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Everything posted by moxie

  1. Rated the worst sports team by ESPN. They're a little late to the party though cause except for leaf fans, the rest of us have known that for decades.
  2. Always a treat to read. Thanks for sharing.
  3. Troll till you mark something, stop and drop jigging raps? As others have said avoid fishing them deeper than 30ft due to the bladder issue. After you've caught what you plan to eat of course. Good luck and let us know how you make out.
  4. Good goin'. Only downside of them hitting the rivers is knowing winter is around the corner but thanks for sharing.
  5. Nice one!!! No matter how hard they try we are and always be the superior sex .
  6. Have the day off. Gonna see if we can get a few Smallies to dance with us this afternoon.Good luck if you get out there B
  7. Fishing time is anytime. Have a buddy in Port Hope who has tried to get me out for the fall night bite on Rice for a few years now but life always to seems to get in the way. Thanks for sharing Mike.
  8. I will agree with your point in wishing those who have committed real awful crimes(against other humans) were made to suffer this type of justice considering the farce that is, for the most part the so called justice system. But as long as facts is facts, and there was no disputing this one, have at er'.
  9. Will wear one when I'm fishing alone or on big water otherwise its below deck.
  10. You tryin to scare us all on a Friday Joey?!?!? Supposed to be a beautiful day. Have a good one Y'all.
  11. Must have been quite the trip. With Dad no less.Thanks for sharing.
  12. Its weather and it happens. Big woop.
  13. Sorry for your ;loss and sincere condolences to your family.
  14. I can't see how almost 50 years of "Losing" can generate anything but.
  15. Congratulations and enjoy. Nice looking boat.
  16. Maybe one day someone will club him over his empty head and toss him overboard. Dick!
  17. Very nice. Congratulations and enjoy.
  18. Better when the kids get the better of us. Keeps their interest in the game longer. Thanks for sharing.
  19. Glad to see you got into some. Never fished LB but years ago my parents owned property on UB and as a teen I caught my share of Buckets in the 20+ inch range year over year. Thanks for sharing.
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