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Mike the Pike

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Everything posted by Mike the Pike

  1. For me it started in 2005 I went ot Quinte for the first time out of 3 boats mine was the one that caught Pike and Pike and Pike while I watched my buddies fillet walleyes and me well there was pike and more pike.So that weekend my buddies called me Mike the Pike. Previous years I caught lots of pike and yes I ate others Walleye.Last year one of my customers called me Mike the Pike.I had joined another board and used Mike the Pike as my board name .Last November cousin Percher told me about this wonderful site and I continued with Mike the Pike.I have never caught a Pike bigger than 8lbs but man I have caught alot of hammer handles in the 3 to 4 pound range.So thats it I am Mike the Pike.
  2. Hey Shelley great report glad to see you guys getting into the fish .. I always love the pics of Bigchev the hat and the beard are Lengendary lol. Thanks for the excellent report
  3. Thanks Pike Hunter some good laughs and Gerritt that video was so funny
  4. WTG Pete you just freed up some $$$$$$$$$$$$ so don't spend it all on fishin stuff
  5. OK Bernie I have to ask this question and I don't know the answer.Honda does not make a 175hp but if they did would the gas mileage on your current boat improve.I know your max hp is 175 for your boat.Could it be that the 130hp was forcing too much?
  6. Welcome back and don't forget the pics
  7. WTG Bubba .You see hanging out with us canadians preps you for the cold temps in Bama .You experienced water that cold in November.What a way to avoid the sea doos.Don't you miss your BOZO friends(the ones that tie you up at the launch and try and fill their boat) at this time of year. Oh and I know someone else took those pics cause they are so clear and in great focus
  8. Well thanks Sinker for helping me with those pics .I was really hoping to get a glimse of Simcoe I guess the pilot changed his course or perhaps I was on the wrong side of the plane eventhough Wayne said I was in a safe place lol.
  9. I went to Toronto Saturday for my annual sales meeting just got back last night. Before we took off in Montreal the Captain mentioned we would be flying over lake Simcoe on our approach to Pearson International Airport. Please tell me which bodies of water these lakes and rivers are. #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 Yes I know this one the CN Tower. I stayed at the Stagewest Hotel in Mississauga a very nice place to stay. Just like last year we took in another great show called 70's fever. What a show many great old tunes from the 70's like the Bee Gees Rod Stewart and even a quick visit from the band Kiss .I think the highlight of the show was when a young lady came dressed and sang like Tina Turner belting out the famous song Proud Mary.She stole the show.So Cool!!!!!!!!!! If anyone has a chance check out the show.The food was very good and the show is worth every penny. I was on the lookout for Trackers hut but I think he built it too small Well hopefully I can get back to fishing this weekend. Mike the Pike.
  10. Here is my Winter protection. Oh and my hut comes with this Mascot he puts on your minnows and cleans all the fish
  11. I have the exact same shelter and it is a great bang for the buck light weight to pull.I recommend for fisherman who walk out on the ice. Thanks for helping others Lew. MTP
  12. OK I get it now ya I 've seen the very camera happy tourists in Alberta.
  13. Another great report bud .Nice work on the cottage and Garage.I will go there one day. MTP
  14. Where is Lake Louis Wayne?
  15. I don't think you can get a hold Of Dave the owner at this time of year he is in Florida most of the winter.If you send an email they will respond. Its a pretty good campground and you are right on the prime fishing grounds.Always take a boat slip with bow facing the waves .I am reserved for the long weekend in May let me know when you will be there. Here are some pics of Mohawkbay Trailer Park.
  16. Picked this up Goober in October at BPS for around $5.99 works well after 10 flashes.Its pretty fast.
  17. Thanks for those pics Dave now I know what the launch looks like at the ferry.Didn't know there was a launch at sherman's. Yes Shawn won't be long.
  18. Thanks for the laugh Mike
  19. Wow great news Mike I was wondering where you went to.Congrats on your first child Great to have a sone my 2 Daughters 11 and 13 have given up on fishing So glad we made my boy during the ice storm in 98.What would I do without him he loves fishing more than me.
  20. Thats just a southern opinion for those who don't like the cold .And I know that was aimed at me. Great looking ride IPS is amazing so much less drag.
  21. you should PM TJ Quesnel he lives up there so he would know for sure. MTP
  22. wow so cool throw in some small fish until it freezes and we know you didn't pay a $100 bucks cause of employee discounts You should pratice sitting out on the ice in a chair with Bly this may help you endure ice fishin Looks good Cliff if we have a G2G hockey game like roy has suggested it would be the perfect size for Papa Smurf Little girls and bathrooms I know it all so well.
  23. Cool report love the pics of the sharks.Love to be there but believe it or not I want the weather to get very cold so I can go ice fishin
  24. Danbo the Cuda 128 is 60 bucks and the 168 is $110 on sale.The number represents the mega pixels.2 of my friends haver the Cuda 168 on their 12 foot boats works very well.Both good deals for a small budget.
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