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Mike the Pike

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Everything posted by Mike the Pike

  1. Enjoyed that one so Funny.
  2. Nice report Steve .Great pics nice of you to volunteer.
  3. Wow Cliff you really have alot of snow. My wife has been taking pics all day .I will have the before and After shots. Shawn I don't dig out I have a snowblower for that chore.I think the water levels will be slightly elevated this year.
  4. Can't see you drivin this truck Bubba unless you are sitting on the Yellow pages trying to see over the dash of yer yella truck. I can see the Tracker Danglin in the back while you zip down the highway not touchin the ground. You could back up over Bozo#1 and 2 at the boat ramp.
  5. Honda Odyssey .Reliable that is what I have to say. Mine is a 2000 EX very satisfied with it 135 000 kms and keeps on ticking . Only changed the front shocks due to Quebec 's crappy roads. Regular Maintenance and I had to change the timing belt at 100 000k My Buddy had an Astro it is a good truck but man it loves to consume fuel. With 210hp I pull a double axle tent trailer with ease and it weighs 2614 lbs empty alot more when the wife makes me bring those things we don't need You don't need a truck to pull a 1600 pound boat .I don't even feel my boat behind my van . Most V6 minivans will pull your boat .Too bad they don't make the GM Safari and Astro anymore. I will tell you this my next Van will be a Honda .
  6. Trans canada highway between Montreal and Quebec city many vehicles reported stranded or off the road including 4 police cars. It has become search and rescue. Hey Gerritt look on the bright side if you have no water just open some beer Fun Fun Fun
  7. Bloody nice Pike What no one caught a bike today
  8. How could I leave all this great fresh water fishin for the US .No No No catching wall-ice has its price. No moving to Alabanana for me.You can keep your Hurricanes,Tornadoes and earthquakes. Besides I couldn't take all those Bozo's at the local Alabanana boat launches
  9. Wow what a snow storm here in Montreal. Has it hit Ontario with a bang also. Our lights keep on flickering we could be without power soon. We are getting buried.With high gusting winds visibelity is Zero on all highways.Hydro Quebec reporting many power outages. Lets be careful out there
  10. Looking good Glen nice looking slabs For a change your winshield is wet not your pants
  11. WTG Joey and Paul nice looking bunch of fish and you both look so happy. Now don't forget the Gaff next time it prevents wet arm
  12. Fine lookin day guys looking very white eh
  13. Dan is it a european Zander.Similar to our North American Walleye.
  14. This is what you wrote Wayne. an 23 2008, 10:26 AM Post #9 Imperial Angler Group Icon Group: Members Posts: 10,445 Joined: 14-November 06 From: Penetanguishene/Temagami Member No.: 6 All I can tell you Mike is that you were sitting in the safest spot in the plane! When they break in half on landing..right behind the wing... you can run out thru the new gapping exit ! I was wrong you did say it was the safest place to sit it was the gapping exit that will go through my mind on my next flight
  15. So I was sitting in the right place on my flight in January Wayne.Now thats not what you said in January
  16. How could Sonny not be doing well . When I met him he was doing very very well. Nice Hut Sonny.I know when Jen is not around you do well
  17. See it for yourself tonight it will be on Discovery channel at 11PM and I think 7am wednesday. It looks pretty solid
  18. Wow rough looking ice .How did you get through the must of needed extentions. Now Paul take a look at that wind wall.A really long Tarpis Maximus
  19. Nice Pike Did you weigh her or just sent her back down the hole quickly
  20. Roy your getting too old to shovel 25 more cms.enough is enough
  21. Looks like a good time sheesh satelite TV in the middle of nowhere. I know you didn't catch fish cause it looks like you peed in the first hold you drilled
  22. Absolutely fullfilling report young man.Wow and Wow. Man that took hours to prepare and it is very much appreciated I really enjoyed the videos of the Pike snackin on the minnows. Looking forward to the next report MTP
  23. Mild here now Wayne more freezing rain coming wednesday morning and then more snow 15cms. come saturday more snow . No signs of spring here
  24. Well thanks for your help folks .I have just purchased a nice reel from one of our members this will be for my son. I will be looking at some of those nice reels that some of you have suggested. hopefully this year will be the year I will boat my first muskie. MTP
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