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Everything posted by moxie

  1. All brands have their warts. I'd still buy foreign over at least two of the big three anyday.
  2. All good Matt. Ottawa might save itself but lets not get ahead of ourselves on the leafs hopes for next season though. Hopeless is more like it.
  3. Why does everyone assume I'm always angry? I just love how so many of you are so attached to a perennial loser with no return. I was a fan once. I'm just trying to help you fans get past this colossal time killer and move on to more productive pursuits. If anyone needs a hug its' a leaf fan. While wearing a hazmat suit including full breathing apparatus. Whos got a fork? Think its' done now. I crack me up!!!!!
  4. Not even if you paid me would I want to be tied and/or infected with that losing legacy. Nonis and the next dozen saps that follow will keep them on course, near the back of the pack. You (leaf fans) have Tim Losequickly now. He'll turn it around Hey what about Bon Jovi as GM/Coach??? Since you leaf fans keep living on nothing but a prayer anyway at least the author of that little ditty can serenade you all from time to time. There are a few rows behind the bench that most cannot afford and the ones that do refuse to utilize that would be a great spot to set up a small stage where Jonny Boy can work his magic between shifts.
  5. It is comical isn't it? BINGO!!!! hehehe. A couple of puzzle pieces away ......New captain, new coach, new GM, new owners, new building, new scouts, new jerseys, free agent, draft pick, fancy hot dogs, bigger foam fingers, sexy cheerleaders/ice cleanup crew, ceremony before just about every darn game, blah blah blah blah.............whine, cheese, violins, maybe even a harp.....bad calls, bad ice, bad breaks, bad bounce, bad weather, bad economic times and bad vibe and one of my all time favorites; they just plain ran out of games. Duh!!!.... burp, spit, cough, choke, moan and groan...........and through out it all still remain a mediocre team at best in the so called centre of the hockey universe. No wonder every win at any time of the season is cause for celebration yet every year another team in the league wins the coveted cup. Leaf fans have the market cornered when it comes to excuses as to why their team continually fails to succeed. Difficult to feel sorry for them. Guess they deserve the team they have.
  6. Reading comprehension is spot on by the way. This corpse has been festering far longer than that.
  7. hehehe. So now you guys are gonna blame Burke for the ills of this monster? Fans investing good money into a perpetual loser might be a good place to start. Great investment strategy anyway.
  8. True enough Brian. Never been able to figure out how many blows to the head followers must take till they see the light or in this case the lack there of. Maybe not but is he not a fool himself to think he can deal with it here where there are no other distractions? I'm afraid this fool will suffer the same fate as the fools that have gone before him and been summarily destroyed. This ain't hollywood.
  9. Should have quoted you as well. You should know better by now. Maybe they feel since theres a cup under glass just up the road all is good. Difference being no leaf name has left the engravers tool since 67.
  10. 10 years? I thought my math was bad. How many cups in almost a half century?
  11. LUND, as good as they might be has become like Apple. Everybody wants one even though there are other devices as good or better out there. Branding is king I guess. Good luck whatever you choose.
  12. LoL. 213 pages? Blind loyalty. Oh well theres always next year. Right? Hehehe.
  13. Still a viable topic eh? Anyone ever question why its called the "Health Care System"? How many healthy people are there in any given hospital or doctors office? Its a life support system. How often are scripts written for vitamins and/or minerals that have been proven over decades to work in stemming or reversing the negative effects of many illnesses? Exactly. Docs aren't paid for those. Heart and other organ transplants, limb reattachments and other medical advancements......BRILLIANT would be the word I would use when I think of the medical proffession in that sense. Anything other than that, not so much. How many doctor endorsed commercials and marketing campaigns promote health through diet and and nutrition? Why do you and I get sick? We never really ask that do we? We just assume the doctors have the answers. A healthier diet combined with excersise would most certainly keep more of us out of the medical loop longer and therefore reduce wait times, unecessary treatments and the overall burden on any system. wouldn't it? But how much money would the medical conglomerate stand to lose out on if that happened? We can throw all the money we want at it but it isn't goint to make us healthier. Only we can. We are the only ones that can change health care because those firmly intrenched in it don't want it to. They believe their way is the only way and in mant facets of medicine they might be right but if we do everything we possibly can to avoid being sick in the first place wouldn't that help us all ? Health Care? Say it over and over in your head and ask yourself what those words should really mean. Just a thought.
  14. X2 for Central. Kim knows his stuff and a pleasure to deal with.
  15. Sweet fish!! Post the weight. Who cares what anyone says.
  16. Ouch! Hope there are no ill effects.
  17. I also run Swivel-eze 238 series and ordered a matching post for $78+Tx. Used one of the bases from a seat I don't use and afixed it to the butt seat.
  18. It isn't free. 42 cents of every dollar they take from us goes directly into that black hole but Canadians lose their nut when you even mention allowing a shared public/private model that would alieviate some stresses on the system. It might actually help with efficiencies if those on the public side were given some healthy competition and shown how to manage a money tree that will not last an eternity. Trees do eventually fall ill and/or die. We are luckier than most on earth but don't kid yourselves. There are better sysyems out there. We have had countless opportunities over the years to make our system the envy of the planet but have failed simply due to our inability to open our minds to other options and governments inability to just do what is right for all Canadians instead of just counting votes. Edit: forgot to mention. We will go broke if they continue to throw more money at it instead of fixing it.
  19. Love rebuilds and reconstructs. Have fun with it.
  20. Purchased one of these at Princess Auto for a reasonable price but the wood in the bedliner idea works great. If you can get wood in front and behind the rear wheel humps it works great for holding a few bags of salt and sand during winter.
  21. You got that right. Thanks for the update David.
  22. Yup In life can be found death and satire can be found in both. even when it happens closer to home. There is a report button. Use it wisely.
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