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Old Man

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Everything posted by Old Man

  1. Old Man


    This is, unfortunately the truest statement in this thread. Yet there will be all sorts of knee jerk reactions and solutions offered to try and prevent this from ever happening again. The truth we all don't want to deal with, is there's no way of ever preventing violence and cruelty from being inflicted on the innocent. History is full of human atrocities and I unfortunately don't see that changing anywhere in the near future. My heart goes out to the victims, families and all that are effect by this senseless act.
  2. So true. I quit at age 20 for 7 years, a few cigars and I was back into it in no time. When I quit 16 years ago, I went into it with the thought that "I was one puff away from a pack a day". I will never take that one puff ever again.
  3. My winter tires go on the middle of November and come off mid April. Wouldn't operate a vehicle in this part of the country with out them.
  4. Simon, can you go haul your new sled to some other part of the country so we can get some snow here.
  5. Reminds me of a ferry ride I had from Kangaroo Island to Cape Jervis Australia. It was impossible to even walk. Never seen so many sick people in my life.
  6. It was incredibly loud over this way last night. Could hear it inside the house.
  7. For the wife and I, it was the patch. The patch got us through the chemical craving phase, after that it's breaking old habits, that's the hardest part. It's been 16 years now and we can't even imagine ever having smoked. You'll enjoy the freedom when you succeed. Wishing you success. Life is so much better without that monkey on your back.
  8. When fishing for walleye on our lake my order of preference is: 1 - pink 2 - white 3 - yellow 4 - orange 5 - green 1/4 oz generally but will use 3/8 oz as well.
  9. Well I guess they're going to have to come arrest me on multiple counts of DIY brake repair.
  10. Great looking sled Simon. You'll forget all about the purple beast in no time. Hope the wife makes you install those new patio doors before get too busy ice fishing
  11. I live here in Zone 5, and I can honestly say that I haven't met anyone local who targets bass in the winter and not many locals do in the summer either. I'm the rare exception. I love fishing for smallies in the summer. The small amount of bass fishing I have witnessed, is mainly from tourist and lodge boats . IMHO, with the small amount of people who target bass on our area lakes, I doubt that these changes would have that big of impact.
  12. We've had a Restonic Comfort Care Wool Rest Pillow Top for about 10 years now. It's starting to show it's age now, but it's been a great mattress.
  13. All I can say is WOW!!! It's $4.50 a dozen for 3" minnows out here and I think that's outrageous so I trap most of my own. Can't imagine paying $3 a minnow no matter how big they are.
  14. I do the same thing. Marine Grade Stabil in every fill.
  15. Your right Simon. Just looked back through some old photos of 1st days on the ice and most them are dated the end of November. I guess I'm just in denial about winter.
  16. I think you're being a little optimistic Simon, but then again, if you listen to my wife says, I'm wrong quite often.
  17. Not sure if it's here to stay yet Simon. we're warming up quite a bit starting Sunday. Tonight -2°C 40% Thu -6°C* 40% Fri -2°C -10°C Sat 2°C -4°C Sun 5°C 0°C Mon 3°C 0°C Tue 2°C 0°C 30%
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