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Everything posted by moxie

  1. Thanks for the kind words folks but it was my pleasure. I still get goosebumps and crack a smile whenever I think about that and all the others Ive shared with my boy. Memories have a way making time stand still, don't they? My daughter is next. hehehe. Thanks again. moxie.
  2. WoW! She finished the job. Enjoyed watching. Thanks for sharing that.
  3. SWEET!! He looks like a Gamer. Brings back memories. Me fishing as tackle is being thrown overboard behind my back, one piece at a time. Priceless!!
  4. Ice is sketchy all over that area after the rainfall. Might be a week or better before most areas are safe enough for foot travel. Best to check Quintefishingforums as the locals use the board to share info and such. Good luck and be careful out there. Moxie
  5. It's mid afternoon, late one spring and the Muskie in the lake are starting to tear it up after their spawn. A fishing buddy asks if I want to venture out and have a little fun and I agree. My young lad of 10 asks to join us and so with gear packed and trailer hooked we make the 25 minute trip to the lake. The first spinner hit the water at about 5pm and the ritual began. Cast after cast and cast again. A couple or three fish make it to boat side but the one that would be etched in all our memories would the last one. From the stern a cry of "I GOT ONE" shatters the silence of the evening air. It seems the young lad has hooked a fish. Looking at the familiar thumping of the rod tip and then each other my buddy and I smiled as we knew the Baptism had begun. Just moments into the battle with the young hunter, his quarry decides to show itself and with a short run the beast breaches for its first appearance. Stunned and somewhat in fear at what he'd just witnessed, "SOMEONE TAKE THE ROD!!" escaped from the young hunters lips. The only reply was, "You hooked it, you bring it in". After two more spirited runs the Magnificent beast was at boat side, surrendering momentarily to the young hunters prowess long enough to be measured, weighed , photographed and released into someone else's dreams to one day become a reality. For those of us there and especially this lad it was a First that will Last Forever. Species: Muskellunge Weight: 10 lbs Length: 36 inches To Sally Boy: "FIRSTS LAST FOREVER"
  6. Nice catch. I can taste them now. Can't wait to get out to Simcoe. I don't have the best time management skills I tell ya. Moxie.
  7. Ya. Doesn't look like the mild spell affected SimmyCoe at all. Good on you guys for getting out there and compliments on the ride. I'm chompin at the bit. CMON WHITIES!!!
  8. We were fishing in the reach on 5-7 inches of clear, black ice and if anyone is familiar with the area its a fairly narrow chute and draws quite the current. The run-off from the rain we are supposed to get will compromise the ice to a certain extent but by next weekend, given the below zero predictions I'm willing to bet it will tighten up again. Check as you go and be careful. moxie.
  9. The Bay of Quinte. 8-10 lb fish are hit with regularity. The last fish in the Slide show was 10lbs-14oz. Truly amazing!
  10. I hope this works. These are the possibilities when you blend 6 inches of ice over 20+ feet of water and add a healthy smattering of Great Company. ALL DAY!!! Enjoy. http://s956.photobuc...mview=slideshow Sorry y'all. I'll try to resize and repost the pics.
  11. Nice Welcome guys.Thanks. Glad to be on board and to all a Happy New Year.
  12. Been chasing Scales and fins for what seems like forever and even at my age I figure I still have more to learn. Looking forward to Pillaging and stealing all the info I can and maybe share a few tidbits of my own. Thanks to Roy for unlocking the door and letting me in. Moxie.
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