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Old Man

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Everything posted by Old Man

  1. Personally, I'd say anywhere on the Brightsands River system would be my choice.
  2. Spent the day down by the lake working on our tans.
  3. This may cover some of your questions or point you in the right direction. Crown Land Regulations
  4. Renewed ours online last year and it was easy and we received our new Outdoor card and 3 year license with in 3 weeks. No problems here.
  5. I don't think you can go wrong with either brand. As far as the HP question, you said this rig was for fishing small lakes. I personally would stick with the 15 hp, it's not like your going to be traveling long distances on these lakes. Around here, launching on some of our small lakes, the lighter the rig the better. IMHO
  6. In June and July we fish the shallow bays of our lake pitching Hot n Tots for smallmouth. We catch a lot of nice smallies, but also pile of good size walleye and of course huge northerns and muskie at the same time. We usually wear the color off a Hot n Tot in a few days or loose a few each year to bite offs from huge northerns and muskies. My biggest muskie 46" I caught was on a flame red early one evening while fishing for smallies. Hooked him by the corner of the mouth and spent 15 to 20 minutes to land him
  7. So many variables. How old is the trailer/or bearings in the trailer? How far do you trailer each year? Does it have Bearing Buddies? No hard and fast rule. I've never touched the bearing in my 5 year old Shorelander, but then again it doesn't have go to far and it is equipped bearing buddies. Any decent bearing house should be able to supply you with everything you need. The question is, do you need it? If in doubt change them for piece of mind. I do like Roy's suggestion of a complete spare hub.
  8. A little redone Neil. I like it. Must have missed it the 1st time around.
  9. Yes, he's stayed true to himself. At 13 albums (9 solo / 4 collaborations) over the last 30 years, he may not be the most prolific (nor does he have to be) but he's always delivered quality.
  10. 2X on the Hot n Tot for smallmouth. The wife I go through a few of the perch and the flame reds every year.
  11. Wow, the most intelligent and well thought out reply I've ever seen on this forum. Two thumbs up from me. The left leaning members do love to push the panic button at everything around here.

  12. Between your 3 and what Joeytier posted, that covers 90% of my fishing needs. Maybe only a little variation is some of the colors.
  13. Throw some O2 sensors into the mix as well and exhaust work and parts can add up quickly. Fish4Eyes also makes a good point. If there is some issues with the engine like a bad coil on a cylinder or pre-converter O2 sensors, your new converters won't last long.
  14. Yes. I apologize to the OP for the highjacking.
  15. My brother over in Manchester has told me about catching "Garfish" over there. Bloody ugly fish IMO. Apparently the bones in them are green in colour. Have you ever tried eating one Simon?
  16. That's the main reason why over 250 years ago, Linnaeus proposed and developed a system of taxonomy for plants and animals that is the basis for our modern day system. Latin was chosen because it is considered a dead language and thus not prey to any changes in meaning or interpretations.
  17. In American English the name gar (or garpike) is strictly applied to members of the Lepisosteidae , a family including seven living species of fish in two genera that inhabit fresh, brackish, and occasionally marine, waters of eastern North America, Central America, and the Caribbean islands. That's the problem with common names, everyone thinks theirs is the only correct one. The only real names are, depending on the species: Lepisosteus oculatus Winchell, 1864 (Spotted gar) Lepisosteus osseus (Linnaeus, 1758) (Longnose gar) Lepisosteus platostomus Rafinesque, 1820 (Shortnose gar) Lepisosteus platyrhincus DeKay, 1842 (Florida gar)
  18. Three things I can't abide, mullets, bad dentistry and poachers.
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