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Everything posted by Beans

  1. Nice job on the shoal carp you two... Cph managed a 20 pounder of the common type today but I am now 0 for the past 5 trips... Might have to invest in a bow and arrow for when they come into the shoreline to feed on the corn we put out for the ducks...saw five at once around 10:00 AM...
  2. Lorne...Let me be the first to welcome you to the wonderful world of OFC... Lots of dedicated carpers here that you probably already know under a different name on CAG... Maybe post an introduction when you have a chance...
  3. Hmmm...be interesting trying to unhook an angry 20 pound common or shoal carp... Think I'll hang on to my hemostats...
  4. That's great news as Carp point has stopped producing for CPH and me... Looking forward to fishing with the Brit et all one of these days soon... Can you PM me the dates he will be at Peterpatch... Glad to hear your eye is feeling better...
  5. While picking up a litre of Sta-Bil at CTC I noticed they now have a new marine type that offsets the effects of ethanol... I need the regular type for several different gas cans besides my outboard motor so I didn't purchase any... Warning:...it is about twice the price of regular Sta-bil...
  6. Like you Bob, I was told about 10 years ago that I would probably need an operation sometime before my opthamalogist retires...he was in his mid thirties then and I was 62...I have a checkup annually because of my type two diabetes but no word of an operation yet...my guess is that I will croak before he retires so I don't even think about it...but...I sure don't want to go through what my pal Photoz is suffering...Sheeeesh...
  7. Brian old buddy pal of mine... STOP PUTTING THEM IN YOUR MOUTH AND DON"T GIVE INTO THE CRAVINGS !!! Simple eh?...You notice I didn't say it was easy but if you really want to quit you will succeed... BTW...Congrats on the weight loss...now I got three good examples to look up to...
  8. Sorry to hear of your loss... Maybe a trip up north to visit Dan and Sis is in order...
  9. I'm in the same position and have become a ''fair-weather'' fisherman mainly because of only having a 4.5 HP Mercury motor on the "Tin" which makes getting off the lake a bit iffy at times even though I don't usually travell too far afield... Mind you I have had the use of Motv8tr's boat at my disposal for the past two weeks but as mentioned the weather has been the pitts... Hoping to give it a shot this morning after running into town for some lag bolts for the dock...
  10. Sorry Maribeth couldn't stay to help brighten up the picture even more... Here was a familiar sight at the dock...CCMT and Andy waiting to help Sydney land a fish... Thanks again for having us Mr and Mrs. B.
  11. I got mine...There's a difference ???
  12. And everyone a worthwhile read... Congrats my friend...
  13. Short walk or take a nap hmmmm...decisions, decisions... Take a nap...it is pouring rain again...
  14. Welcome Mr Follow... So you likes to fish for them shoal carps eh? Me, I likes the common type...
  15. Cripes !...I agree with the Dawg... I hope I don't have to listen to that down on Big Cliff's Dock on Saturday... The noise will scare all the carp away !!! Just kidding Cliff...nice job on the tunes...
  16. Do you think maybe the fishing Gods were watching the day you guys helped me reposition my dock...??? Good Karma and all that kind of stuff... Thanks again guys and nice catches...You're on fire this year !!!
  17. Why not go through the locks before the evening close and camp on the Balsam Lake side overnight... We see lots of campers at the Bobcaygeon Locks...
  18. Yep...where thousands wouldn't...we believe you... A fellow member always sez...If'n you don't get it in the boat...it's just another fish'n story... Hmmm...I wonder who sez that ???
  19. Last years (2007) news...Why dig it up ? It was determined that the Koi Herpes Virus infected the carp and left them in a weakened condition so that the columnerus (sp) bacteria finished them off... This years outbreak appears to be in the waters that weren't affected last year... Good news bad news: Good news...those carp that survived last year's outbreak (younger, smaller carp) seem to have developed an immunity to the virus... Bad news...the carp that survived and were tested this year seem to be carriers of the virus... This info I got from a local bait and tackle dealer as told to him by a MNR official... The columnerus (sp) bacteria is in the water all the time and will infect any species of fish if it is in a weakened condition or has open sores...
  20. Geeeze...is this a long weekend ??? When you are retired every day is a long weekend... I never told you I was a nice guy...
  21. Say "Hi" to Leslie and Kevin from the gang at OFC for us...
  22. Where's our resident rivet expert Wayne ???
  23. I was wonderin' what all the fuss was about with the Gulp Alive containers leaking??? Maureen bought two containers of different size minnows and neither one leaked even after being knocked off the dashboard and sitting upside down overnight... After taking a good look and shaking the container to check for leakage I noticed we didn't peel the inner seal off all the way ...just tore it back halfways and put it back in place before replacing the lid... Don't know why they couldn't insert a rubber ring on the inside of the lid like on a Mason jar...
  24. I had a doozy of a fight with one yesterday...he sounded my buzzer real good but when I shut off the "free spool" and lifted it was gone ...as I started to reel fast to avoid the rocks he must have came in with my bait and was still on... Now he is trying to chase a house boat down the channel and is pulling drag real good...finally he swings around past the dreaded zebra encrusted rocks to the right and is headed to the dam but I got him turned around and heading in...Crappieperchhunter was at the ready with his foreceps to do the unhooking thing when he hollers at me..."you got him hooked near the tail" ...I guess when the hooked pulled out of its mouth I must have snagged him...anyways he got loose at the shoreline which saved us the bother of unhooking... Talk about grabbing a tiger by the tail !!! ...Try pulling one in backwards
  25. Paul and I were discussing our aches and pains via e-mail a couple of weeks ago... I try to keep him on my forwarding jokes list just to keep in touch...
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