doing our part? That's a form of extortion to me. There are clean ways to incinerate our garbage and generate electricity doing it but we choose to pay to truck it into someone elses backyard. Why? There is clean coal technology that is viable and cost effective but NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! We don't dare .China is choking out its own people with dirty coal that's fine. Which planets' atmosphere do all the brain surgeons among us think that air resides in? Yes we should do everything we can to minimize our footprint going forward but at what expense? Am I to believe we are to go backwards to where developing countries are trying to dig themselves out from? For what reason exactly? The Green movement is just another way to separate us from our money. We treat waste, recycle everything, use those useless cfl bulbs, install energy efficient windows, high efficiency heating and cooling systems, programmable stats, extra blankets, use rechargeable everything. When is enough really enough? Take your solar panels and stick them where the sun doesn't shine, your windmills where the wind only blows outward and let me live my life on my own terms. I don't need nor appreciate some big brained, Quinoa eating, over educated meat wad finding new ways to spend my money. They want to change the world they should sell all they own, pack up and take a solar powered sail boat to the other side of the world and spend the rest of their days showing the real environmental culprits how to live up to their unrealistic expectations.
  13. Who really cares if wind and/or solar are are the way to go? I sure as hell don't. The only reason companies that develop this technology care is because someone else is paying for it but placing the burden of the entire cost of implementation on the shoulders of the people is just plain wrong. Just take a look at how it has affected European countries financially. Where are the money bag ultra rich? Oh, thats right they invested in the technology with the intention of netting a return.
  14. Man it got quiet in here. Exactly as I figured.
  15. Seeking a very specific answer.
  16. Utter insanity. Another example of how stupid humans can be.
  17. Some nasty seas that day. We were there as well and stood by until we heard all of you had been rescued. As has been mentioned without the hull as evidence there is no way to determine hull failure . Glad you and your crew made home that day and wish you the best of luck going forward. If you ever want to fill a seat pm me.
  18. Sinker said: Rice lake is a perfect example. 4-5 years ago, rice was practically void of walleyes. A few good years of recruitment ( due to proper water managment at TSW) and now the lake is one of the best walleye lakes going....likke it used to be. We fish it quite a boy and boy did it ever bounce back quick.
  19. Bill Carroll of Talk 640 is waging a War against Wynne and recruiting people from across the social medias. So hop on your Faceplant and/or Twitter and instead of posting pics of the dump or meal of the day or other nonsensical stuff that no one really cares about other than the one that laid it out there get behind something that will get some real and important attention. I have my own personal war to wage with these idiots and wouldn't want anyone within range to get hit with any scat should it hit the fan. Besides I'm almost certain that for but a few I'd be left hanging in the wind if I needed the help of many to back me up.
  20. whine it up folks and clip and quote articles cause like thats gonna help. Lets move our asses already. We will be too broke to fight back soon enough. What are we gonna do then ? Oh ya, cut and paste more article links and whine a little more I bet. Great plan . Or you can just whine about my comment as usual.
  21. Round up the person(s) responsible for this mess and.......maybe, oh,,,,,,I don't know......like dunk them in water and give them a nudge into one of these fences? The food idea is a great thought but didn't they try or want to try that with the Geese but some group for the ethical treatment of something or other point their fingers while stomp their feet and send that idea to the dumpster?
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