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Everything posted by moxie

  1. Welcome to the board. Great people here that hold a wealth of knowledge and feel free to respond to discussions as all opinions are welcomed . Enjoy your new rig.
  2. What is an overpaid meter maid gonna need an armoured car for? Up to $100,000? Nice babysitting gig eh? Zombies are already here Bill. How many kids and adults are hopped out on one kind of script or another for sometimes real and mostly contrived ailments and illnesses? And the kid on the bus "alone" was more harm to himself than to the steroid laden gym rat(surrounded by 10 more cops) that murdered him.
  3. Nevermind. 9 shots for holding a 3" blade. Cops need training, not an armoured car.
  4. Don't buy the "Were gonna protect you from the Bad Guy" angle. It is all about power and control. Too many sheep are finding holes in the fences. They're afraid to lose it and they should be. Tic, Toc, Tic, Toc............
  5. Naivete don't work no more boys and girls. In case no one has noticed the relative breakdown of societies all over the globe along with the growing disregard for one another, it is real. As the worlds polulation grows and resources are strained to sustain those growing populations it seems our destiny is already mapped out. It is an inevitability. Keep family and friends close and enjoy life for what it is.
  6. Forget local. Wanna make a kick arse impression? O.NOIR. Trust me. If shes in for a second date after that shes a keeper. You'll have a blast as well. http://www.onoir.com/TO/frames.htm Roy's idea is a great one considering you can make a hell of a meal for $50-60. Only one problem. If she takes a liking to you and the feeling isn't mutual she'll know where you live. Good luck Capt.
  7. If there is already a post socket buy the same brand at the height you need whether fixed or adjustable. As far as the actual seat? They come in various colours. I purchased one a few years ago for 20 something dollars and it still serves its purpose. Call local marinas inquire if they carry what is specific to your needs and if they don't they might be able to direct you to somone that does.
  8. hehehe. Always enjoy your subtlties HH. Must of had a brand new set of tires by the looks of it. Whats the term??? A bucket of smashed A-wholes??? Send your e-mails and voice your concerns, disgust and just plain name calling cause its' the only way to keep these thieves on their toes for now. I'm glad more and more people are vocalizing their anger every where I turn these days. Can't wait to see where it leads but I hope we can instill fear in the hearts and minds of those who supposedly have our best intrests at heart. Just wished it would have happened years ago.
  9. Weighs in at approx 1,400lbs as it sits. You should be fine. Like Bill said if something happened and it was enough to shear the bolts, the added safety chains would add is negligible.
  10. Is the reason because the chains are to be aft of the break? Mine are set up the same way. Only difference is it is welded to the trailer where yours is a bolt-on(looks solid none the less).
  11. Blew me away as well. Who knew????? http://i.imgur.com/XaiUx.gif
  12. Caravans, old and new are nitorious for transmission failures but have and still do offer great bang for your buck in the people mover category.
  13. Damn!!! Was gonna curse up and down as I thought they were gonna be pictures of a snowy wonderland. Which is safe to say we've all had enough of. Nice Hooter!! Arrive at work just before sun up Monday, step out of the car to warm up the iron and notice a Great Horned perched on one of the cab grab rails. Majestic birds owls are.
  14. True enough but sometimes it just isn't worth it though.The Sierra dropped both transfer case and tranny within a month last summer and with almost 300,000k it was time to cut my losses before anything else blew up. Good luck Rizz.
  15. Dad introduced me to fishing (from shore)40+ years ago but because of his fear of being on the water I never got to return the favour. Lasting memories for you both. Good for you Bill and some beautiful fish.
  16. I run a 16ft Crestliner s/c(860lbs dry weight) with trailer(500lbs), 50hp 2 str 200lbs),gas(17 Gal=105lbs), oil(6lbs), and all other accessories I estimated a generous 2000lbs so yours is probably at least that. Tranny cooler for sure. Used to tow with an older Caravan(3L Mitsu) years ago. Lots of miles, never overheated but tore up 2 gear boxes.
  17. Forgot about those. Very consistent as well.
  18. Trout or Salmon. Anyone remember that spectacular HD video showing fish breaking water to chase flies during a hatch?

    1. moxie


      Someone posted it here.


    2. TerryC


      I think they were big specks.I will take a look for it.

  19. X2. Didn't even winterize the outboard as I didn't count on the winter we were blessed with....NOT! I keep her in the garage throughout the winter regardless so shes ready to go at a moments notice.
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