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Old Man

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Everything posted by Old Man

  1. I think you're being a little optimistic Simon, but then again, if you listen to my wife says, I'm wrong quite often.
  2. Not sure if it's here to stay yet Simon. we're warming up quite a bit starting Sunday. Tonight -2°C 40% Thu -6°C* 40% Fri -2°C -10°C Sat 2°C -4°C Sun 5°C 0°C Mon 3°C 0°C Tue 2°C 0°C 30%
  3. That will be a big improvement over your old sled Simon. Less likely to get extremely wet with that one "The only thing that is worrying me is no pull start..." That would be my only concern as well, knowing the out of the way places some of us get to. I've never tried to manually start a cold 4 stroke, so not to sure if it should be a concern or not.
  4. MIG or Stick? Most 110 welders will do light duty work, but if you're use to a good 220, you'll think it sucks.
  5. Missed the point again
  6. The comment was meant to display that people are tired of these labour disputes in the NHL. But I guess some people are touchy about it.
  7. This poll needs a "Do you care?" option.
  8. Well said Jigger
  9. Same over this side Simon. A couple of windy days always seems to slow the bite down over here as well.
  10. Another one of my childhood hero's has passed. Rest in peace Neil. Neil Armstrong
  11. Give this a try. Canada Map Sales
  12. Dissolved Hydrogen Sulfide gas in deep wells is common, that's where your rotten egg smell originates from. The iron staining could be high iron content or iron bacteria in your well. A shock chlorination with 10% Sodium Hypochloride will take care of any iron bacteria problems. Google "shock chlorination of well" and you'll find a lot of information on the process. There are many different options for iron mineral removal. The addition of a manganese green sand filter to the system is one of them. Your best bet is to get the water fully tested and then consult a water treatment specialist.
  13. The thing is, that out of that 1 million + people, the majority of them engage in hunting, fishing, camping etc. Also, Saskatoon is a major staging point for the North Saskatchewan fly in Lodges and sees a lot of traffic headed north. Add to this the booming economy of Saskatchewan and it's not hard to see why Cabela's chose Saskatoon for their second store. Plus the only serious competion in town was Wholesale Sports. I was in the Saskatoon store at Preston Crossing on a Wednesday afternoon last month and it was packed.
  14. Here's some detailed info as to what's happening to your Colorado Blue Spruce. Spruce Budworm (Choristoneura fumiferana) The spruce budworm is a destructive forest pest which sometimes attacks shade trees. It prefers balsam fir and white spruce, but also injures red, black, Norway, Engelmann, and blue spruces, hemlock, and larch. The adults are dull-grey moths with the forewings overlaid with spots of brown. They are in flight in July or early August and deposit masses of overlapping eggs on the underside of needles near the periphery of the crown. The larvae hibernate without feeding in the autumn. They become active in the spring, generally two weeks before the bursting of the buds of balsam fir. The new buds of staminate flowers are attacked first, if present, otherwise the larvae mine into the old needles before moving to the ends of the branches and boring into the expanding vegetative buds. When half-grown, the larvae tie the tips of two or more twigs together with silk, forming a small nest. The larvae are brown with a yellowish stripe laterally, and light spots on the back. Feeding is completed by the end of June and pupation takes place among the loose webs on the twigs. There is only one generation per year. The beauty of infested trees is temporarily spoiled because as the needles dry they turn brownish. Heavy feeding results in stunted growth, especially in the tops, and tree death. CONTROL • Spray the foliage when the caterpillars are actively feeding from mid-May to mid-June. Use dimethoate, malathion, carbaryl, B.t., or acephate. • Do not use Malathion on blue spruce.
  15. Before replacing the offending relay (It will be the one with the green wire running to it). Try unplugging it and spraying the connectors with electrical parts cleaner. Plug them back in and give it a try. A small amount of moisture and/or corrosion in the connectors can cause a relay to malfunction.
  16. Run out and buy a size 0 Dipsy Diver and run it on your med heavy rod with your 20lb Suffix 832. Make up a 2 to 3 Ft 20lb mono leader to run from the Dipsy Diver to the spoon (hammered gold or silver if you have one). This set up works great this time of the year on the small trout lakes in our area.
  17. These, with about a 2 foot long mono leader between them and trolled fairly fast
  18. From looking at the hips, I'd say it maybe lab/greyhound but there's no way of knowing for sure just from the looks. Lab/doberman would be my second guess.
  19. I like the splitting and stacking a few cords of wood suggestion. Always work on me as a kid.
  20. Out of the many I've owned, this is my favorite. My link
  21. Could also be a bad coil on one cylinder.
  22. Happy Birthday. Have a good one.
  23. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KqZ95a249p0
  24. I do the drive from Dryden to London at least 2 times a year. We usually take the North Shore route, but that's usually in the fall and winter during the off season. At the time of year your going, I'd recommend crossing a Sarnia/Port Hope, heading up towards Makinaw and then head west along the South Shore. The only draw back is they're just state hwys, not interstates and you do have to slow down a a lot of small towns along the way, but time wise it's no longer then the North Shore. If you leave a good time and don't mind putting in a long day, you shouldn't have a problem making Duluth your over night stop. After that, you'd cross back into Canada at International Falls/Fort Frances and head up 71 to 17 and then 17 west to Kenora. Remember bridge tolls at Blue Water Bridge, Makinaw Bridge and even the little bridge at International Falls. International Falls will charge you $6 US to cross the small bridge near the mill.
  25. The little trout lake I'm thinking about is just a little south east of the Goon. Most places out here are great place to get away from humanity. That's why I love it so much.
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