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Mike the Pike

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Everything posted by Mike the Pike

  1. Wow I didn't know your daughter had Crones . So young to have all that. Good to hear she will get back on track. Now the shot of you with those puke bowls well my pepsi just about came out my nostroles lol. Best wishes to you and your family let the healing begin. MTP
  2. What a diehard
  3. Nice report Wayne and cousin Dan looks like he is back to good health after that bout with pneumonia. Funny another Camera and Cliff still looks like short little Tatoo from fantasy Island holding Dinky
  4. Wow looks like a great day folks alot of great pics . Now Cliff I knew you could catch fish on the ice .Not having an ice hut kept you from smootchin with Bly Congrats on your first ice Hole Catch. I have to say one thing about the pic of you with your first ever fish caught through the ice. The pic some how makes you look like a dwarf your hands look really tiny and then the tongue look on your face it all came to me.You look like Tatoo from Fantasy Island Boss the Perch the Perch
  5. Nice Boq Report HH.Very nice sized fish. What are the red spots on the walleyes?I caught the same kind of walleye in the spring the ones with Red spots went back in the drink. Can anyone explain this
  6. OK Terry I don't get it coming from the guy who showed me how to put my camera on lanyard kept inside my survival suit it has never frozen up since.Could it be the windchill from the sleds and quad?
  7. Wow that was good mind blowing dude
  8. Hurry up and send the report Billy common a warm florida bass report
  9. I was in chat when your brother was supposed to be in chat made lots of noise but could not wake up his sleepy a s s
  10. Nice to see them in first place in their devision Darren.It would be nice to go another Stanley Cup parade but thats a long shot.Better than last year.Go Habs Go
  11. Ya I am a witness to Shawn's stuff man he sure has alot of lures.He had to show me his classic boat now me I had to buy one like him.Like Shawn I will always try and buy the new and latest gadget.MTP
  12. Wow with most places being safe this time of year I guess the rivers can be risky with moving currents. Hope things become safer.
  13. Ah the pick up can't wait until I will purchase one .For now I will ride out the next few years in a minivan. Although I have had success with Honda Products I can't say I would jump at a Honda Ridgeline and I know the motor is very reliable because I have the same motor in my Honda Odyssey. All that money for a 4 1/2 foot box now Toyota has an awesome look and the right size box with its Tacoma. I will probably buy used and I find I can purchase alot more truck for a great price from Ford and I need the roomier cab for my 3 kids .My Minivan actually can carry more than the ridgeline especially when the back seat is folded down in the floor. A 2 or 3 year old loaded F-150 sells for about the same price as a used Tacoma or Ridgeline.I would consider a Honda if only they had a real pickup box.Now you Ford bashers check out this link on the page the Ford Ranger Pick up made the top ten list for most reliable vehicles on MSN.So in the 30 000 price range the Ranger would be a good purchase.IF one purchases the F-150 with the small V8 4.6 litre they will find a V8 that uses as much as a V6 the 5.4 litre is a thirsty motor. My turn in a few years as long as gas doesn't hit $2 per litre. Visit My Website This is the link to MSN top 10 reliable cars Not my website.
  14. As usual always enjoy the annual trip at your cottage and this year you caught a real beauty of a Laker Did Ron have 4 wheel drive or did he manage to ride through your tracks? MTP
  15. Thanks for all the kind words folks and Taper don't put it off it was worth every freezing moment Winter is not so bad. MTP
  16. Well all I can say is affordable but you get what you pay for.They make CRAP I have purchased a few rod and reel combos for the kids 1 out of 3 functions the other 2 are toast worn out from pan fishing off the docs. I also bought a Rino reel used it a few times and the gears were finished .I will never buy a Zebco product again. great story Spiel I did appreciate the read its too bad they don't turn out a product that can last. Absolutely Junk
  17. I went to work hopefully the Quebec government will give us this holiday soon.
  18. Now that was funny .Dano good one
  19. Nice report Bernie how come you are the only one with walleye pics.
  20. Lew I use 20lb mono for my Offshore boards. 30 lb braid(Stren Super braid) on church tackle boards. As fishin devil has said in the past you can change the clips on the offshore boards to accomadate the braid. Mike
  21. Nice report. Try this let someone else use your new things and you never know 2nd time around things should be OK Can I borrow..........................
  22. Super pics thanks for posting always nice to see the way Europe looks
  23. One of my customers goes twice a year.He has faith in many Rapalas.Very big and small. You see the should tarpen he lands Have a great trip .Looking forward to the pics.
  24. I wanted to bring it on the ice Rizzo but the wife would have none of that.Oh well at least my Buddy gave me a Pike on a silver platter today
  25. Be safe Dog just walk around with the boat anchor you should stay on ground although you may look like the flyin Redneck. See what your missin up here.
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